NES Member
In 1776 they didn't have to worry about dropping off and picking up their kids as one example. Do you need me to give more examples of the difference between 1776 and now? Its called responsibilities.
It’s people like you for the place we are today. Excuse for everything in the book. Take more time writing back to me than it woulda taken to go in Boston.
Whatever bro. There is way more of your sorry Ass’s than me, so you win the prize of giving up your and my constitutional rights.
I’m sorry for being a normal adult who has a decent job where I can take a day off to try and protect my rights when we knew about this for a MONTH. Well even if I didn’t I would have been there to protect my rights. I’m sorry I paid for someone to get my kids off the bus. And I’m sorry I have a father who could take my girls to thier sports after school.. this is The difference between us.
I will do whatever it takes to protect my rights.
I just don’t wanna hear from all you whining and bitching like usuall when the hammer drops.
Oh yah wtf did you mean on your first post…you’re going to 9/11 me or some shit.