I told ya so......


NES Member
May 6, 2005
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
I have been preaching about the evils of depending on Walmart for guns & accessories for years.
Now where ya gonna go? Lots of local shops have closed, recently.

Walmart is fine for almost anything else, but to buy a gun there just to save $20 while your local gunshop is barely keeping their head above water is not good.
"I have been preaching about the evils of depending on Walmart for guns & accessories for years. Now where ya gonna go?---PatMcD"

Mail order!


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jkelly said:
Mail order!

That doesn't work to well for those that are in MA or for the local economy.

I'm happy to say I've only used wallyworld for a couple of ammo purchases.

jkelly said:
"I have been preaching about the evils of depending on Walmart for guns & accessories for years. Now where ya gonna go?---PatMcD"

Mail order!

If all you want is Hoppes and patches, fine. If you want ammo, components or mags, most places won't sell here. Shipping is also a consideration.

Mail order is great and I use it, but I never relied on WalMart for gun stuff (or much of anything else). I would rather visit my local Merchant Of Death than go to Wally World or any other "big box" mall whore which buys 90% of its merchandise from China.
Scrivener said:
If all you want is Hoppes and patches, fine. If you want ammo, components or mags, most places won't sell here. Shipping is also a consideration.

Mail order is great and I use it, but I never relied on WalMart for gun stuff (or much of anything else). I would rather visit my local Merchant Of Death than go to Wally World or any other "big box" mall whore which buys 90% of its merchandise from China.


Hey, I'm not proud -- I've taken advantage of Walmart's competitive prices on ammo over the years.

If the local Walmarts no longer sell ammo, so be it. For clever gunnies, there are plenty of other ammo sources, even here in MA.
I'm not a friend or foe of Walamrt. Hey, they're an American success story. They allow regular people to get stuff at a decent price and keep more $$ in their pocket. BUT, when it comes to something you REALLY care about, I'm shopping at a store that cares as much as I do about the product.
Wal-Mart in one sense is just like any other company. They are going to do things which are in their best financial interest in order to stay alive and gain as much market share as is consistent with their bottom line. Considering how much red-tape is involved with selling firearms today it makes sense to stop selling them in those markets where Wal-Mart may not make a whole lot of money on them. If this were a corporate-wide move then you would see this gone from all Wal-Mart stores.

I will, from time to time buy WWB ammo from Wal-Mart because they have the best price. But firearms and everything else comes from my local dealers.

Just one after-thought. If Wal-Mart gets a lot of its merchandise from China, why don't they carry the Norinco line of firearms???
When I lived in Michigan I only bought ammo from Wally World for the Remington 243 in 100 gr soft tip. My rifle loves them and my local guys don't carry them and if they ordered it for me it wouldn't be worth it. Besides, I think they would rather have me buying my guns, scopes, gear and a lot of my other ammo from them.

Though, I must confess I ALMOST bought a Ruger 10/22 from wally world cuz it was on sale for a decent price.
Damn, I didn't know that WWB was made in China and is pure junk. I better tell all those guys that fly out to FrontSight and pick up their pre-ordered ammo for the courses at the Wal-Mart in Pahrump, NV!

Wal-Mart, much like every other merchant out there buys product made in 3rd world countries because that is where it is manufactured!

Try buying a computer monitor or laptop that is actually completely made in the US! Good luck!! How about a TV, stereo, microwave, electric shaver, etc.

If Wal-Mart were "pulling out of the gun business" it would have been 100% of their stores, not 1/3 of them!

I think there is a bit of BS in the announcement. I think here are some other major contributing factors:

- Local licensing is such a hassle, fraught with restrictions (e.g. Walpole can sell ammo, but nothing for paintball or BBs), and BS about local rules/state laws/mandates by local chiefs/etc.

- Wal-Mart does not pay or treat their employees well enough to hire and KEEP people who are knowledgeable about the gun laws and products. Sell ammo to someone under age (or no LTC/FID) in MA and you lose your MA license to sell!

- I suspect that BATFE and local chiefs have created lots of stink for Wal-Mart corporate to deal with over violations inadvertently done by dumb clerks.

- The politics of selling guns. Local Zoning Board can dictate that they will only give a permit if a store does NOT sell guns/ammo, sell tires/batteries, install car parts/repair cars, etc. I doubt that Avon, Brockton, Boston, etc. would ever issue a building permit to a Wal-Mart that was going to sell ammo or guns (afraid of all the gang-bangers buying their supplies there)!

I have NEVER seen a "good supply" of ammo at any Wal-Mart. Stores like Four Seasons regularly sell more ammo in a couple of hours than any Wal-Mart store I've ever been in has in stock!!

No Wal-Mart that I've ever seen in MA/NH has more than a couple of handfuls of guns. Not much stock, not much selection! NO competition for any real gun store.

I have NOT seen any gun store go under because of a Wal-Mart! Regulations, hassles by local chiefs, Ch. 180, the AG/CHSB goon squads nit-picking them to force them to give up their MA License and FFL has worked wonders here, but it wasn't the ability to purchase a whopping 4 boxes of ammo for $4/box less than your local gun dealer that put them out of business. Where are you going to get real cleaning supplies, targets of various types, spotting scopes, gun scopes, etc. . . . certainly not Wal-Mart! They carry a few of this and that, but not enough variety of anything to be competitive. However on a Sunday or Monday when nearly every real gun store in MA is closed, Wal-Mart may be your best bet to pick up that item you need NOW!
FPrice said:
Wal-Mart in one sense is just like any other company. They are going to do things which are in their best financial interest in order to stay alive and gain as much market share as is consistent with their bottom line. Considering how much red-tape is involved with selling firearms today it makes sense to stop selling them in those markets where Wal-Mart may not make a whole lot of money on them. If this were a corporate-wide move then you would see this gone from all Wal-Mart stores.

