MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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You think they will ever stop turning the screws. I think that was the larger point of his statement. Damned if you do damned if you don’t.
Nope I know they won’t stop
I’m not trying to be a defeatist, but we gave them too much thread to begin with.

I don’t have the answer that’s what I come on here for 🤣
Is this going to get an emergency declaration and get passed into law tomrrow or do we have until 8/1/24 this has been kicked around so much I don’t know what end is up.
Good question. I’m hoping 8/1 based on the grandfathering stuff.

Otherwise I’m buying out the dealers at the mill tomorrow

I think we will have a bit before this becomes law.

But being MA who knows.

I’ll probably be a felon by tomorrow afternoon
I was more about the “do you have any idea how much this is going to cost the state in litigation?” The state has already been told in Bruen that this law is not constitutional. I told them the state is already broke and now they will be looking for more money from working people who are the ones they took the rights from in the first place. It’s hard for them to see that from their ivory tower.
Constitution? What's that?
I am defending not painting 17,000-some odd people the same because of a single person with a platform.
Would a single one of those 17, 000 refuse the order to come kick in your door to Enforce unconstitutional laws ?
If you say yes then you don't get out much .
The guy you're chummy with at the coffee shop will be slapping the cuffs on you no matter what he said the day before.
Think it won't happen if it helps you sleep better.
So, not to interrupt the member on member violence, but perhaps energies would have been better spent today supporting one of our incredible NES FFLs that are staring down the barrel of going out of business. The Mill was busy today, but certainly not as busy as the average Saturday during non-pantshitting season. I'm sure they would appreciate the business!
Seriously, can we stop this shit right now. Are we really out to shoot ourselves in the foot that much? That subject has been covered over and over and over again. Please??? 🤫
Your kidding, right? Not only is it not a secret, it's covered in both the house and senate bills that are all squabbling over.
Seriously, can we stop this shit right now. Are we really out to shoot ourselves in the foot that much? That subject has been covered over and over and over again. Please??? 🤫
The present discussion is about the eFA10 system and what's in it, which is entirely relevant to the broader discussion about the new bills. More specifically, the discussion is about what does and does not show up in said system; I continue to maintain that the database does not necessarily contain all the firearms you've ever purchased, as there are lots of perfectly legal scenarios where that would not be the case.
So they are proposing the senate bill as an amendment to the house bill (which already passed).

So this vote tomorrow could potentially be the vote to put it onto dimples desk?
No that's not my understanding, its an amendment to the existing laws already on the books, nothing to do with the house bill.
So, not to interrupt the member on member violence, but perhaps energies would have been better spent today supporting one of our incredible NES FFLs that are staring down the barrel of going out of business. The Mill was busy today, but certainly not as busy as the average Saturday during non-pantshitting season. I'm sure they would appreciate the business!
I supported my local FFL and gave a big FU to the state yesterday and bought the sig spear I’ve been wanting. 👍🏼
What is amendment 20 all about?

Amendment ID: S2572-20
Amendment 20
Codifying the 2016 Enforcement Notice's Copies and Duplicates Exemptions
Messrs. Moore, Timilty and Brady move that the proposed new text be amended by adding, at the end of section 3, the following words:-
“Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following weapons are not copies or duplicates of enumerated weapons under this definition: any .17 or .22 caliber rimfire rifle; any Ruger Mini 14 or substantially similar model weapon; Beretta Cx4 Storm; FN PS90 or substantially similar model weapon; IWI Tavor or substantially similar model weapon; Kel-Tec Sub-2000; Kel-Tec RFB; and Springfield Armory M1A or substantially similar model weapon.”
Is pre 1994 still even going to be allowed? This whole bill sucks donkey d but still, are pre 94 firearms going to be allowed given this shit show passes
Is pre 1994 still even going to be allowed? This whole bill sucks donkey d but still, are pre 94 firearms going to be allowed given this shit show passes

They might require some sort of registration in the end.
What is amendment 20 all about?

Amendment ID: S2572-20
Amendment 20
Codifying the 2016 Enforcement Notice's Copies and Duplicates Exemptions
Messrs. Moore, Timilty and Brady move that the proposed new text be amended by adding, at the end of section 3, the following words:-
“Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following weapons are not copies or duplicates of enumerated weapons under this definition: any .17 or .22 caliber rimfire rifle; any Ruger Mini 14 or substantially similar model weapon; Beretta Cx4 Storm; FN PS90 or substantially similar model weapon; IWI Tavor or substantially similar model weapon; Kel-Tec Sub-2000; Kel-Tec RFB; and Springfield Armory M1A or substantially similar model weapon.”
M1a vs tavor 7,which one shoot better? Anyones know?
I'm glad we agree he is the President of MCOPA? But he doesn't speak for every Chief of Police in MA. I don't understand what is so hard to get about this? You want public disavowment of a statement of policy from a group you aren't associated with?

Did all of you really assume MCOPA has 100% membership of every police chief in MA?
His House testimony included the statement that 100% of chiefs did not support the bill.
We never got to ask the same question after they were exempt in the Senate bill. Shame.
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