HD.4420 State House and Boston Common Rally

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After viewing the turn out, & socializing with like minded people, I have come to this conclusion for myself
time, money, effort spent today by me would have been better served by sending more $$$$ to GOAL
Im proud of those that attended with me to voice their opinions
but was anybody listening?
Left work at 10:15 and hopped on 495. Picked up a 1/2" lag screw in my drivers side rear tire, .
I made it to the Wrentham exit and it went flat.
Needless to say, by the time I got the tire changed and the spare on, I didn't make it.
I was friggin pissed. Made arrangements for coverage at work and cleared my schedule.

To add insult to injury, the tire couldn't be plugged and I had to buy a new one. It's all Healy's fault.
I don’t live down there anymore so I have no one to care about my opinion in the State House. But this shit makes my blood boil knowing not enough people give a f*** to even show up.
Life happens. I wasn't there, but I really would have preferred to have been instead of spending 5 hours two miles away sitting in the ER with my wife.

If 20,000 people showed up it wouldn’t make a difference. As I said earlier, if there is a fight to be won, it’s in a federal courtroom. I will financially support that battle. I will not waste my time arguing with democrats.

Even if 100,000 showed up on a weekend day, you'd get almost no media coverage and no opportunity to do a FTF with a legistraitor or aide.
Not a freaking whisper of it on the 5:00 and 6:00 channel 5 news. Stories about corn mazes, late ferries, and the lost & found at the Big E, but several hundred people respectfully protesting something WCVB doesn't approve of? No, no, no, can't have that!
Even if 100,000 showed up on a weekend day, you'd get almost no media coverage and no opportunity to do a FTF with a legistraitor or aide.

Better to have 2-400 show up on a weekday even if you can't meet with a legistraitor.

I was at the state house rally in 1999 when we had 5,000 show up (weekday) and it still didn't matter to the legistraitors.

Calling in sick can be "dangerous" to one's career. Back before all the media coverage, I attended the public hearings by just taking the time off (unofficially). Once the media was in those hearings and broadcasting it on the news, I couldn't afford to be spotted on-camera unless I took a vacation day. So at that point I officially took vacation days to show up for those hearings. I attended them for >20 years and spoke at almost every one of them.
If one has PTO, they dont need to lie about being sick. The perk of a better job
Left work at 10:15 and hopped on 495. Picked up a 1/2" lag screw in my drivers side rear tire, .
I made it to the Wrentham exit and it went flat.
Needless to say, by the time I got the tire changed and the spare on, I didn't make it.
I was friggin pissed. Made arrangements for coverage at work and cleared my schedule.

To add insult to injury, the tire couldn't be plugged and I had to buy a new one. It's all Healy's fault.
Send her the bill [laugh]

Sorry to hear about your shit luck though
Imagine they said that in 1776.
They have been planning for this for a month. If you can’t make provisions or take a half day, that is sad state of affairs

I had planned to be there. As I was in 16.

Now I’m gonna have to 9/11 you right here, champ.

My mother has been in the ICU since Monday am. On a ventilator pretty much dead Monday till now. Im finally getting some movement from her eyes and hands tonight.

Call me when it’s time for that 1776. Until then we’ll have to fight it in court.
Not a freaking whisper of it on the 5:00 and 6:00 channel 5 news. Stories about corn mazes, late ferries, and the lost & found at the Big E, but several hundred people respectfully protesting something WCVB doesn't approve of? No, no, no, can't have that!
I suggest reading this article by Charlie Cooke. It explains what we are up against and why we will not win the hearts and minds of the low-information voters due to the corrupt politicians and media. Only the courts can save us.



I think you know that you're not my target audience.

Hope she pulls through whatever ails her.
Turnout was pitiful in a great many respects. Especially given how much time was provided for organization. The last two organizations had fair turnouts and I 100% expected more people here. Once inside the building the level of disjointed mess became apparent. Topping it off that there was a hearing for environmental going on so we stopped at three of our state senators and only was even there.
Left work at 10:15 and hopped on 495. Picked up a 1/2" lag screw in my drivers side rear tire, .
I made it to the Wrentham exit and it went flat.
Needless to say, by the time I got the tire changed and the spare on, I didn't make it.
I was friggin pissed. Made arrangements for coverage at work and cleared my schedule.

To add insult to injury, the tire couldn't be plugged and I had to buy a new one. It's all Healy's fault.
Good lord. That is some absurd “luck”
Left work at 10:15 and hopped on 495. Picked up a 1/2" lag screw in my drivers side rear tire, .
I made it to the Wrentham exit and it went flat.
Needless to say, by the time I got the tire changed and the spare on, I didn't make it.
I was friggin pissed. Made arrangements for coverage at work and cleared my schedule.

To add insult to injury, the tire couldn't be plugged and I had to buy a new one. It's all Healy's fault.
She should ban .50 cal lag screws. No one needs a large caliber screw. .25 cal or smaller.

Could not be there due to some work obligations and a mid day vendor/event thing in the afternoon.

I talked with a few gun people today and no one had a clue about 4420. Let alone this event.

