Do you have what it takes to be an American?

Proud to say 100%, but I did have a few political science courses in undergrad school. Educated guess on the one about the immigration form because it's something I've never thought about.
95% here too. INS form got me. Had the right answer and then changed it . . . to a wrong answer!
Yeah, I get to stay an American!!!

But get this (if you haven't taken the test, don't peek):
4. Which of these is guaranteed by the First Amendment?
Freedom of the press

It's a bit more general that that!! Leave it to the the press to the liberal press to reserve this just for themselves!

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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19. What INS form is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen?
Form N-200 "Petition for Naturalization" is not correct.
N-400 "Application for Naturalization"

That seems to have tripped more than a few of us.
I probably wouldn't have gotten the 100% that I did get if I hadn't seen the comment about what's needed for naturalization...

100%. I have an edge: I took this test for real three years ago.

The real test is 10 questions out of a pool of 100. These 20 are some of the harder ones. There are plenty on the level of "What are the colors of our flag?"

I often wonder what might happen if all citizens needed to pass this test to register to vote.
I can tell you what would happen, even less people would vote. I think currently less than 40% of people that can vote do vote. I wish EVERYONE knew as much about our History/Government has we make our naturalize citizens.

PS- I had to study with both my Mom and Dad, so they could be ready to take it.
PSII- My mom had to take the exam twice (One normally (90%) and another in front of the US Immigration officer (13/15) [smile]
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DR said:
100%. I have an edge: I took this test for real three years ago.
Dave, I remember you mentioning that you were a naturalized citizen at one of the shoots - did I remember to tell you "Welcome to the USA"? If not,

Welcome to the USA!![party]
100% here too, but I had an edge just like DR, I'm about to start the naturalization process.
dwarven1 said:
Dave, I remember you mentioning that you were a naturalized citizen at one of the shoots - did I remember to tell you "Welcome to the USA"? If not,

Welcome to the USA!![party]

Thanks. Even from my viewpoint here in the PRM, this is one hell of a country. I'm proud to call it my home.

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