Comm2A, SAF, GOAL and FPC file against Baker admin on shop closures

In light of this thread:

1) Get off your ass, buy a completed upper, a lower parts kit, an 80% lower and ammo from Target Sports.

1.25-HP Variable Speed Fixed Corded Router

2) Don’t play that lesser of two evils anymore. Faker intentionally, willfully and with malice, boned many businesses and you with the intent to deprive you of your rights and limit them going forward.

3) After you complete the above

BassPro in Hooksett for Mags or Internet order 10 rounders

I am hearing from a friend close to the inner tyranny circle that the closing gun shops idea was speaker DiLeo's suggestion, and everyone just agreed without any discussion.
Your friend is correct. The usual suspects (DeLeo, Decker, et al) put pressure on Charlie and he folded like a cheap suit.
Your friend is correct. The usual suspects (DeLeo, Decker, et al) put pressure on Charlie and he folded like a cheap suit.
"At a time when we need to be concerned about issues of suicide and domestic violence, I am really happy that Speaker DeLeo continues to help keep an eye on the safety and security of Massachusetts residents and I’m grateful that Gov. Baker was amenable to working with him to ensure that any regulation coming out would not consider retail and gun ranges as essential services,” the Cambridge Democrat told the News Service."

If you own a gun, you own a gun. If you didn't and decided you want one and started the day the state shut down you still wouldn't have your license today. Wife beaters and people who want to kill themselves could never just walk into a shop and pick up a gun, that's not how this states laws work.
"At a time when we need to be concerned about issues of suicide and domestic violence, I am really happy that Speaker DeLeo continues to help keep an eye on the safety and security of Massachusetts residents and I’m grateful that Gov. Baker was amenable to working with him to ensure that any regulation coming out would not consider retail and gun ranges as essential services,” the Cambridge Democrat told the News Service."

If you own a gun, you own a gun. If you didn't and decided you want one and started the day the state shut down you still wouldn't have your license today. Wife beaters and people who want to kill themselves could never just walk into a shop and pick up a gun, that's not how this states laws work.
It was to fit an agenda. Nothing to do with safety.
Good job. and I am beginning to believe baker is a republicrat
If you’re using conservative commentator Steve Deace’s definition of republicrat (I love Steve Deace in a non-sexual way BTW), I have to disagree. I would say Faker still better fits his definition of a RINO.

For the record, he defines a republicrat as a Republican politician who publicly espouses all the conservative talking points and pretends to believe in them, all the while hoping and praying that you won’t look at his/her actual voting record because once you do, you’ll discover he/she actually voted more with progressive Democrats than with conservative Republicans. Lindsey Graham and cocaine Mitch are PERFECT examples of this species of republican.

RINOs just OPENLY vote/agree with progressive democrats the vast majority of the time and conservative voters just stupidly vote for them anyway. Mittens, Susan Collins and the like are perfect examples of this latter species. They just don’t care, and don’t care if YOU KNOW they don’t care. It’s pretty obvious Faker Baker is one of these as well.

The key (in most states) to eliminating both of these is to defeat them in the primaries. The problem in MA is that there aren’t even enough conservatives running for office period, let alone enough to have a choice in the primaries.
Healy's claim that allowing LTC holders to buy guns endangers police officers and domestic violence victims says it all.
I'm hoping that defamatory statement made with zero evidence to back it up comes back to bite her in court one day by demonstrating her arbitrary and capricious bias to the court.
In light of this thread:

1) Get off your ass, buy a completed upper, a lower parts kit, an 80% lower and ammo from Target Sports.

1.25-HP Variable Speed Fixed Corded Router

2) Don’t play that lesser of two evils anymore. Faker intentionally, willfully and with malice, boned many businesses and you with the intent to deprive you of your rights and limit them going forward.

3) After you complete the above

BassPro in Hooksett for Mags or Internet order 10 rounders


Also, drive to a NH gun shop, buy a long gun and drive home with it.

I would hope that the arbitrary and capricious gun shop forced closings would provide additional justification for overturning the Federal ban on interstate handgun purchases. It is clear that with the shop closings in MA, coupled with our inability to complete in-person handgun transfers in NH, the Federal ban on interstate transfers is directly contributing to a de facto ban on handgun purchases for residents of MA.

