How many of you use a boresighter to zero the red dots on your handguns?

I like using a red lazer in the bore before any shooting , gets me very close , then take a shot or 2 at the range & make the final adjustment to dead on
I use the same system with scopes also works out very well for me
I use a cheapo laser cartridge. It is not nearly as repeatable as a trued bore-sight, but it’s a lot faster and even with a bore-sight you’re going to want to confirm zero at the range. The laser cartridge lets me get pretty close.

For rifles, I look down the bore.

The pros take one shot at the target, then move the dot to match the shot. Done. Second shot = bullseye.

At least I do it that way, and I am a certified NES Stud Operator Sniper.

Is that a 6.5CM pistol?
Boresight for pistols? If you install correctly the red dot and you fire off one shot at 10-15 yards and cant see/ assess the impact - something is seriously tweaked and you should check your installation. A properly mounted (new) red dot will be in the ballpark from the get go.

Rifles? Now that is a different story. With the price of ammo and variables in the scope/ red dot mounting options I will always run a laser boresight initially to at least get me on the paper...
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I use a cheapo laser cartridge. It is not nearly as repeatable as a trued bore-sight, but it’s a lot faster and even with a bore-sight you’re going to want to confirm zero at the range. The laser cartridge lets me get pretty close.

For rifles, I look down the bore.

Is that a 6.5CM pistol?
No, it is how I do it with all my handguns, the latest being a .22.

I take a shot.
Place the gun on the table and hold it with one hand while placing the barrel on a rest (for stability) with the dot aimed at the center.
With the other hand I turn the adjustment so the dot moves over the impact.
Sighted in maybe 2 minutes.

I usually do this at 10 yards or so. Then move the target further out.
I've done it at home, on the wall of my shed and got it accurate enough so that when I took it to the rage I was already in the ballpark. I see no downside to using one.

Can go a step further using a ballistics calculator. Measure sight over bore and get yourself sighted in at ten or 20 feet for a 50 yard zero or whatever distance you’re looking for.

Edit: didn’t read this was for handguns.
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Just curious how the pros do it.
not a pro and neither a sniper - but i took all my handguns this fall to a 25yds range and set all dots and iron sights for 25yds.
laser is useless there, you also need a sighting scope to see holes, but result was worth it, the percentage of hits at plates from 20yds increased by a lot compared to setting red dot at 7yds.
zeroing at 25 required some adjustments. red dot really needs to point where the bullet gonna fly, not where a laser points.
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