HD.4420 State House and Boston Common Rally

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Look at it this way:

You are an elected rep in the statehouse. How many anti gun constituents would have to visit your office or protest out front for you to say “ok, maybe they have a point. Let’s ban all semi autos to save children.”

Guns are a wedge issue between the parties and neither side cares what the other thinks as their minds are already made up. If I had to sit through 1,000 visitors a day trying to convince me guns are bad, it would just prevent me from getting anything done. Nothing is going to change my mind.

The ONLY way this shit is going to stop is when it gets spanked down by a federal judge enough times that they finally get the point. Even then, they will still play games to suck off their voter base.

I’m not a fan of the “dress nice, be polite, say please” approach to this. It doesn’t matter either way, so why the F are you playing nice? Bring nooses, carry nasty signs and giant dildos with Maura’s name on them. At least have fun and make them angry. Make some of the counter protesters cry and have histrionics to at least make it worth the time.

Be William Wallace at the pre battle parley. Pick a fight.
The only thing I would disagree with is "protesting ugly". They can still spin that in the news & media to make Pro-2A look worse. Instead of a protest, put out a Venmo collection to fund fighting for 2A in the courtroom. Everyone chips in $10 for Gun Policy/GOAL/Comm2A. That's the only place where we can win.
You guys should just rent uhauls and move instead of going to that.
That was done once a long time ago. And war still had to be fought. And here we are again with the same BS. most can’t just up and move. So it becomes stand up as much as you can. I don’t want to die for it. But if it comes to that we all have to make decisions. Not just run away.
If a few dozen of us dressed up in drag and held signs that read “gun rights are trans rights.” I believe that would be more effective. Honestly. The media wouldn’t cover it, but it’s fighting fire with fire.
im actually working on a sign idea that brings to mind the lefts protests of RvW. To the ilk of my body my choice or keep your laws out of my uterus.

My body my right to self defense? Keep your laws out of my civil rights? Idk itll come to me, but neither of these hit close enough to the original
That was done once a long time ago. And war still had to be fought. And here we are again with the same BS. most can’t just up and move. So it becomes stand up as much as you can. I don’t want to die for it. But if it comes to that we all have to make decisions. Not just run away.
I wouldnt call it running away as much as realising the obvious. MA doesnt like conservatice values. MA doesnt like guns. People in MA continue to vote for people who hate liberty, conservatism and guns.

Let's say the unlikely happens and MA becomes gun ffiendly. great. Now you still get to deal with teachers pushing sexual idealogy on your kids and insert X whackjob leftist current thing here.

I didn't move out of MA because of the gun laws. I moved out because I didn't trust the people in my community to do the right thing. Even if MA had great 2A stances I still would've moved out.

But then again, who knows. The amount of MA posters here who had no problem with the COVID nonsense and other insane shit that goes on might just show that I was in the minority here with that one.
im actually working on a sign idea that brings to mind the lefts protests of RvW. To the ilk of my body my choice or keep your laws out of my uterus.

My body my right to self defense? Keep your laws out of my civil rights? Idk itll come to me, but neither of these hit close enough to the original


See you there!

As a first-timer, does anyone have any recommendations, suggestions, or just general advice for attending a statehouse event? Better to dress up? Dress down? I'm happy to throw on a sportscoat if it will help our cause.
I'll be departing from Chelmsford so if there's anyone in the area that would like to catch a ride with me I have room for 2 more - message me if I can help.
Will likely park at Wellington or Alewife but open to suggestions.
See you there!

As a first-timer, does anyone have any recommendations, suggestions, or just general advice for attending a statehouse event? Better to dress up? Dress down? I'm happy to throw on a sportscoat if it will help our cause.
I'll be departing from Chelmsford so if there's anyone in the area that would like to catch a ride with me I have room for 2 more - message me if I can help.
Will likely park at Wellington or Alewife but open to suggestions.
I'm still trying to work out the time off from work but, the more folks who show up looking like the folks who donate to political campaigns, or even run against them, might run into them at a PTA fundraiser bake sale and live next door to them, the better. So, yeah... more sport coats and less 'gun culture' t-shirts. And, if you must t-shirt or hoodie, more 'Self Defense is a Human Right' GOAL swag than NRA swag...

