HD.4420 State House and Boston Common Rally

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In 1776 they didn't have to worry about dropping off and picking up their kids as one example. Do you need me to give more examples of the difference between 1776 and now? Its called responsibilities.

It’s people like you for the place we are today. Excuse for everything in the book. Take more time writing back to me than it woulda taken to go in Boston.
Whatever bro. There is way more of your sorry Ass’s than me, so you win the prize of giving up your and my constitutional rights.
I’m sorry for being a normal adult who has a decent job where I can take a day off to try and protect my rights when we knew about this for a MONTH. Well even if I didn’t I would have been there to protect my rights. I’m sorry I paid for someone to get my kids off the bus. And I’m sorry I have a father who could take my girls to thier sports after school.. this is The difference between us.
I will do whatever it takes to protect my rights.
I just don’t wanna hear from all you whining and bitching like usuall when the hammer drops.
Oh yah wtf did you mean on your first post…you’re going to 9/11 me or some shit. 🤣 WTF does that even mean.
When it comes to actually showing up at a 2A rights rally.
It's more of an I'm here, you can see me. I know what you are doing is against our constitutional rights.
It's just a show of force.
If no one ever showed up or voiced a disapproval of an upcoming law.
Then every citizen and elected official would think they can just do as they please because no one cares.

I would have loved to have seen and been in an "I have no duty to follow an unconstitutional law" rally instead!

Last little tid bit. Temporary freedom ain't worth sh_t, if you have to give up everyone's future freedoms for it!
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Are the 594K MA LTC-holders factually too poor to support the group, or are they content saying "I got mine"?
First they came for the semi-automatic rifles and I did not speak out because I did not own a semi-automatic rifle.
Then they came for the high-capacity magazines and I did not speak out because I did not own any magazines.
Then they came for the semi-automatic handguns and I did not speak out because I shoot a revolver.
Then they came for my revolver and there was no one left to speak out for me.
And that's a totally valid and principled position.

"MA is dead for lobbying, let's get onto the lawfare" makes sense. Obviously, I don't entirely share it, but I do entirely respect it.

Don't get me wrong; activism definitely has its place. I'm happy to show up for a rally when I'm able, and I've been to the state house to hold signs more than once. I'd have come to this one too, if I could have done so easily.

But this time, I couldn't. Not a biggie to me, and I guarantee it wasn't a biggie to my representatives either. Nor would it have been if I'd been able to come. They don't care about me on this issue; where 2A is concerned, they are very proud NOT to represent me. I get it. Message received, Mr Representative. See you in court.
Hectic day in the statehouse yesterday, it was the first formal session since July 31st in the House of Representatives, most of the Reps not in their offices. I created a "one pager" as a leave behind, attached it to the one pager GOAL created and left it at the offices I visited. Did have an opportunity to sit down with Senator Mark, the Senate has a working group put together to look at gun legislation but they are going to wait and see what the House comes up with. In HD4420's present form he said he would vote against it, he stated the backlash from the community was meaningful and impactful. From talking with him, many legislators are clinging to ghost guns, so that will be one component of whatever new bill they come up with.
Thanks to all that participated yesterday.
It’s people like you for the place we are today. Excuse for everything in the book. Take more time writing back to me than it woulda taken to go in Boston.
Whatever bro. There is way more of your sorry Ass’s than me, so you win the prize of giving up your and my constitutional rights.
I’m sorry for being a normal adult who has a decent job where I can take a day off to try and protect my rights when we knew about this for a MONTH. Well even if I didn’t I would have been there to protect my rights. I’m sorry I paid for someone to get my kids off the bus. And I’m sorry I have a father who could take my girls to thier sports after school.. this is The difference between us.
I will do whatever it takes to protect my rights.
I just don’t wanna hear from all you whining and bitching like usuall when the hammer drops.
Oh yah wtf did you mean on your first post…you’re going to 9/11 me or some shit. 🤣 WTF does that even mean.
Are you kidding me haha? You don't know a thing about me. Again you are projecting your situation on to others. You think you are a hero for going to a rally? Congrats on your hero status. The second amendment has been saved due to your presence. I can't wait to watch your biopic on how you single handedly saved the second amendment at this rally. Surely all the donations,phone calls, and emails people have done mean nothing because they didn't go to this life changing event.
It’s people like you for the place we are today. Excuse for everything in the book. Take more time writing back to me than it woulda taken to go in Boston.
Whatever bro. There is way more of your sorry Ass’s than me, so you win the prize of giving up your and my constitutional rights.
I’m sorry for being a normal adult who has a decent job where I can take a day off to try and protect my rights when we knew about this for a MONTH. Well even if I didn’t I would have been there to protect my rights. I’m sorry I paid for someone to get my kids off the bus. And I’m sorry I have a father who could take my girls to thier sports after school.. this is The difference between us.
I will do whatever it takes to protect my rights.
I just don’t wanna hear from all you whining and bitching like usuall when the hammer drops.
Oh yah wtf did you mean on your first post…you’re going to 9/11 me or some shit. 🤣 WTF does that even mean.

