Different dates for different purposes.
9/13/94 is still true preban and preban firearms are still good to go as they always were
8/1/24 grandfathers any gun LAWFULLY possessed by a LTC holder or MA Dealer. So your AWB (1994/1998 AWB) compliant rifle thst you owned lawfully before 8/1 remains lawful. All post 8/1 need to be compliant with the new ASW definition
6/20/16 is a cut off for “not a copy or duplicate” in the ASW definition. The only way this matters is if Healey was law so post 6/20/16 copies or duplicates would be deemed not lawfully possessed. But that language also says “registered” which is not a thing so a mess at all levels.
New LTC holder and not steeped in the history, but just wanted to add to this:
The 6/20/16 cut-off is located in Section 16(f). Section 16 establishes a new definition of "assault-style firearm". 16(f) is a carve-out that says copies or duplicates owned/"registered" before 6/20/16
are not "assault-style firearms". Cool, good to know I guess?
Section 131M states that no one shall possess/own/sell/transfer/etc... an "assault-style firearm",
excluding those "assault-style firearms
" that are lawfully possessed/"registered" by an owner with an LTC on 8/1/24. Pre 6/20/16 copies/duplicates are
not "assault-style firearms" in this bill, so Section 131M does not even apply to those... they don't meet the new definition.
It's confusing because they never explicitly say post-Healey purchase/ownership of copies or duplicates is lawful. But they also
do not state otherwise... for reasons I believe CrackPot and others have outlined. It seems like they really wanted to but knew it was shaky ground.
Wife is attorney and agreed (but
not 2A attorney so take with grain of salt).