If they're more worried they'll look bad not respecting you than they think they can have a way to make you look bad, that's good.

Frankly, a lot of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks showing up on our side would be good too (and an opportunity for some folks here to broaden their horizons).
im actually working on a sign idea that brings to mind the lefts protests of RvW. To the ilk of my body my choice or keep your laws out of my uterus.

My body my right to self defense? Keep your laws out of my civil rights? Idk itll come to me, but neither of these hit close enough to the original
self defense is the oldest natural right there is
Any thoughts about Carpooling. We did that last time when we came up from RI. I moved so now would be coming down from NH (Windham/Pelham area)
i'll be doing the same ... thinking about parking at anderson (woburn) and taking commuter rail into north station.

if i can remember how to do that.
Don’t laugh, but I have lived in MA my entire life and have never been to Boston. So if I parked at Alewife station, what train do I take to get to this party? Can someone post all the details etc. Thanks
There is only one train that leaves Alewife, the Red Line and take any of the trains (the branches don't mean anything since you are not travelling to the end) to the Park Street Station. Park Street Station is right under the common.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Boston Common considered a "No Gun" location by the Boston PD? I seem to remember this came up as a big issue during the last rally that was held at the State House and many people were going to walk across the Common to get there.
As long as you do not open carry or make a spectacle of yourself, you will be fine.
The last two rallies I attended, we parked at the Boston Common garage, and strolled right through the Common and up the stairs to the State House. My buddy commandeered his wife's mini van and there were 8 of us. I have no idea if anyone was carrying, but if they were, it was without issue.
Also worthy of note is that every time I have attended an event at the State House, BPD was very professional and did not go out of their way to bother people.
Don't start nothin, won't be nothin.

I wouldnt call it running away as much as realising the obvious. MA doesnt like conservatice values. MA doesnt like guns. People in MA continue to vote for people who hate liberty, conservatism and guns.
My experience is that this is not really true. Geographically, with a couple of notable exceptions, only about 10% of Mass is anti. Pretty much the communities inside 128. Once you get outside 495, there are a lot of conservatives. The exceptions being the shithole cities like Springfield and a few socialist towns like North Adams.
The obvious challenge is that, just like in California, the shit hole cities have the population to dictate state policy. You get away from the coast in Ca. and you find nothing but cowboys and rednecks.
The vast majority on Mass voters are "unenrolled" and those are the folks we need to reach. There are many voters that rarely participate unless an issue or canidate compells them to do so. We have to be realistic and except that Boston and the surrounding communities are not going to be swayed, and get rural and suburban voters to think this issue is important enough to make an effort.
G.O.A.L. is taking a major risk holding a rally. The last thing we need to have happen is anemic attendance or, worse yet, bad behavior. If it's going to change minds, or at least make them feel there'e a risk to re-election if they pass garbage, attendance needs to be in the thousands, not dozens. Get the word out,

Yes, a big risk if the turnout is anemic it will further embolden the legislature. I sent it to every gun owner I know and asked that they do the same to get the word out.

I don’t know if they could have picked worse day of the week and time. They vast majority of us have to actually work. “Moms demand….” Don’t work and can always show up in force.
Barely. The backup on Alewife Brook Parkway is mostly for folks trying to get onto 16. If you get in the right lane back at Lake St, you'll pass that congestion relatively quickly.

If it's in full constipation mode it ends up being both wings full of cars.

Rte2 can back up for a mile even mid morning if they are doing "Shit Pumping" on fresh pond. That doesnit happen until like 9:30 though. But when it does it is horrendous. (they basically f*** up the first of the two rotaries there with a shit ttruck parked in the rotary, reducing the spindle count by 1.
Yes, a big risk if the turnout is anemic it will further embolden the legislature. I sent it to every gun owner I know and asked that they do the same to get the word out.

I don’t know if they could have picked worse day of the week and time. They vast majority of us have to actually work. “Moms demand….” Don’t work and can always show up in force.

