NES Member
My statement that we are losing because we as a whole are a bunch of gutless, lazy and whiny a**h***s.What assertion? That Massachusetts gun-owners tend to be old white males or Massachusetts is an overwhelmingly leftist state?
Is this a serious discussion or are you f***ing with me right now?
And yes I'm serious.
@HKdrummer put together a coalition back in 2016 that made a massive difference. That was just a email list of people willing to simply call legislators.
There were only a handful of highly active people doing the emails and coordinating but a thousand people picking up the phone was enough.
Ask yourself what happened to a done deal that made the senate kill it?
People crushed the inboxes and voicemail of their legislators.
It takes about an hour per week to listen to podcasts/videos on the subject and then call legislators to make a clear and reasoned argument.
Then if a hundred other people then call the same legislators with the same talking points you get a very interested call back. Make that a few thousand calls then you get an open invitation.
But none of this means anything when the person is determined to find a reason to excuse their own inaction.