The only guns that are irreplaceable to me are my dads' and uncles fudd hunting guns. Old Belgian Browning A-5s, Belgian Blonde BAR's, Ruger number 1's and 44mag semi auto, Ruger O/U's. Model 29's, Model 19's......All bought in the 60's -80's Most they don't make anymore which make them that status, and most, they have used to take game animals and lots of memories that I cherish when hunting with my uncle and father. If I lost them in a fire, flood, or some type of event, I would be heartbroken. But I certainly am not burying that shit to rust away.
AR's and pistols...especially lowers....are you fxcking kidding me? That shit I could care less about and is easy to replace if your in a free state like I am and intend to stay in. Right now...lowers are 29 dollars and 20 round 9mm pistols start at 250 and up. Metric shit tons of them in the marketplace and millions online and in gun stores locally. Irreplaceable? That black rifle and pistol shit means nothing sentimental to me at all.
Why would you go bury them? For what? If there is serious confiscation or some type of event you'll be so f***ed that digging up a lower isn't gonna help you. This prepper shit is a dream.....unless your sitting on 200 acres with walls all around you that you can defend day and night, where you have water, unlimited food, and ammo. Its a pipe dream.
And even that, if its just you and your wife there I hope you like staying up 24/7 fighting off marauding a**h***s who will eventually kill you and take your shit, your land, your ammo, your whatever. Until the next band of marauding a**h***s comes by and does the same to the last band.
Bury all your lowers, keep a million rounds of ammo....then get boffed by the first few rounds from your neighbors AR when the shit hits the fan and they take all your shit is what's going to happen during a major fxckup.