I agree it’s a hard time to go. But the way I think about it is how bad it will look if there are more counter protestors there then us.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Boston Common considered a "No Gun" location by the Boston PD? I seem to remember this came up as a big issue during the last rally that was held at the State House and many people were going to walk across the Common to get there.
Yes, it is a no gun zone. It’s not just Boston Common, it’s all city parks. However, it’s a very minor punishment. It’s punishable by a $50 fine. Parks rules and regulations

“(m) have in any such park or place, except a boundary road or parkway on which there are dwellings, any firearm or destructive weapon;”
I agree it’s a hard time to go. But the way I think about it is how bad it will look if there are more counter protestors there then us.

I totally agree and that is my fear.

I’m sure GOAL had their reasons picking that date and time. It most likely has to do with access to the politicians and such. The first response I got back when I was passing the info along is that it is a terrible date and time as gun owners are working.
I totally agree and that is my fear.

I’m sure GOAL had their reasons picking that date and time. It most likely has to do with access to the politicians and such. The first response I got back when I was passing the info along is that it is a terrible date and time as gun owners are working.

Bear in mind... Everything is a terrible date though. So the alternative is, a Saturday.... when legislators are obviously not there and people care less than they would even normally. Arguably a worse outcome if the idea is to maybe have comms with a few legislators or something. Or have any visibility. You would have people squaking here if that was the suggestion due to the above.

That's the problem with organizing an event with a # of people. As the # of people increases the # of incompatibilities with schedules also increase.
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Bear in mind... Everything is a terrible date though. So the alternative is, a Saturday.... when legislators are obviously not there and people care less than they would even normally. Arguably a worse outcome if the idea is to maybe have comms with a few legislators or something. Or have any visibility. You would have people squaking here if

That's the problem with organizing an event with a # of people. As the # of people increases the # of incompatibilities with schedules also increase.

With the shooting last night in Boston , Mayor Wu is now pressuring the political hacks to get her a bill to sign off on to “get guns off the street”. Meanwhile they will do nothing to address the growing gang problem and crminals.
Feel free to call me a vagina, (because frankly I feel like one).

On one hand I would love to go to this event, and on the other I'm honestly nervous about it.

With all of the baloney going on these days, I feel it's a place where one "Bad Apple" could get the whole group/atendees scrutinized by the government.

C'mon! 2 years AFTER J6 and people are still getting nabbed by feds?!?

I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's obvious I'm letting the fear control me, but how are the rest of you addressing any potential apprehensions about going in person to this event?
Feel free to call me a vagina, (because frankly I feel like one).

On one hand I would love to go to this event, and on the other I'm honestly nervous about it.

With all of the baloney going on these days, I feel it's a place where one "Bad Apple" could get the whole group/atendees scrutinized by the government.

C'mon! 2 years AFTER J6 and people are still getting nabbed by feds?!?

I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's obvious I'm letting the fear control me, but how are the rest of you addressing any potential apprehensions about going in person to this event?
you cannot give up the right to peacefully protest to only one side. if we really are at the point that we cannot protest for fear of retribution. the time to protest is long gone.
Feel free to call me a vagina, (because frankly I feel like one).

On one hand I would love to go to this event, and on the other I'm honestly nervous about it.

With all of the baloney going on these days, I feel it's a place where one "Bad Apple" could get the whole group/atendees scrutinized by the government.

C'mon! 2 years AFTER J6 and people are still getting nabbed by feds?!?

I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's obvious I'm letting the fear control me, but how are the rest of you addressing any potential apprehensions about going in person to this event?
This is exactly the response/reaction they wanted from their targeting of peacefully assembled Americans who speak out against The Machine. Just remember this isn’t just some bad left leaning politicians of old, this is communist China bought and paid for reactionary slow boil of its new subjects. Us.
Feel free to call me a vagina, (because frankly I feel like one).

On one hand I would love to go to this event, and on the other I'm honestly nervous about it.

With all of the baloney going on these days, I feel it's a place where one "Bad Apple" could get the whole group/atendees scrutinized by the government.

C'mon! 2 years AFTER J6 and people are still getting nabbed by feds?!?

I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's obvious I'm letting the fear control me, but how are the rest of you addressing any potential apprehensions about going in person to this event?

It's unfortunate as my wife feels pretty much the same way. She doesn't want me to go for fear of retribution and how that would affect us long term. Told her I'm going, but she is very nervous and upset. Honestly it pisses me off that my poor wife has to feel this way in our society today. Shows how far we've fallen and the lengths our "legislators" and minions will go to keep their message as the only message.
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