Zoom meeting just ended. 2 hours, very civil, most in attendance were pro 2A and brought up various great points which we've all been discussing here. Meeting was recorded, so anyone who wants to see it for themselves, the Senator said he would be posting the recording. I assume that means here:
Latest – Will Brownsberger
Some of you may know Austin Smith, and thankfully he spoke near the beginning of the meeting, because he nailed many of our largest concerns and was able to do so very eloquently. Everything I had written in my notes to address, he hit it first and did it better than I would have.
A few key discussion points:
- Turning lawful firearm owners into criminals overnight
- Grandfathering
- Municipalities expanding areas where firearms may not be carried, setting their own laws bypassing preemption
- Many discussions around expanded ERPO
- Discontinuity with Bruen
- 3D printers and CNC mills requiring a firearms manufacturing license
- First amendment violation by restricting software distribution of firearm plans
- 3 day involuntary hold vs. voluntarily seeking mental health care
- Discussion around federal vs state firearms law and Healey's 2016 memo
Also in attendance was a reporter Matthew Medsger from the Boston Herald, so look there for a possible story soon.
I don't want to butcher it so I think anyone who wants more info than that should watch the video when it is posted. Here's a screenshot of the senator speaking. He seemed like he was listening and will go back to work on the concerns raised, but the bill is going to go through.
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