Guilty or Not Guilty? What say you?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
Feedback: 74 / 0 / 0

Woman in St Louis is carjacked by two guys. They take her Hyundai and take off.

Woman gets son and his friend and tracks the vehicle to a gas station.

Woman finds her truck at a gas pump and she rushes up to truck with her son and his friend and points gun at carjacker to get her truck back

Gun fire erupts as second carjacker opens fire.

Woman fires back killing both carjackers

Unfortunately an innocent bystander is also wounded in gunfire.

Woman arrested and charged with Involuntary Manslaughter and Criminal Action by Grand Jury. Trial took two years to complete and verdict was rendered last night.

What say you? Is the woman guilty or not guilty of these charges?

Verdict in the next post!
Given today's world, I can see this happening more and more, especially down South, where this woman would have more than likely been given a medal.
The Sheriff of Polk County would more than likely give her the highest civilian award for bravery and at the same time apologize profusely on the woman's behalf to the innocent bystander who inadvertently got struck by a round. I can hear him say that we, the police, can't be everywhere at all times but if the car wasn't stolen, we wouldn't be having this press conference now, would we?
Aren't you not allowed to defend property with deadly force? Guy breaks into your home and tries to steal shit. You show up. As long as he promises he is no physical threat to you, you are not allowed to shoot him or touch him.
Aren't you not allowed to defend property with deadly force? Guy breaks into your home and tries to steal shit. You show up. As long as he promises he is no physical threat to you, you are not allowed to shoot him or touch him.

I’m wondering if there wasn’t an innocent bystander that got hit if the verdict would have been a little different.
In KY you can use lethal force to protect your property, but I don't think that extends to also mean recover your property.

If you start a gunfight when there didn't need to be one, that's always very very bad.

But if you walked up to someone and said 'hey give me my property back' and then they pull a gun that's different.

'points gun at carjacker to get car back' is the problem here for sure

Woman in St Louis is carjacked by two guys. They take her Hyundai and take off.

Woman gets son and his friend and tracks the vehicle to a gas station.

Woman finds her truck at a gas pump and she rushes up to truck with her son and his friend and points gun at carjacker to get her truck back

Gun fire erupts as second carjacker opens fire.

Woman fires back killing both carjackers

Unfortunately an innocent bystander is also wounded in gunfire.

Woman arrested and charged with Involuntary Manslaughter and Criminal Action by Grand Jury. Trial took two years to complete and verdict was rendered last night.

What say you? Is the woman guilty or not guilty of these charges?

Verdict in the next post!
Not Guilty. People living in the most violent city in America live every day with kill or be killed. Women pulled a Charles Bronson. The Leftists will never enforce the law there so residents are now faced with the task. Perhaps now they will learn that voting for Democrats has ruined the city.
Car thieves are dangerous because they're often stealing cars to use for other much worse crimes.

Approaching potentially (apparently) armed criminals without fire superiority or the element of surprise is peak pants-on-head retarded.
This isn't the wild wild west anymore and frowned upon by the courts.
America is turning into the Wild West again with all the shit that's been happening. The only difference is shithead politicians, lawyers and judges are helping the violent criminals out in some places.

The law is pretty clear-cut on this, no matter what state you're in. If you go looking for trouble, and find it, you own the consequences.
Hard to understand how she had the resources to track the vehicle - but not call the police.

They’re union, they don’t take kindly to this!

Woman in St Louis is carjacked by two guys. They take her Hyundai and take off.

Woman gets son and his friend and tracks the vehicle to a gas station.

Woman finds her truck at a gas pump and she rushes up to truck with her son and his friend and points gun at carjacker to get her truck back

Gun fire erupts as second carjacker opens fire.

Woman fires back killing both carjackers

Unfortunately an innocent bystander is also wounded in gunfire.

Woman arrested and charged with Involuntary Manslaughter and Criminal Action by Grand Jury. Trial took two years to complete and verdict was rendered last night.

What say you? Is the woman guilty or not guilty of these charges?

Verdict in the next post!
Based on the description, not guilty. Although almost certainly illegal.
Verdict last night is:

Guilty! 😒

Because 2 sets of gangstas poured everything around with bullets, shot a bystander and pretty much pulled off a classic ghetto show at a gas station.
At first I was like what kind of idiot walks up and starts a gun fight right at the pumps? It just doesn’t sound like a great idea.

Also her and her son were way too comfortable pulling off a carjacking, from carjackers, and killed both of them!! She’s a mob boss. lol
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