I don't understand.

Derek, we get calls all the time. "Help, my 6-14 year old is out of control". Gimme a break, if they can't control 'em, they shouldn't have 'em. They just want someone else to do the parenting. And there are others that are afraid to touch their kids. My kids would come home from school and say stuff like if they got spanked, the teacher says it abuse and they should call the police. I told my kids, "Call the police all you want, they're my friends. Who they gonna believe, you or me!" My kids think it "sucks" because I'm a cop. "We can't get away with anything!"
My kids would never dream of being "out of control". There were times my son (he's 16 now) would try and run away from me. He'd go flying up the stairs and all's I had to do is grab one ankle, he'd come right back to me [wink]
I think a big part of the problem is that a lot of parents are so busy doing other "important" things, that they pretty much let the kids go until they start displaying control problems. The catch is that hte best authorities will tell you that by then it's pretty much too late. If you've got then under good control at age 5, you've already solved 98% of the problem. If not, then the next 15-20 year of your life are going to be one great big Charlie Foxtrot.

KMaurer said:
I think a big part of the problem is that a lot of parents are so busy doing other "important" things, that they pretty much let the kids go until they start displaying control problems. The catch is that hte best authorities will tell you that by then it's pretty much too late. If you've got then under good control at age 5, you've already solved 98% of the problem. If not, then the next 15-20 year of your life are going to be one great big Charlie Foxtrot.


Absolutely correct. However, let a day care person hear child say they got spanked and shit hits the fan for the parents.
TonyD said:
Absolutely correct. However, let a day care person hear child say they got spanked and shit hits the fan for the parents.

Fortunately I never had that problem. First, every time they got spanked, they knew exactly why and that it was their own fault. As a result they were too embarassed to go around blabbing about it. Second, I screened daycare providers very carefully to ensure that we were on the same frequency in regard to disciplice (not always something easy to do). Finally, that fact that the youngest is pushing 30 might make a little difference.

Depending on how old the parents are, they probably got away with worse and don't know how to discipline their own kid, OR, they had such strick parents, they've gone in the other direction. Then there's also the fear of being arrested for making your kid behave. The fear of child abuse has gone WAY out of control to the point of beyond ridiculas. [roll]

Now - the story is incorrect in one aspect. Blood testing needles used in pens are NOT 1/2 of an inch long. I know - I'm a diabetic. Those needles are less than 1/4 of an inch long. But then again, you don't get enough of a knee jerk reaction if you tell the truth. [roll]
Lynne said:
Depending on how old the parents are, they probably got away with worse and don't know how to discipline their own kid, OR, they had such strick parents, they've gone in the other direction. Then there's also the fear of being arrested for making your kid behave. The fear of child abuse has gone WAY out of control to the point of beyond ridiculas. [roll]

Now - the story is incorrect in one aspect. Blood testing needles used in pens are NOT 1/2 of an inch long. I know - I'm a diabetic. Those needles are less than 1/4 of an inch long. But then again, you don't get enough of a knee jerk reaction if you tell the truth. [roll]

Apparently, this was a needle used to check the blood glucose level rather than an actual insulin needle. Those are usually shorter than a needle used for sub Q injections.
TonyD said:
Apparently, this was a needle used to check the blood glucose level rather than an actual insulin needle. Those are usually shorter than a needle used for sub Q injections.

I know - the syringes used for insulin (which I take) are 1/2 inch long. The pin pricks for blood sugar testing are shorter than 1/4 inch. I use them 3 to 4 times a day. :) They're inbetween 1/8 and 1/4 long.
I just re-read my 1st post - the article said they were 1/3 of an inch long. I erred in typing 1/2 in. (slip of the fingers) - but even with my typo, the blood sugar needles are not 1/3 inch long....not even in your dreams.
Lord, it's disgusting when reading a gun forum reminds me to pull out the old AcuCheck one more time before I turn in for the night.

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