Even talked with a former sig employee and he had some simple NH laws wrong.
Good lord. That is some absurd “luck”
The tires on this truck are cursed. I picked up the truck 2 days before Christmas. Had club seats to a Patriots game New Years Day and the day before noticed a nail in drivers side front tire. Plugged it myself and its held fine since. Had a few days off, first day back to work one of the guys that works for me was checking out the truck and noticed a nail in front passenger side tire, and had it plugged at a local gas station. This was the first flat I had to change in more than 10 years.
I thought about calling AAA, and if the weather sucked or I couldn't get off the highway, I would have, but WTF - it's just a flat and I made it to the gas station in front of the Wrentham Outlets. Man, was I disappointed when I got the spare off and in big letters on the side wall it says "Temporary use Only" on the full sized spare. They used to give you a matching tire for a spare, on a cheap rim. Not anymore. It's full sized but it's a shitty temp tire and it's on a 17" rim.
I had a feeling that the tire couldn't be plugged because the screw was pretty big, and sure enough, I was right.
New tire was $252.00 and now I have to replace the spare.
But I was more pissed I missed the rally. I had been planning it for weeks.
She should ban .50 cal lag screws. No one needs a large caliber screw. .25 cal or smaller.

Could not be there due to some work obligations and a mid day vendor/event thing in the afternoon.

I talked with a few gun people today and no one had a clue about 4420. Let alone this event.

Even talked with a former sig employee and he had some simple NH laws wrong.

This is what really pisses me off.. With the Internet, It doesn’t take much to pay attention these days to what is going on around you. No one does. The other side knows this and will push this bill through for sure. I’m afraid we are going to have to take this to court.

I couldn’t make it to the rally either due to work…
Imagine they said that in 1776.
They have been planning for this for a month. If you can’t make provisions or take a half day, that is sad state of affairs
In 1776 they didn't have to worry about dropping off and picking up their kids as one example. Do you need me to give more examples of the difference between 1776 and now? Its called responsibilities.
In 1776 they didn't have to worry about dropping off and picking up their kids as one example. Do you need me to give more examples of the difference between 1776 and now? Its called responsibilities.
Are you saying they had fewer responsibilities? Or just different?
Are you saying they had fewer responsibilities? Or just different?
Not everyone is in the same situation or has the same responsibilities is what I am saying. The "just take a day off of work" people don't necessarily have the same schedule or responsibilities as others. People like to paint with broad brushes.
If you wanna keep your rights, you need to take a day off of work
I'll take a day off work to keep my rights; how does a rally achieve that? My representatives are anti-gun, they think all gun control is good, and answer to both constituents and their party leaders who also are anti-gun. I can write them, I can parade around, but none of that will change their mind the same way you wouldn't suddenly be pro gun-control with a strongly worded letter. Respect to those that went and I hope it was a good networking event but we're out numbered in MA and are going to need to fund a court battle once a version of this bill passes.
Not everyone is in the same situation or has the same responsibilities is what I am saying. The "just take a day off of work" people don't necessarily have the same schedule or responsibilities as others. People like to paint with broad brushes.
Few said "just take the day off." What's been said regularly is that people who care find a way. And it's true. There are lots of responsibilities that can't be moved. If you're in that camp, nobody's talking to you.

There are ~600,000 LTCs in MA and ~6,000 members of GOAL. ~300 people showed up yesterday.

Do the other 5.7K GOAL members factually have conflicts that can't be moved, or are they just content saying "I have to work"? Are the 594K MA LTC-holders factually too poor to support the group, or are they content saying "I got mine"?
Few said "just take the day off." What's been said regularly is that people who care find a way. And it's true. There are lots of responsibilities that can't be moved. If you're in that camp, nobody's talking to you.

There are ~600,000 LTCs in MA and ~6,000 members of GOAL. ~300 people showed up yesterday.

Do the other 5.7K GOAL members factually have conflicts that can't be moved, or are they just content saying "I have to work"? Are the 594K MA LTC-holders factually too poor to support the group, or are they content saying "I got mine"?

I suspect, though it's going to be impossible to convince some people of this, that "people who care" about their 2A rights and "people who care" about this particular rally are not necessarily the same people. The issue (and I'm not saying you're doing this) lies with people who impugn the pro-2A credentials of other members, and cite as evidence their inability to easily come to this particular event.

I'm with @Snora just above. My reps are not going to have their minds changed by a rally no matter how many people show up. They might have their minds changed by a federal court order, and that's where I believe it's wiser to put my energies in a situation where taking a day off presents an undue hardship to me or my family. Either way, it doesn't mean I "care about my 2A rights" any less.
I educated my coworkers down here in Orlando on Massachusetts Gun laws. They couldn’t believe it.. Some gun owners down here in Florida know more about Mass gun laws than Mass residents..
I'll take a day off work to keep my rights; how does a rally achieve that? My representatives are anti-gun, they think all gun control is good, and answer to both constituents and their party leaders who also are anti-gun. I can write them, I can parade around, but none of that will change their mind the same way you wouldn't suddenly be pro gun-control with a strongly worded letter. Respect to those that went and I hope it was a good networking event but we're out numbered in MA and are going to need to fund a court battle once a version of this bill passes.
Totally missed the joke
I suspect, though it's going to be impossible to convince some people of this, that "people who care" about their 2A rights and "people who care" about this particular rally are not necessarily the same people. The issue (and I'm not saying you're doing this) lies with people who impugn the pro-2A credentials of other members, and cite as evidence their inability to easily come to this particular event.

I'm with @Snora just above. My reps are not going to have their minds changed by a rally no matter how many people show up. They might have their minds changed by a federal court order, and that's where I believe it's wiser to put my energies in a situation where taking a day off presents an undue hardship to me or my family. Either way, it doesn't mean I "care about my 2A rights" any less.
And that's a totally valid and principled position.

"MA is dead for lobbying, let's get onto the lawfare" makes sense. Obviously, I don't entirely share it, but I do entirely respect it.
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