I take it some of this directed my way, but to dumb to quote me in it. Has a great job that let’s him get a day off to cry at people who wouldn’t mind if you were dead. Yet can’t work a website. Noted.

If you don’t get the 9/11 topper thing 20 years on. Can’t help you.

As noted I’ll be group loot drop when the time comes. I won't have family left to worry about. You gonna be the guy to ring that bell though?

Just realize where we are. It’s not 1776, we can’t do 1776 goon shit. God knows it’s needed.

I hope i find you at a loved ones deathbed yelling there’s a rally against the bug menu, it’s way more important.
Again this is the problem. Whiny motha f$ckas. Bitch at someone who’s trying to help. That’s what this site is so great at. Keyboard warriors.
@Lowbird you must be feeling some kinda way cause you brought yourself into whatever this is… makes you the dumb f$ck.
Just realize this state is full of Vajayjays! Just my opinion.
Stay wet and sricky Vajayjays
Maybe, just maybe, online infighting isn't the way to improve our state laws?

People who were there had their reasons, people who weren't there had theirs. Just leave it at that instead of having an online dick measuring contest, JFC.
Again this is the problem. Whiny motha f$ckas. Bitch at someone who’s trying to help. That’s what this site is so great at. Keyboard warriors.
@Lowbird you must be feeling some kinda way cause you brought yourself into whatever this is… makes you the dumb f$ck.
Just realize this state is full of Vajayjays! Just my opinion.
Stay wet and sricky Vajayjays

You're not presenting your views all that well. In case you care.
And this infighting is exactly why we keep losing in this battle. If people in NES can't get along about supporting the 2nd Amendment, a group of gun owning enthusiasts, then we are lost and the D's have won. It's sad really. You'd think we'd be able to work together, but obviously not.
No amount of herded cats can change why gun rights keep getting lost in Massachusetts. It’s simply a product of being a right wing ultra-minority in a leftist state.

Doesn’t mean be a**h***s to one another, but it is what it is.
Spoke to two reps yesterday, mine and another in the same office who claimed to be a gun owner (no reason not to believe)
Both mentioned ghost guns separately.
I asked both to define a ghost gun with the usual deer in headlights response.
They were busy and spent a lot more time discussing 4420 with me than I would have expected.
They both lacked clear understanding of both current Mass and Federal gun laws.

They simply don't understand the subject at hand so going after them with emotional, reactionary arguments will fail horribly.
We need to sit down and carefully explain why the bill is a train wreck and how they can craft changes that might make a difference.

If you couldn't make it to the rally, make to their local office. Do your homework and understand the laws involved well enough to basically explain 'if you do A then B is the result, and no one wants B'
This isn't hard bit it does take time reading and discussing some very dry and boring documents.
Life is neither fair or easy - just get it done.
No amount of herded cats can change why gun rights keep getting lost in Massachusetts. It’s simply a product of being a right wing ultra-minority in a leftist state.
Nope - it's due to a bunch of lazy, whining people not willing to take the time to understand the current and proposed legislation better than the uniformed congress critter voting on it. And then not investing the time and effort necessary to force feed that knowledge to your critters so they can use it when debating and voting.

We need to sit down and carefully explain why the bill is a train wreck and how they can craft changes that might make a difference.

That’s “compromising” and there really isn’t an appetite for it here. It’s probably right to assume the courts are our only hope…for whatever comfort that is.
Nope - it's due to a bunch of lazy, whining people not willing to take the time to understand the current and proposed legislation better than the uniformed congress critter voting on it. And then not investing the time and effort necessary to force feed that knowledge to your critters so they can use it when debating and voting.
I admire your faith in the system.
That’s “compromising” and there really isn’t an appetite for it here. It’s probably right to assume the courts are our only hope…for whatever comfort that is.
If I'm reading the tone of your post correctly then I'm likely preaching to the choir.

The changes I was speaking of don't necessarily need to be compromises.
More firearms regulation won't fix the problems they are going after because the violence they say they are trying to fix is perpetrated with firearms but has its roots in cyclical poverty and lack of opportunity.
Moving the discussion from firearms where your critters have no knowledge to social problems, where they FEEL comfortable is the right path.
But that path takes work to cultivate a relationship with your critter so you can get their time and attention.
I admire your faith in the system.
Explain - where did I call out any faith in the system?

