David Hogg's (Small) Wants you to turn in your guns

There's no use arguing with these people. They don't care about rights and want us disarmed by any means necessary. People have a natural right to defend themselves. Even if the second amendment never existed and guns were 100% illegal, we should all be armed anyway.
So, the founding fathers used the term "the people" in five out of ten amendments in the Bill of Rights. In the First, Fourth, Ninth and Tenth it applies to actual individuals, but this savant, through his readings and discussions knows that "the people" is not what was meant when used in the Second. GTFO.
Wish that little dick would find Gretta and save the world, by both of them jumping off a bridge together.

Let's all just hope neither of them are ever put in a position to procreate or are put in positions anywhere near the levers of power. I can't speak for what's being done with Greta across the pond. But it seems to me that Hogg is already being 'groomed' for a career in politics. God help us all...
And how did he think those militias were initially formed in the first place? They came into being through the efforts of individuals banding together, it was only until a court order that those militias finally became annointed and formally given titles from the state. (source: A 5 minute google search and history about the national guard on their website). Therefore, they were still organized bodies of individuals before they were ever the national guard. He probably talked to a few historians that were completely politically indifferent in whatever way he was trying to twist the conversation, they didn’t give him any direct quotes to use, so he drummed up some half-baked bullshit on his own accord that doesn’t even hold water from a historical sense nor practical one.
There's no use arguing with these people. They don't care about rights and want us disarmed by any means necessary. People have a natural right to defend themselves. Even if the second amendment never existed and guns were 100% illegal, we should all be armed anyway.
100%. Treat them as if they were pedophiles. And openly talk to/about them the same way.
100%. Treat them as if they were pedophiles. And openly talk to/about them the same way.
I’ve tried comparing gun control using the banning of vape and methol flavored objects and then increasing the smoking age (prime example of feel good government overreach that does nothing ) especially to the people who appeared to be just ill informed… now excuse me while I go back to carrying my Draco in my pocket
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There's no use arguing with these people. They don't care about rights and want us disarmed by any means necessary. People have a natural right to defend themselves. Even if the second amendment never existed and guns were 100% illegal, we should all be armed anyway.
I would also add, these folks are afflicted with timescale myopia, where seizing power in the here and now is far more important than weighing the long-term implications of anti-2A legislation; e.g. only allowing the National Guard to keep and bear arms, which worked like a charm at Kent State. Quantizing time by one's lifespan is one of the roots of human arrogance, where it is a measure of time by which things should be judged. The Founders considered what America should be far beyond their own lifetimes, but antis never do, and that is why most everything exiting their mouths is a logical fallacy and easily disproved. But, I'm preaching to the choir, so whatever.
All i gotta say is stop making stupid people famous. If it wasn't for pro gunners buffing and reposting this piece of shit he'd be irrelevant.

I don't give a f*** what this kid thinks or says, or that he is alive or dead. There is no power in his movement, it will be irrelevant soon, and the "omg gotcha, sick burn!" gun dudes giving this guy free rent in their head is the only reason he still exists.
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The worst part about this is that we have history professors teaching people that there is an amendment in the Bill of Rights that secures the powers of the federal government. Think about that. You are to believe that during the framing of this nation's constitution, a list of the rights of the people was written. And the intention of that list was to restrict the power of the government that it could enact over the people. And in that list, for some wacko f***ing reason they decided to throw in just one amendment to it. The amendment to grant the the national guard, a federally controlled military force, and not the people, the right to keep firearms. That is so obnoxious and beyond logic that it is almost more sad than anything that people really believe it. I find it hard to imagine that the people preaching it actually believe it. They don't. But they want you to. They think you are dumb enough to.

He's not right, of course. But I'm 100% willing to pretend he is right. It was only written to give the national guard guns. Okay, cool. See below:

I don't f***ing care.

And if that is not enough, see the fact that the government has refused at every step of the way to abide by its duty to protect our rights. And see that its only intention is to restrict our rights, and abuse its power for the betterment of it and not us.

I say the contract is broken. I don't care about the Bill of Rights anymore. When you no longer play by the rules, neither do we.

I don't give a f*** what this kid thinks or says, or that his alive or dead. There is no power in his movement, it will be irrelevant soon, and the "omg gotcha, sick burn!" gun dudes giving this guy free rent in their head is the only reason he still exists.
I'm not of this set of abilities but I bet if I was able to write a program/script calculating a gross analysis of how many retweets/reposts this kid gets from Pro versus anti-gunners I bet the pro side would be like a ratio of at least 4 to 1 (and that's being conservative) in terms of fluffing the s*** head up in social media. I'd put $100 on it. The quicker everybody stops talking about the f****** retard the sooner he goes from irrelevant to invisible.
To bad he didn't read a few other history books about leaders slaughtering their subjects after the disarmed them...
We are a country full of citizens that does not like to be told what to do,
Good luck taking back what we already have.

We look like idiots when we don't fact check stuff. When we make stupid, provable mistakes it makes it easy for those who disagree with us to discount everything we say, and all our arguments without bothering to check if they're true.

David Hogg is an opportunistic single minded hypocritical authoritarian goon, and he's totally wrong on his statement.

But the Jefferson quote is .... inaccurate.

The quote comes from drafts of the Virginia Constitution, but doesn't actually make it into the actual Virginia Constitution. The history of this statement doesn't even help our argument, the second and third drafts say, "No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms [within his own lands or tenements]" (emphasis mine).

The argument that "the people" means individuals (and not the state) in EVERY OTHER INSTANCE in The Constitution is a far better argument than an easily disproven rephrased quote.

Be better than them. Use arguments and quotes and historical references that are 100% solid.
I am really of the opinion with every passing day that Hogg's statements are more an indictment of him and people his age than they are about what they want to regulate or make illegal.
I think unfortunately it’s more indicative of him and his generation and the people who raised them. We will be disarmed by suburban voters, especially women.
I think unfortunately it’s more indicative of him and his generation and the people who raised them. We will be disarmed by suburban voters, especially women.

I mean forget the dummy voters for a second and just think about Hogg. It's like he's giving us a mirror into himself. He has self control impulse issues. Very likely to fly off the handle and not be able to control himself. "Accept my pronouns or rise my ire". I realize that a lot of tweets are probably paid tweets but if he agrees with it, then what does it say about him personally?
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