At a time when some states are curtailing 2A rights for residents of those states, Federal policy should be aimed at protecting our rights -- not aiding and abetting state encroachment.
The only actions today were:
  1. The pending amicus briefs were accepted (unsurprising)
  2. The police chief defendants were dismissed from the lawsuit (with Comm2a's assent) because all parties stipulated to the fact that the order by its plain letter requires gun shops to be shut down, therefore there's no question of interpretation by the chiefs. This is a good thing (I think) because it simplifies the lawsuit and narrows down the issues and parties, making it easier to obtain a quick ruling.
Forgot my standard:

Anyone, registering anything in today’s climate is crazy. You should also have at least one of the above, with standard magazines stashed away from your normal storage area along with sufficient ammo (500rds minimum).

Maybe take the position that since the Gov's intent was to shut down gun transactions during the lockdown, you should start the 7-day clock on anything you need to register when the gun shops reopen.
One additional thing that snuck in under the wire yesterday. This appears to be a joint proposal to consolidate the preliminary injunction hearing with a trial on the merits on Monday. They also want to consolidate the Cedrone action into the Comm2a one. Again, this is moving very quickly.

Based on that statement, it also appears Baker/Healey are expected to submit their opposition papers today.
I'd say that about sums it up. I don't think Faker gives a hoot either way. I don't think he even thinks about it let alone has an opinion. He's just a 7' dud. Maura, on the other hand, is power hungry and an anti-2A fanatic. I'm sure that locking us out and trying to bankrupt the dealers was her idea.

You mean the cabal's idea. Mauron is just one of their puppets. In this case the BS came from Deleo, not mauron, but it's basically a distinction without a difference as the cabal runs all of them.
You mean the cabal's idea. Mauron is just one of their puppets. In this case the BS came from Deleo, not mauron, but it's basically a distinction without a difference as the cabal runs all of them.
I call BS on the reports that this was all DeLeo's spontaneous idea in a vacuum and that Maura hadn't even given it a thought. Pure BS.[bs]
I call BS on the reports that this was all DeLeo's spontaneous idea in a vacuum and that Maura hadn't even given it a thought. Pure BS.[bs]

No, if I was going to bet money someone from the cabal called DeLeo up and asked him to assert influence on the governor. Think Angus McQuillicken, or one of those shitheads. Healy is dumber than a sack of hammers, while people like her and DeLeo have the "power" they're not the real shot callers. The ones that hold influence behind the dem curtain are.

ETA: You're going to ask, why would they pick DeLeo and not Mauron? becuase Faker is less likely to ignore someone like DeLeo that can actually cause him political problems.

This may not make sense to you but if you talk to anyone with institutional knowledge of gun control in MA, it ends up making a lot of sense. People like DeLeo and Mauron aren't organic
gun controllers. They're klingons following marching orders from someone further up the food chain, with the idea of a quid pro quo in political support. Healey's AW ban, for example, probably wasn't even written by her originally, probably a template handed down by the cabal or someone in Shitberg's "everytown" etc. That's how this stuff generally works. (although, pieces of shit like Linstain sometimes actually write their own BS, you can tell its his own because it fails politically, lol )

Don't read this as "absolving them of responsibility". It certainly isn't- and they're certainly pieces of shit. My point is more along the lines of, they're not the real architechts of this
bullshit. Others are pulling the strings. Fun example- why do you think every AG MA has had going back to Harshbarger has been a HARD CORE anti? Because the cabal has basically
willed it. That is something they determine. Healey is one of their products. And there will be another equally bad one that will replace her. That person has probably already been
preselected or they have a couple people lined up already.

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No, if I was going to bet money someone from the cabal called DeLeo up and asked him to assert influence on the governor. Think Angus McQuillicken, or one of those shitheads. Healy is dumber than a sack of hammers, while people like her and DeLeo have the "power" they're not the real shot callers. The ones that hold influence behind the dem curtain are.

ETA: You're going to ask, why would they pick DeLeo and not Mauron? becuase Faker is less likely to ignore someone like DeLeo that can actually cause him political problems.