I will, from time to time buy WWB ammo from Wal-Mart because they have the best price. But firearms and everything else comes from my local dealers.

Just one after-thought. If Wal-Mart gets a lot of its merchandise from China, why don't they carry the Norinco line of firearms???

That's exactly what I do, too. Get the target stuff at WallyWorld, get defensive rounds and most of my guns at the gun store. Of course, some of my guns are bought out of the back of Milsurps4Me's van... [smile]
LenS said:
I have NEVER seen a "good supply" of ammo at any Wal-Mart. Stores like Four Seasons regularly sell more ammo in a couple of hours than any Wal-Mart store I've ever been in has in stock!!

+1000 on this, Len. There is never enough ammo at wal mart. I typically
buy ammo 1000 rounds at a time. 90% of it I get from Carl... because he
has it there, and the price is reasonable. And low and behold, theres
even a bunch of choices! At walmart, theres WWB, some blazer brass,
and -maybe- some remington, and not overlapping in caliber, usually.

Different spin at the end. Looks like wishful thinking.

The Associated Press

Wal-Mart Stores has decided to stop selling guns in about a third of its U.S. stores in what it calls a marketing decision based on lack of demand in some places, a company spokeswoman said Friday.

The company, which declined to specify what stores were affected, will stock other sporting goods instead.

The National Rifle Association said it was concerned that people in rural areas, where Wal-Mart may be the only seller, may lose access to guns. "We've been told by Wal-Mart that the decision would be made on a store-by-store basis based on demand. The NRA and our members will be watching closely to make sure they stay true to their word," NRA chief lobbyist Chris Cox said.

The Violence Policy Center, a gun-control group, said the decision reflected a decline in gun ownership."The marketplace has spoken and the losers are America's gun industry and the gun lobby," VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann said in a statement.
"Just one after-thought. If Wal-Mart gets a lot of its merchandise from China, why don't they carry the Norinco line of firearms???"

Probably because of the Federal import restrictions. [rolleyes]
I noticed that the Hudson, MA Wallyworld has cleaned out ALL it's hunting/shooting accessories and ONLY has ammo now - I stopped by to get an inexpensive rifle case for my friend's Marlin (which is living here until Bob gets his LTC).

I do have to admit that once, years ago, I DID buy a gun at Walmart - a Mossberg 500. And I bought another new barrel for it at K&R Target Sports.
dwarven1 said:
I do have to admit that once, years ago, I DID buy a gun at Walmart - a Mossberg 500. And I bought another new barrel for it at K&R Target Sports.
Gee Ross you make your admission like you had done something wrong. Whos cares where ya bought it. Buy more, anywhere you can!
JonJ said:
Gee Ross you make your admission like you had done something wrong. Whos cares where ya bought it. Buy more, anywhere you can!
Well, some folks on this board seem to think that it's a sin against "real" gun dealers. Since I was not making a whole lot at the time and I wanted a hunting gun, it seemed to be a good deal to me... so I did it.
dwarven1 said:
Well, some folks on this board seem to think that it's a sin against "real" gun dealers. Since I was not making a whole lot at the time and I wanted a hunting gun, it seemed to be a good deal to me... so I did it.

Hey look, you don't own a gun store, and don't have one for a tenant. Instead, you are a consumer. Smart consumers shop for value, don't they?
That's exactly what you did. Bully!
The Violence Policy Center, a gun-control group, said the decision reflected a decline in gun ownership."The marketplace has spoken and the losers are America's gun industry and the gun lobby," VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann said in a statement.

Hmm. Guess they must have missed the dramatic rise in gun sales after 9/11 and Katrina. Or more likely refuse to acknowledge it.
I don’t depend on factory ammo to shoot as I reload most of my own ammo. But I do like to keep a good amount of WWB ammo in 9mm, 40 S&W and 45 ACP for guests or times I run out of handloads. So I have no problem picking up cases of ammo at Wally World when I can get them.

As for local gun stores, if they have what I want I’ll buy it. If they don’t I’ll buy it some where else. But I’ve gotten tired of waiting for things that never show up, so I have no problem in mail ordering what I need.


LenS said:
I doubt that Avon, Brockton, Boston, etc. would ever issue a building permit to a Wal-Mart that was going to sell ammo or guns (afraid of all the gang-bangers buying their supplies there)

Hey, I'm sure gang bangers do shop at walmart for their WWB practice ammo. You know they spend lots of time at the range honing their skills so they minimize the collateral damage in their drive bys. [rolleyes]
jkelly said:
As for local gun stores, if they have what I want I’ll buy it. If they don’t I’ll buy it some where else. But I’ve gotten tired of waiting for things that never show up, so I have no problem in mail ordering what I need.

I hear that! That "next order" BS gets very tiresome very quickly. Fortunately for us, there are a couple of mail order houses that still ship to this armpit state.

Not that I'm going to list them on an open forum.... [wink]
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Scrivener said:
I hear that! That "next order" BS gets very tiresome very quickly. Fortunatelty for us, there are a couple of mail order houses that still ship to this armpit state.

Not that I'm going to list them on an open forum.... [wink]

And all this time I thought I was the only one who referred to MA as the armpit of the U.S. [rofl]
KMaurer said:
No, it's not. Massachusetts it a couple feet lower and closer to the center line.

As long as California, New York and New Jersey remain in the union, Massachusetts will be out-ranked. [wink]
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