Do you know why we are losing?
Because the other side is willing to sit down and discuss their positions and even write legislation for the critters.
People willing to take the time to do that will always take the time to vote and advocate so they get the critters ear.
We can't get out of our collective chairs to even pick up the phone.
We get what we deserve.
Few said "just take the day off." What's been said regularly is that people who care find a way. And it's true. There are lots of responsibilities that can't be moved. If you're in that camp, nobody's talking to you.

There are ~600,000 LTCs in MA and ~6,000 members of GOAL. ~300 people showed up yesterday.

Do the other 5.7K GOAL members factually have conflicts that can't be moved, or are they just content saying "I have to work"? Are the 594K MA LTC-holders factually too poor to support the group, or are they content saying "I got mine"?
Going all the way into the city on any day is a big deal to me. I’m west of 495 and well north of the pike. If I thought my presence would make a difference, I would have gone. Honestly if the event was in my town common a mile down the road, I may or may not have attended depending on my mood.

I didn’t agree with the polite message that was put forth. If we were doing the pictures of Healy with the hitler stash and middle fingers, I would have probably made my way into the city to have a good time with you guys.

As to being a GOAL member, it’s the same thing for me really. I think lobbying for gun rights in Massachusetts is a waste of time and money.

I do support COMM2A with my Amazon smile and the occasional check. When this stupid law passes, I will mail COMM2A aa check if they are going to fight it. I will also contact the NRA and insist they get involved.
Going all the way into the city on any day is a big deal to me. I’m west of 495 and well north of the pike. If I thought my presence would make a difference, I would have gone. Honestly if the event was in my town common a mile down the road, I may or may not have attended depending on my mood.

I didn’t agree with the polite message that was put forth. If we were doing the pictures of Healy with the hitler stash and middle fingers, I would have probably made my way into the city to have a good time with you guys.

As to being a GOAL member, it’s the same thing for me really. I think lobbying for gun rights in Massachusetts is a waste of time and money.

I do support COMM2A with my Amazon smile and the occasional check. When this stupid law passes, I will mail COMM2A aa check if they are going to fight it. I will also contact the NRA and insist they get involved.
Amazon shut down the Smile program earlier this year
Explain - where did I call out any faith in the system?

Do you know why we are losing?
Because the other side is willing to sit down and discuss their positions and even write legislation for the critters.
People willing to take the time to do that will always take the time to vote and advocate so they get the critters ear.
We can't get out of our collective chairs to even pick up the phone.
We get what we deserve.
Yes. Because we are an ultra-minority of pro-2A voters, who are mostly old white males, in an overwhelmingly anti-2A state, that does not care about the opinions of old white males.

I’m sorry I don’t share your optimism.
Going all the way into the city on any day is a big deal to me. I’m west of 495 and well north of the pike. If I thought my presence would make a difference, I would have gone. Honestly if the event was in my town common a mile down the road, I may or may not have attended depending on my mood.

I didn’t agree with the polite message that was put forth. If we were doing the pictures of Healy with the hitler stash and middle fingers, I would have probably made my way into the city to have a good time with you guys.

As to being a GOAL member, it’s the same thing for me really. I think lobbying for gun rights in Massachusetts is a waste of time and money.

I do support COMM2A with my Amazon smile and the occasional check. When this stupid law passes, I will mail COMM2A aa check if they are going to fight it. I will also contact the NRA and insist they get involved.
Tell me you won't do anything while telling me you do nothing

Smile shut down in February with several emails detailing when it would stop to people participating.

Advocacy both at the statehouse and, more powerfully, locally during one on one conversations works well.
The problem is with people who arr unwilling to do so and explain their unwillingness by stating that they would do more but advocacy doesn't work so why bother.

Sorry, it does work. Slowly at first but once momentum gains one would be surprised how well a working relationship with legislators actually does work.
Yes. Because we are an ultra-minority of pro-2A voters, who are mostly old white males, in an overwhelmingly anti-2A state, that does not care about the opinions of old white males.

I’m sorry I don’t share your optimism.
Thanks for confirming my statement

Funny thing is I have a very difficult time putting @Mesatchornug and pink pistols in the ultra right conservative bin. And he is only one of many here that don't fit your assertion.

Tell yourself whatever story you want, I'll keep trying to make a difference.

One of us is wrong, but only one is doing something about it.
Thanks for confirming my statement

Funny thing is I have a very difficult time putting @Mesatchornug and pink pistols in the ultra right conservative bin. And he is only one of many here that don't fit your assertion.

Tell yourself whatever story you want, I'll keep trying to make a difference.

One of us is wrong, but only one is doing something about it.
What assertion? That Massachusetts gun-owners tend to be old white males or Massachusetts is an overwhelmingly leftist state?

Is this a serious discussion or are you f***ing with me right now?
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