Guide to gun rights in your Massachusetts town

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I see that there's no information on the town of Boxboro in the list. I didn't get my LTC from them, but my dad got his LTC-A no restrictions there without trouble, and the Sargent in Boxborough helped coach me about getting my LTC in my own town, and offered to call my Chief if they gave me any trouble. So I'd say they're pretty green.
Can someone please update the map?

Had a little time on my hands.

I left out Chelsea and Revere because the detail in Suffolk county is bad and I
didn't really know what I was doing.

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A map like that illustrating the disparities would be helpful in illustrating to the legislature why S.1361 An Act Relative to Fair Licensing for Firearms needs to be passed.

Additionally, there are apartment buildings in Boston, Brookline, Quincy, and Worcester that have more residents than do many of those green communities.

The dark black municipalities are a complete and total disgrace.

I think you missed Boston, and if I recall correctly Milton is green. And I am told by a LTC-A resident of Harwich, that Harwich is red.

And most importantly, Thank you for doing this for us.

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A map like that illustrating the disparities would be helpful in illustrating to the legislature why S.1361 An Act Relative to Fair Licensing for Firearms needs to be passed.

Additionally, there are apartment buildings in Boston, Brookline, Quincy, and Worcester that have more residents than do many of those green communities.

The dark black municipalities are a complete and total disgrace.

I think you missed Boston, and if I recall correctly Milton is green. And I am told by a LTC-A resident of Harwich, that Harwich is red.

And most importantly, Thank you for doing this for us.


Boston isn't on the list. I assume it's red. Can anybody confirm Boston as red and Harwich as red?

Milton is shown as green on the map.

My daughter applied for an FID card for mace last week and she used me as a reference.
Officer called me the next day in work. He was great. We were laughing about how stupid the gun laws are in Mass. I told him I owned a bad Glock and he said the cops were getting pressure to get rid of theirs. I would say Norwood is green.
First time renewal in Northbridge (they did not issue previous LTC or previous renewals- I recently moved here) - very easy, professional.

I have a "slight blem" in my police record (A&BDW-shod foot) from early 90's. never came up in conversation, officer saw it on my renewal form- it was a non-issue.

I would consider them "green" as of November 2007
better minds will have to weigh in on this but I believe it is very difficult to get an unrestricted class a in Norwood. I thought I heard that Walpole will not issue an unrestricted class a the first time.

I had no problems getting an unrestricted class a in Needham. However, my current profession and my LEO background may have made a difference...I not sure...but I did drop every name I could think of when turning in my application.
I'm in Dracut.....Can't say enough nice things about the process. I've renewed there twice, the latest time wa s total of 25 min.
Have had a LTC A ALP for 32 years. Initial permit was from Belmont, father (Boston PD) was friends with the i got my LTC at 19yo.
Since then I've renewed in Belmont once, Berkley 3x & Dracut 2x.

Before my father passed over the summer, the Belmont chief wouldn't renew him, even though he was still active in 3 clubs/instructor etc.
Palladin, I'm in Dracut too. 3 weeks ago I went to the station to pick up the application and anything specific to Dracut. There were no applications. However, there was a form that was a request to make an appointment regarding my request for an LTC (on the form one specified renewal, FID or LTC). The officer at the desk assured me that I didn't need to fill out anything further prior to the appointment and asked me twice if I had taken "the course". Was this similar to what you had to do? By the way, I still have not heard from them.
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Auburn, MA:

New resident to town, moving in from out of state. Had gun permits in Mass going way back before moving to the Southwest of US. Applied for Class A 11/2007. No problem. Class A unrestricted granted.

BTW, guy was a retired businessman. Well educated, and well-off.
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Auburn, MA:

New resident to town, moving in from out of state. Had gun permits in Mass going way back before moving to the Southwest of US. Applied for Class A 11/2007. No problem. Class A unrestricted granted.

BTW, guy was a retired businessman. Well educated, and well-off.

What "guy"? I know the chief isn't retired. The instructor?
Palladin, I'm in Dracut too. 3 weeks ago I went to the station to pick up the application and anything specific to Dracut. There were no applications. However, there was a form that was a request to make an appointment regarding my request for an LTC (on the form one specified renewal, FID or LTC). The officer at the desk assured me that I didn't need to fill out anything further prior to the appointment and asked me twice if I had taken "the course". Was this similar to what you had to do? By the way, I still have not heard from them.

you sit at a desk with a very pleasant sergant while he fills in your info on his laptop. At first it did take a couple of weeks to get the appt, but when I told him my LTC was expiring the next week..."come by Wed night at 6pm".
As for "the course", mine was taken decades ago, it wasn't required as a renewal.
Hope this helps.
Hey Kid's you might want to change Fall River to red. I got restricted T&H So did poisonposey I can bet my left $#% that vicpinto will get the same (sorry vic).
Well I'm pretty disappointed. I have a completely clear history, I'm a member of GOAL and the NRA, I got a hunting license when I was 14, and I scored a perfect 10 on the written test, yet Sgt.McDade in Burlington decided to restrict me to Hunting and Target. [sad2]

Super nice guy and all, but I don't see why he restricted me. He even spelled out "ALL LAWF..." and then deleted it and wrote "HUNTING & TARGET" in its stead. I was a bit taken aback and neglected to question him on it, which I am now regretting.

Oh well, maybe in 6 years [crying]
Super nice guy and all, but I don't see why he restricted me. He even spelled out "ALL LAWF..." and then deleted it and wrote "HUNTING & TARGET" in its stead. I was a bit taken aback and neglected to question him on it, which I am now regretting.

IMO he's not "super nice" if he basically kicked you in the groin. I
don't know where Burlington stands now... but if it was a "yellow"
town you may have been able to "negotiate" ALP/none. I have
heard there are a few towns that issue H+T but when pressured
they might cave and issue ALP/None because they might feel
that if the person doesn't get what they want, they will try to
lawyer up or create trouble. Some towns might just have a
"policy" of H+T unless someone asks for something else. Most
red towns though, of course, are a lot worse than that.

AFAIK, Burlington was green for everyone except for me. I do look like a punk, so maybe he discriminated against me for that? Who knows. He did say that he wasn't going to submit it until later in the week, so maybe I should give him a call tomorrow and ask him why he restricted me.

It doesn't effect me a whole lot, since I wasn't planning on carrying any time soon, at least not until I took the proper training and felt that I was ready for it...but I'm positive that I would feel ready well inside of the 6 years I now have to wait before I can renew and request an upgrade.
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Well I'm pretty disappointed. I have a completely clear history, I'm a member of GOAL and the NRA, I got a hunting license when I was 14, and I scored a perfect 10 on the written test, yet Sgt.McDade in Burlington decided to restrict me to Hunting and Target. [sad2]

Super nice guy and all, but I don't see why he restricted me. He even spelled out "ALL LAWF..." and then deleted it and wrote "HUNTING & TARGET" in its stead. I was a bit taken aback and neglected to question him on it, which I am now regretting.

Oh well, maybe in 6 years [crying]

So this was at your appointment to apply?
Call and ask him about it. Just say you wanted ALP and you noticed that he typed in H/T.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It can be changed.
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