Gun, drugs and lewdness

Mar 13, 2005
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WALPOLE -- A local man was arraigned on a series of gun, drug and lewdness charges in Wrentham District Court on Monday, after court records and police said he was caught naked, on drugs, and carrying a gun in a local home down the street from where he lives.

Ryan D. Coughlan, 29, of 254 Pleasant St., was arrested at 11:38 p.m. Sunday in a home at 273 Pleasant St. on charges of improper storage of a large-capacity firearm, licensed possession of a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, open and gross lewdness, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and possession of Ecstasy.

He pleaded not guilty, and was released until his next court hearing on Aug. 31, according to court records.

The police indicated a woman at 273 Pleasant St. called police Sunday at 11:38 p.m. to report Coughlan was in her house and had put a gun on her table.

Yesterday, Deputy Police Chief Scott Bushway said Coughlan was found in the home with a handgun, identified in court records as a Walther 9 mm pistol, on the kitchen table. Bushway said police also found a small amount of both drugs with him.

Bushway declined to say what led to the lewdness charge, only citing "(Coughlan’s) actions in the house." Court records show police found him sitting in front of a computer in the home wearing no clothes, but no further details were available.

Bushway declined to identify the woman in the home who reported the crime, but said Coughlan knew her.
WALPOLE -- A local man was arraigned on a series of gun, drug and lewdness charges in Wrentham District Court on Monday, after court records and police said he was caught naked, on drugs, and carrying a gun in a local home down the street from where he lives.

I wonder if he was carying concealed? [laugh2] [laugh2] [laugh2]
The second story in, what - 3 days? - in which the paper identifies the house by street and number, while protecting privacy by not naming the owners.

More illusion than protection....
What in THE hell is going on in my town?
For a small town that normally doesn't have allot going on seems to be quite active lately [thinking]
This last one was just weired.
I was going to make some kind of comment about "how big a gun could they conceal while naked", but I don't think I want to go there...
I don't know...I think this question could be best answered by either Darius or Jon, the instructors of "The Art of Concealed Carry."

Gentlemen...take it away.............

I don't know about Jon, but I ain't touching this issue, that gun, or any other that dude may have lubed, rubbed, or fondled.

Excuse me while I run for the Purell. Aaaackkkk!
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I don't know about Jon, but I ain't touching this issue, that gun, or any other that dude may have lubed, rubbed, or fondled.

Excuse me while I run for the Purell. Bleech!

No, Darius... that's spelled "BLEACH"! Chlorine will disinfect anything. [smile]
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