This may not make sense to you but if you talk to anyone with institutional knowledge of gun control in MA, it ends up making a lot of sense. People like DeLeo and Mauron aren't organic
gun controllers. They're klingons following marching orders from someone further up the food chain, with the idea of a quid pro quo in political support. Healey's AW ban, for example, probably wasn't even written by her originally, probably a template handed down by the cabal or someone in Shitberg's "everytown" etc. That's how this stuff generally works. (although, pieces of shit like Linstain sometimes actually write their own BS, you can tell its his own because it fails politically, lol )

Don't read this as "absolving them of responsibility". It certainly isn't- and they're certainly pieces of shit. My point is more along the lines of, they're not the real architechts of this
bullshit. Others are pulling the strings. Fun example- why do you think every AG MA has had going back to Harshbarger has been a HARD CORE anti? Because the cabal has basically
willed it. That is something they determine. Healey is one of their products. And there will be another equally bad one that will replace her. That person has probably already been
preselected or they have a couple people lined up already.

Well, maybe we'll find out more in time... and I do not disagree with your speculation that phone calls starting flying the minute the original list was published. I'm sure every anti-2A fanatic in MA instantly realized the lost opportunity to bankrupt the dealers and deny us our rights.... and sought (successfully) to reverse it.

I only question the notion that Maura was not involved and that DeLeo came up with the idea solely and completely on his own. That's the 100% BS part.

Add to that the speed in which the change was made and the vicious use of the FRB to intimidate and it has Maura's vile hatred for us written all over it.

DeLeo has bigger things to think about... like how to keep corruption going full speed in MA with less state revenue coming in. [thinking]
Baker just announced that he's extending the stay-at-home advisory (including the closing of non-essential businesses) to at least May 18th.
This like sitting on an airplane waiting to takeoff where they announce a new departure time every 30 minutes, until the pilot finally gives up and announces "they keep giving us a new time, but i really don't have any idea".
While not precedent setting, this sort of ruling removed the "unthinkable" concept of a favorable court ruling (no court wants to be the first to make a ruling on a controversial topic that disrupts the status quo):

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While not precedent setting, this sort of ruling removed the "uthinkable" concept of a favorable court ruling (no court wants to be the first to make a ruling on a controversial topic that disrupts the status quo):

It's also a state court rather than federal, and is based on VA statute rather than the Constitution, which reduces its persuasive value. But the PR value is there.
Baker just announced that he's extending the stay-at-home advisory (including the closing of non-essential businesses) to at least May 18th.

Baker is also being very cagey about "reopening". He loves to go on about "not flipping a switch" and "making decisions on a case-by-case basis". Mike (drgrant) is absolutely right about a cabal running the show. This is is a prelude to allowing pot shops and nail salons to reopen but not gun shops or gun ranges "out of an abundance of caution" [puke]
Baker just announced that he's extending the stay-at-home advisory (including the closing of non-essential businesses) to at least May 18th.

More importantly it also means further denial of 2A Rights for those folks like my son who has not been allowed to apply for his LTC since early March.

How can the fact that some people may be sick be used as an excuse to deny a Constitutional Right, yet police can still pull you over and issue a ticket for not counting to Three Mississippi at a stop sign?
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"No, if I was going to bet money someone from the cabal called DeLeo up and asked him to assert influence on the governor. Think Angus McQuillicken, or one of those shitheads. Healy is dumber than a sack of hammers, while people like her and DeLeo have the "power" they're not the real shot callers. The ones that hold influence behind the dem curtain are."
Can't argue with your assessment of this shit show but we know the Dems, both locally and nationally are going to use this to their advantage. Suspending rights, bailing out blue States, and blaming everyone except the CCP. It's WAR with China and the libs!
This like sitting on an airplane waiting to takeoff where they announce a new departure time every 30 minutes, until the pilot finally gives up and announces "they keep giving us a new time, but i really don't have any idea".

And finally they taxi back to the gate because the crew is over their max hours.

Would we stand a chance of keeping this lawsuit going even after Elduche ends his non-essential crap ? It would not if it’s “moot” correct ?

I would really like to see gun shop owners file a civil suit for their loss of business. They should either have been allowed to remain open, following federal guidelines labeling them as "essential", or have been allowed to file for the same government aid as any other small business.
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