Confirmed instances of .pdf/paper FA-10 form rejection by MA FRB

Where are they using a cert from google? The one I get from their website doesn't say google anywhere.

From the initial e-FA10 page:
This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect
securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
Normally, when you try to connect securely,
sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.

What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to
this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

Technical Details uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
All the old 3-part forms were dated 10/98 (when the law changed). They are still valid to use.

New ones are supposed to be re-designed but I haven't seen one yet.

It would be interesting if people could pick them up in Chelsea. Somehow I doubt that it would work, but if someone is nearby, give it a try and report back.

I don't think that many PDs know about the new forms yet, so I have a hard time believing that CJIS "ran out".

I have no idea what is really happening at this point!!

Excellent point that those with old horse-blanket style LTCs don't have PINs and thus can NOT use the e-FA-10 system at all. And those PDs w/o Internet access (and there are a lot of them in W. MA) aren't about to get access any year soon either.
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I think something is up with your computer, where I am resolves to

From the initial e-FA10 page:
This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect
securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
Normally, when you try to connect securely,
sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.

What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to
this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

Technical Details uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
Got a new form today from a buddy. Its dated 1/12. One page.

You have the new form. How about scanning it in and posting what it looks like (block the Transaction # so CJIS doesn't have a stroke) . . . assuming you haven't used it yet.

Medfield pd has the numbered carbon copy FA10 forms available.

Checked at least 10 stations in my travels yesterday and today and this is the first I have found. All others had the usual go online story.
Got one sent back, said I cannot use the pdf and fill it on a computer, they sent a singlea(non-carbon copy) numbered copy to fill in with a pen.. As long as the signature is in pen then whats the problem? Systems just BS.
Got one sent back, said I cannot use the pdf and fill it on a computer, they sent a singlea(non-carbon copy) numbered copy to fill in with a pen.. As long as the signature is in pen then whats the problem? Systems just BS.

OK, so now the friend who sold me some firearms got the PDF versions of the FA-10's he sent in returned....with only a note to go use the e-FA-10, WITHOUT any paper copy numbered form included.
Went to QPD, they have 1 form left, and told me to go use E-FA10 because they said they tried to order more, but got a notice they shall not be receiving anymore. Suggested to Log onto the site via my phone if I'm doing a FTF transaction and fill it out via my iphone lol. Which could work just fine, but we wont have copies for our records without being at home next to a printer.

Perhaps print copies out as people have been doing for each to have a signed record, and fill it out via Phone if you aren't at wifi access? just a suggestion but I don't know.
Went to QPD, they have 1 form left, and told me to go use E-FA10 because they said they tried to order more, but got a notice they shall not be receiving anymore. Suggested to Log onto the site via my phone if I'm doing a FTF transaction and fill it out via my iphone lol. Which could work just fine, but we wont have copies for our records without being at home next to a printer.

Perhaps print copies out as people have been doing for each to have a signed record, and fill it out via Phone if you aren't at wifi access? just a suggestion but I don't know.

I haven't personally tried the E-FA10, and don;t plan on it. People have been reporting all sorts of problems with the website, I don't think it will work well on a smartphone.
So, if we send in the older FA10's and they get returned, they also send the new serialized form that they will accept once it is filled out in pen?

I smell a work around. Buy/sell firearm; fill out old .pdf FA10; mail to FRB; wait for old form to be returned with a new accepted form; fill out in pen; return to FRB in full compliance of the law. Rinse & repeat.

If they send one, as Gibbs posted earlier, his friend didnt get one sent to him. Im going to check my PD sometime next week to see if they have any, I never checked before but theyre gun owner friendly so they may have a stock of them.
I'm still trying to figure out what the deal with the password protected PDF record is about.

Older LTC's don't have a PIN number. Only the more recent LTC's have a PIN number. You will need to wait until you renew your LTC to get a PIN.
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I haven't personally tried the E-FA10, and don;t plan on it. People have been reporting all sorts of problems with the website, I don't think it will work well on a smartphone.

I hear you I'm a little weary as well but I am going to just print it out for now and do what people have been doing and attempt to do the online form as well so at least we have a written copy to and I'll send in both if it works. Lol I don't know that's just my thought

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You don't and won't get a password. It is a PIN number, not a password.

Yup, my brain was on backwards when I wrote that. What really gets me is that you cannot get a PIN number if you have an older license. This shows the deficiency in the SYSTEM
I'm not talking about the PIN. Early on some people who used the EFA10 were reporting that the record they got at the end was a PDF they couldn't open because it asked for a password. Whatever became of that?
If they send one, as Gibbs posted earlier, his friend didnt get one sent to him. Im going to check my PD sometime next week to see if they have any, I never checked before but theyre gun owner friendly so they may have a stock of them.

OK, so now I have to update my earlier post.

After many back and forth emails and phone calls, my friend went back to the papers the state returned and wrote to me that he looked over the stuff they sent with the rejection report, and they had included a set of instructions with the number XXXX on it, a form with the number XXXX on it, and another instruction sheet with the number YYYY on it, and a form with the number YYYY on it.

(Forgive me for my earlier erroneous report claiming forms were not sent. My friend has very poor eyesight and didn't realize that they HAD sent him numbered forms to fill out. The two numbers were themselves adjacent four-digit numbers. Again, this mailing he just received yesterday, March 2, 2012 in far western MA.)
According to the Director of FRB, paper forms WILL be made available to PDs IF they ask for them. Seems like they revised the form (copyright issues wrt the 3-part form) so that it is only a ONE-part form now, so you better make your own copies before mailing in or you will have no record at all.

Yes, they are trying to push everyone to e-file, but legally I'm not sure that they can offer ONLY that as an alternative.

Do NOT expect any PD to know about these new changes (only announced late last week to a select group of people from what I can determine).

ETA: Yes, you can still use the 3-part forms if you have them/can find them.

I have two different types of FA10 forms from a PD, both are 3 part forms. You sure it is going to a 1 part form?
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