Gun "Buybacks"

Gun buyback programs, as commonly implemented in the United States, are small, feasible interventions, but they are unlikely to measurably reduce firearm violence, even if they do prevent some incidents. Research on buyback effectiveness is limited, but the findings to date are not promising. Furthermore, the intended impacts are implausible because too few firearms are turned in to gun buybacks, at least as currently implemented. Given these limitations, policymakers and community groups should consider whether the scarce resources allocated to gun buybacks—even if these resources are minimal—might be better spent on more-promising violence prevention efforts.

Gun buyback programs, as commonly implemented in the United States, are small, feasible interventions, but they are unlikely to measurably reduce firearm violence, even if they do prevent some incidents. Research on buyback effectiveness is limited, but the findings to date are not promising. Furthermore, the intended impacts are implausible because too few firearms are turned in to gun buybacks, at least as currently implemented. Given these limitations, policymakers and community groups should consider whether the scarce resources allocated to gun buybacks—even if these resources are minimal—might be better spent on more-promising violence prevention efforts.
They were never intended to reduce firearm violence, they've ALWAYS been intended to shift public sentiment against guns.
I think I saw a sign for a gun buyback in either Bedford or Concord this week. I don't know the area very well but not surprising.
Boogers it was today. I wouldnt have gottwn to bedford anyway but...

I always imagine being one of those guys standing outside with a sign that says "$50 more than the cops" think i saw a video like that one time
Boogers it was today. I wouldnt have gottwn to bedford anyway but...

I always imagine being one of those guys standing outside with a sign that says "$50 more than the cops" think i saw a video like that one time

...and while we're at it, let's make sure that we teach kids at a young age that guns are bad!

"A second event for the collection of toy guns from kids will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 10 at the Bedford Police Department, 2 Mudge Way. Kids are encouraged to bring in their toy guns, meet Bedford Police Officers, and receive a voucher for a free ice cream from Bedford Farms."

The new Chief came from next door and is Pro2A. He would call me to bust my balls when Maine was checking on me at renewal time. Said I was a character all right.
Stopped me one day on another matter and loved the 45ACP shirt I was wearing.
Yeah bedford MA. I dont think its usually the police that start these, they just have to be there? Idk how it works, ive generally had good interactions with the police in Bedford.
Yeah bedford MA. I dont think its usually the police that start these, they just have to be there? Idk how it works, ive generally had good interactions with the police in Bedford.
Well the lesbo there wasn’t impressed with a MVA I called in on the line.
The single party left his wallet in my truck cause it was snowing like a mofo.

Her attitude sucked so f***ing bad I dropped the guys wallet off at dispatch next door and fully explained to the dispatch dept manager on why I was being a total a**h*** over the issue. I never forgot her shitty attitude.
Well the lesbo there wasn’t impressed with a MVA I called in on the line.
The single party left his wallet in my truck cause it was snowing like a mofo.

Her attitude sucked so f***ing bad I dropped the guys wallet off at dispatch next door and fully explained to the dispatch dept manager on why I was being a total a**h*** over the issue. I never forgot her shitty attitude.
I have some fun stories that I probably shouldnt post publicly, nothing crazy but it is the internet
Yeah bedford MA. I dont think its usually the police that start these, they just have to be there? Idk how it works, ive generally had good interactions with the police in Bedford.

In mass the kopsch have to confiscate the guns to give the person surrendering the guns immunity from transporting or possessing the gun illegally, because most of these people are unlicensed or otherwise unwashed. This is basically why you can't put a dude from an FFL out front and give out business cards becasue if they're unwashed they can't even legally drive to your shop to unload the stuff....
In mass the kopsch have to confiscate the guns to give the person surrendering the guns immunity from transporting or possessing the gun illegally, because most of these people are unlicensed or otherwise unwashed. This is basically why you can't put a dude from an FFL out front and give out business cards becasue if they're unwashed they can't even legally drive to your shop to unload the stuff....
Did this once when I had my FFL in MA. Desk sergeant calls me up, there is guy there that wants to get rid of his guns (he was unlicensed), wanted to know if I was interested. Free guns, hell ya. Picked them up at the guys house and went back to my place to do the transfer, all legal. I even tried to pay the guy buy he wasn't interested in any money.

So it can be done, you just have to be willing to make house calls and bring the sell back to the shop
Did this once when I had my FFL in MA. Desk sergeant calls me up, there is guy there that wants to get rid of his guns (he was unlicensed), wanted to know if I was interested. Free guns, hell ya. Picked them up at the guys house and went back to my place to do the transfer, all legal. I even tried to pay the guy buy he wasn't interested in any money.

So it can be done, you just have to be willing to make house calls and bring the sell back to the shop

Yes, except if we wanna get technical, you can't stand out in front of a buyback and do this, the gun-dumper only gets immunity if they surrender to the PD. Now in your example, thats "adults being adults" and things just work themselves out the way they should have anyways.
Yes, except if we wanna get technical, you can't stand out in front of a buyback and do this, the gun-dumper only gets immunity if they surrender to the PD. Now in your example, thats "adults being adults" and things just work themselves out the way they should have anyways.

Ok, but if a LTC holder accepts a gun from an unlicensed person before they get arrested, then it should be fine, right? There’s no law against possession by a LTC holder, regardless of ownership. (Assuming no “AWs” or NFA items).

They can’t arrest you for something you’re not doing.
Fig City??? :oops: That's what they call Newton now? [laugh] Fig City??? [rofl]

I've heard Newton called many things over the years, but never Fig City! 🤪

p.s., Anyone else notice that these silly "gun buybacks" are getting shorter and shorter? Are widows running out of their dead husband's old junk guns? 🤔
With some of the prices I see on NES classifieds I don’t see how anyone would turn a gun in at a buyback
But are they all getting those asking prices? 🤔

Still, it would have to be an awfully junky POS gun to come out ahead financially at a gun buyback.

Lefty anti-2A nuts have been getting cheaper and cheaper as time has gone on. It's a diminishing returns endeavor.
Ok, but if a LTC holder accepts a gun from an unlicensed person before they get arrested, then it should be fine, right? There’s no law against possession by a LTC holder, regardless of ownership. (Assuming no “AWs” or NFA items).

They can’t arrest you for something you’re not doing.

Well, the LTC holder/FFL is fine. 🤣 the unlawful possessor is another ballgame.... but in practice, the machine isn't usually going to chase someone who "tried to do the right thing". But that doesn't mean anything legally.
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