How many guns would it take to have an arsenal?

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Shooting at the big range in heaven
NES Member
Jul 30, 2005
Metrowest, MA & Points South and West
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Something SR posted recently made me stop and think: how many guns would it take for someone to have what even we gunnies would call an arsenal?

For me, I refuse to call my collection an arsenal until I need to build a separate, stand-alone vault to house it!
I refer to my Collection as a "Small Arsenal" The dictionary definetion is rather limeted, but I'd say any collection in one place with more than one gun and ammunition should constitute and Arenal sez I!

-Weer'd Beard
Crap, then I have an arsenal.

But I would agree with C-X. You need to have a seperate room, some guy that sits behind a locked screen cage door, and you crack jokes with said guy and tell him what you want out of the collection...yadda, yadda.
I think it depends on what media outlet is covering your story. For example:

In The Boston Globe a rusted out Red Ryder BB Gun in your basement would constitute an arsenal.

In Guns And Ammo it wouldn't be an arsenal unless you needed to have a separate building dedicated solely to storage.
You guys want a real arsenal? Get busy.

An arsenal is an establishment for the construction, repair, receipt, storage and issue of weapons and ammunition. The word arsenal appears in various forms in Romanic languages (from which it has been adopted into Teutonic), i.e. Italian arzanale, Spanish arsenal, etc.; Italian also has arzana and darsena, and Spanish a longer form atarazanal. The word is of Arabic origin, being a corruption of daras-sina'ah, house of trade or manufacture, dar, house, al, the, and sina'ah, trade, manufacture (with jana'a, to make). Such guesses as arx navalis, naval citadel, arx senatus (i.e. of Venice, etc.), have been discounted.

A first-class arsenal, which can renew the materiel and equipment of a large army, embraces a gun factory, carriage factory, laboratory and small-arms ammunition factory, small-arms factory, harness, saddlery and tent factories, and a powder factory; in addition it must possess great store-houses. In a second-class arsenal the factories would be replaced by workshops. The situation of an arsenal should be governed by strategic considerations. If of the first class, it should be situated at the base of operations and supply, secure from attack, not too near a frontier, and placed so as to draw in readily the resources of the country. The importance of a large arsenal is such that its defences would be on the scale of those of a large fortress.

The usual subdivision of branches in a great arsenal is into A, Storekeeping; B, Construction; C, Administration. Under A we should have the following departments and stores: Departments of issue and receipt, pattern room, armoury department, ordnance or park, harness, saddlery and accoutrements, camp equipment, tools and instruments, engineer store, timber yard, braking-up store, unserviceable store. Under B: Gun factory, carriage factory, laboratory, small-arms factory, harness and tent factory, powder factory, etc. In a second- class arsenal there would be workshops instead of these factories. C: Under the head of administration would be classed the chief director of the arsenal, officials military and civil, non-commissioned officers and military artificers, civilian foremen, workmen and laborers, with the clerks and writers necessary for the office work of the establishments.

In the manufacturing branches are required skill, and efficient and economical work, both executive and administrative; in the storekeeping part, good arrangement, great care, thorough knowledge of all warlike stores, both in their active and passive state, and scrupulous exactness in the custody, issue and receipt of stores.
Read the papers. An "arsenal" is whatever the libs make it out to be! They often mention that "thousands of rounds" of ammunition were found at a given location, never mentioning the caliber. Two or three thousand rounds of .22LR is no big deal, but the media makes no distinction between .22 and say 7.62. (Not that theres anything wrong with 7.62!) Bottom line is that the media will spin anything firearm related into an evil sounding threat. In fact, I'm not 100% on this but I remember reading about someone in MA caught with an "arsenal" of fireworks a few summers ago...

FPrice said:
Is he one of those deadly "assault lawyers" we keep reading about in the liberal media?


Let's put it this way, it would probably take a squad of Marines to make it to the interior of his house. And I wouldn't be volunteering for it... [laugh]
Just realized the Ronald Reagan quote I have in my signature line!!! Maybe that offers a better perspective on the true meaning of the word.

I would refuse to use the term "arsenal" just as I would refuse to use the term "assault weapon". They are simply red flags the media uses to scare the unknowing.
In my opinion, in order for something to be an arsenal, it has to serve more than one person. If I have fifteen guns down in my basement, but I'm the only one who uses them, then it's not really an arsenal. If I have 14 roomates in a huge house with 15 guns in the basement, then its an arsenal. Sort of like the military, all the guns are stored in one location for all the different soldiers to get. It doesn't just serve one person.
Every time the media runs a picture of a confiscated "arsenal", I look at the picture and say to myself, "that's not an arsenal. Heck, it's not even the start of a decent collection..."
M1911 said:
Every time the media runs a picture of a confiscated "arsenal", I look at the picture and say to myself, "that's not an arsenal. Heck, it's not even the start of a decent collection..."

Bada boom! Bada bing!

We have a winner!
You will be said to have an arsenal if you have one more gun than the dude saying you have an arsenal thinks you should have.
So there's fifteen guns here. It's not an arsenal because I have no: .25, .32, .380, .41, .44, .50; nothing in cowboy action, no 1911s, no Milsurp stuff, nothing lever action, no single shot anything, no shotguns, in fact, there's a lot of stuff I don't have. I'm starting to feel like I have a pretty lousy collection, let alone a full arsenal.

ChristosX said:
So there's fifteen guns here. It's not an arsenal because I have no: .25, .32, .380, .41, .44, .50; nothing in cowboy action, no 1911s, no Milsurp stuff, nothing lever action, no single shot anything, no shotguns, in fact, there's a lot of stuff I don't have. I'm starting to feel like I have a pretty lousy collection, let alone a full arsenal.


I'm right there with ya dude! There is too much cool stuff that I don't have!

-Weer'd Beard
I think I may get a second job from which all proceeds go only to buying guns. It's the only way I'm going to get all the guns I want/need.

Just off the top of my head there are 15 guns I need... [crying]
are bang-sticks mass compliant???


Nah, I don't really have much need for either. But one or the other (or both) sitting on my coffee table IS a nice way to strike up idle conversation!


-Weer'd Beard
Weer'd Beard said:
are bang-sticks mass compliant???


Nah, I don't really have much need for either. But one or the other (or both) sitting on my coffee table IS a nice way to strike up idle conversation!


-Weer'd Beard

Next thing you know, you're gonna tell me you have no cutlass, no mermaid, and no wenches!

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