MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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Unless they now consider post 2016 not legally possessed
That would be interesting. They may be trying to say that but it’s going to be an interesting case if someone is charged with having something that was registered post-2016 that follows the AG guidance (like a rimfire AR).

Look, God bless you guys who are spending all this time parsing everything out. Really. And I understand, I suppose, the worry of those of you who are trying so hard to learn about the ins and outs of this new law, presumably so that you can follow it.

But I'm done. I'm following more than enough laws already; I don't intend to follow more. Good luck out there, everybody, and stay frosty.
Not really, but kind of. Pre 94 is still a thing in that the law doesn’t consider them a ASW. But from what I can tell there’s no other difference between pre and post 94 rifles.
So they moved 9/94 to 8/24?

It also seems they've worked in that anything post 2016 is considered a copy, even though they never were until this bill. That's the part thats really anyones guess at this point.
So before 8/1/24, I can go buy a lower, build it to MASSIFIED specs, “register” it through the EFA10 process, and be allowed to keep it after 8/1/24???
It also seems they've worked in that anything post 2016 is considered a copy, even though they never were until this bill. That's the part thats really anyones guess at this point.
They’re just trying to help Healey save face by hard coding her BS. But doesn’t matter because all duplicates and copies are legal to possess anyway (by 8/1/24).
So they moved 9/94 to 8/24?

So before 8/1/24, I can go buy a lower, build it to MASSIFIED specs, “register” it through the EFA10 process, and be allowed to keep it after 8/1/24???

Different dates for different purposes.

9/13/94 is still true preban and preban firearms are still good to go as they always were

8/1/24 grandfathers any gun LAWFULLY possessed by a LTC holder or MA Dealer. So your AWB (1994/1998 AWB) compliant rifle thst you owned lawfully before 8/1 remains lawful. All post 8/1 need to be compliant with the new ASW definition

6/20/16 is a cut off for “not a copy or duplicate” in the ASW definition. The only way this matters is if Healey was law so post 6/20/16 copies or duplicates would be deemed not lawfully possessed. But that language also says “registered” which is not a thing so a mess at all levels.
Different dates for different purposes.

9/13/94 is still true preban and preban firearms are still good to go as they always were

8/1/24 grandfathers any gun LAWFULLY possessed by a LTC holder or MA Dealer. So your AWB (1994/1998 AWB) compliant rifle thst you owned lawfully before 8/1 remains lawful. All post 8/1 need to be compliant with the new ASW definition

6/20/16 is a cut off for “not a copy or duplicate” in the ASW definition. The only way this matters is if Healey was law so post 6/20/16 copies or duplicates would be deemed not lawfully possessed. But that language also says “registered” which is not a thing so a mess at all levels.
I’ll add more color and constraint.

The definition of ASW does not care about 8/1/24 or 9/13/94. It is unlawful to import into MA any ASWs or LCFD. So they are either here already or you can’t have them.

131M does not permit possession of ASWs unless lawfully possessed by a LTC holder or MA dealer before 8/1/24. Again no mention of 9/13/94 for guns. BUT a preban could have had evil feature and been lawfully possessed and that remains true. There is no need to mention the date for preban guns.

Preban mags the date is mentioned because post pan and pre 8/1/24 can’t be lawfully possessed except by people still exempt.

Mags are restricted in use and unsellable. Guns can still be sold and bought. It only says lawfully possessed by LTC or dealer, not lawfully possessed by the current person possessing.

Preban guns still good, just can’t bring more into the state. Preban mags less good but still useable on private property and range.
Just so I understand… this thread is mostly comprised of people who currently have guns. People who are wondering how this law is going to impact their ability to continue to possess these guns. It’s almost like we’re forgetting why we have guns in the first place. If you think it’s for punching holes in paper…. Just hand them over I guess. Literally I don’t care. And if you’re a LEO reading this, I hope you’re thinking “yes, this guy gets it” because the alternative is stacking up. Good luck 👍

Edit to add: in all seriousness I appreciate crackpot and others for the insights
Different dates for different purposes.

9/13/94 is still true preban and preban firearms are still good to go as they always were

8/1/24 grandfathers any gun LAWFULLY possessed by a LTC holder or MA Dealer. So your AWB (1994/1998 AWB) compliant rifle thst you owned lawfully before 8/1 remains lawful. All post 8/1 need to be compliant with the new ASW definition

6/20/16 is a cut off for “not a copy or duplicate” in the ASW definition. The only way this matters is if Healey was law so post 6/20/16 copies or duplicates would be deemed not lawfully possessed. But that language also says “registered” which is not a thing so a mess at all levels.

Even the GOAL Summary appears to confuse the issue by mentioning only "Grandfathering if sold, owned and registered prior to July 20, 2016. with no mention of the 8/1/date.
Even the GOAL Summary appears to confuse the issue by mentioning only "Grandfathering if sold, owned and registered prior to July 20, 2016. with no mention of the 8/1/date.
The if registered language comes from copies or duplicate in sec 121 ASW definition. 131M which is where ASWs become illegal has the 8/1/24 date. The only way 7/20/16 matters is in a world where Healey was more than a press conference. Sounds like Guida is “helping” GOAL.
Even the GOAL Summary appears to confuse the issue by mentioning only "Grandfathering if sold, owned and registered prior to July 20, 2016. with no mention of the 8/1/date.
Yeah, this is what concerns me. Technically we were legally in possession of those things until this new law passed. The 2016 enforcement notice was not a law itself, this new bill just codifies its language as law. I don't see how they can apply that retroactively but IANAL.
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