Comm2A, SAF, GOAL and FPC file against Baker admin on shop closures

If you were able to go back to a transcript of the hearing, you'd notice the judge saying that he's going to approach the TRO only from the perspective of individual rights regarding the 2A and he would not at this time be dealing with the retailer's rights. In light of the prefacing comments at the start of the hearing, much of the rest makes sense how it unfolded. That ammo purchases are much like buying a bottle of liquor was mentioned - unfortunately he seemed to not care or ignored that line of argument.
Oh my! That sounds like they're refusing service based on an illness... or is it... a disability? XD

The judge actually amended the order shortly after this:

This is the new language:

Posting signs at all entrance points: 1. informing customers that the business is operating on an appointment only basis with instructions for making appointments; and 2. requesting customers who have symptoms of COVID-19 not enter the premises;

They are not required to take any action beyond posting signage.
I know right, people flipping out like this is permanent, for all we know baker could open things up full go next month. would people rather have gone almost 2 months with out gun shops? or work with what we got now
Do you honestly, deep down in your heart and soul, believe that Faker and Heil Healy , are going to let any gun shops, ranges, or anything else 2A related, go full open in a month, 2 months, whenever, because he knows "it's the right time" ? They are going to keep their thumbs on everyone , until Comm 2A, GOAL, and the Fed Court knock them back again. Paul.
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Defendants have never shopped at Four Seasons unless it was at off hours during the week.
Defendants were not looking for a solution; they were looking to keep as much territory as they could. If they wanted an actual solution they could have sat down with the pro-gun owner groups and worked out safety protocols. Their view of "safety protcols" is "the only safe gun sale is one made to a public servant".
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Defendants were not looking for a solution; they were looking to keep as much territory as they could. If they wanted an actual solution they could have sat down with the pro-gun owner groups and worked out safety protocols. There view of "safety protcols" is "the only safe gun sale is one made to a public servant".

Rob, while no one appreciates your commentary more than me, it is Friday. Lighten up and have a beer. My comment was meant as joke to bring some levity to the discussion.
Please for the love of God let's not have any posts on here along the lines of ..
"Hey , I was at Whistling Willy's gun emporium yesterday and they found a work around and are doing X,Y,Z . F you Maura "
I would hope that the Mods would delete and pee pee slap the offending dumbass .
Fight club rules should apply .
Let's not go one step forward and six steps back.
Maura's minions, the press and possibly some anti health agents are salivating like Pavlov's dogs for the chance to bone this.
Oh, they are going to open. But they received this info from their town who told them they were confirming with the state whether they can open or not.

It just blows my mind that the state is going to appeal this ruling while starting to open other stuff like flower shops and golf. It doesn't SURPRISE me, it's still just amazing how these people don't see how stupid they look.
I am curious about your signature "When democracy turns to tyranny the armed citizen still has a vote"

Pure democracy is tyranny of the 51%. I will admit to doing a quick search of the above quote verbatim, but did not get any good hits.

When the republic falls to pure democracy the armed individual still has a vote.
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Do you honestly, deep down in your heart and soul, believe that Faker and Heil Healy , are going to let any gun shops, ranges, or anything else 2A related, go full open in a month, 2 months, whenever, because he knows "it's the right time" ? They are going to keep their thumbs on everyone , until Comm 2A, GOAL, and the Fed Court knock them back again. Paul.

Not this^. Baker has nothing to do with this. He said before that he'll agree to whatever the AG does.

Maura hadn't uploaded his approved talking points into his memory port yet.

This^ Maura is driving the bus on this issue and if anyone thinks otherwise, I've got a bridge to sell you!
What should be comical will be when the "Pro 2A" political hacks who left us completely with our collective asses hanging in the breeze without so much as a f*cking peep come sucking around clubs , stores and ranges looking for votes.

Give them ANYTHING other than a GFYS and you are part of the problem and why we are where we are right now.

And for the Fudds who stand by and stay silent because "They aren't coming for my shotgun" How's that trap league going right about now?
Don't worry you might be back at it by September , maybe , or maybe not.

Like Chris Kyle said to the young marine in American sniper , "If I don't see you down there, don't let me see you again."
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I listened to this lady for well over an hour. She's not good at her job. Good lawyers should be able to argue both sides of the argument, but with her it was like she couldn't even anticipate the gaping holes in her own argument and different possible angles of attack.

When you've got nothing, and you're in front of a sharp judge, you don't push harder and try to obfuscate and hope the judge doesn't notice. And if the judge asks a question, you don't try to dodge it because the answer hurts your case. The judge is going to get the answer, the only question is how foolish and desperate you're going to make yourself look before he does.
Was she the one who brought up Glocks?
What should be comical will be when the "Pro 2A" political hacks who left us completely with our collective asses hanging in the breeze without so much as a f*cking peep come sucking around clubs , stores and ranges looking for votes.

Give them ANYTHING other than a GFYS and you are part of the problem and why we are where we are right now.

And for the Fudds who stand by and stay silent because "They aren't coming for my shotgun" How's that trap league going right about now?
Don't worry you might be back at it by September , maybe , or maybe not.

Like Chris Kyle said to the young marine in American sniper , "If I don't see you down there, don't let me see you again."

I will stand behind Rep, Dean Tran-R all day long. And I've literally stood out all day on election day with a sign regardless of weather for Dean 4 times now. Not nearly anyone I would do that for at 66. A while back the press tried to smear Tran about campaign improprieties by his staff, which is bull. The Dems are touting a new Dem candidate from Lunenburg to replace Steven Hay-D, who never backed 2A at ALL, who is retiring after "earning all his extra perks".
I imagine the gun clubs will see the new candidate and false promises. Probably another Seth Moulton.
(c) I'm not sure where the gunshop owner gets info other than speculation. Comm2A has not had gun shop briefings on the internals of the case,

It's kind of vague from the post what exactly the LGS heard from the town. It also lacks specificity, like who from the town? What specific name and agency from the state? What exactly was said? "We are expecting an appeal" or "The office of the AGs office has notified us they are preparing an appeal?". People fill in all sorts of blanks. This is exactly the type of "I heard" that should be viewed with a dose of skepticism.

I have followed up on one situation where I actually saw the written info from the state on the club range closures and it was substantially different from what was being presented "as fact" by "those that had heard".

Where did they get the info to close in the first place?

THIS should be a part of the new, final order. It should require a public announcement by the governor, instructing local officials and shops at the same time. This should also require a letter be sent to all local officials (police, health, management) and shops with the same info.
Welp, I put up my required signage

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