MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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It takes years to get a case before the SCOTUS and that's if they decide to take the case. The current court is big on petitioners following the process via the lower courts and has shown no interest in taking cases before the lower courts had their say. The entire process takes years and that's exactly what the Leftists know and bank on.

We don’t need a Supreme Court decision for every single law passed by every state. If the Supreme Court rules on a similar case why do we need our own?
So only median income households should have the tools to defend themselves?

You can buy much cheaper firearms in Massachusetts. Cheaper used handguns, and also cheaper rifles and shotguns. Right now, Four Seasons has a used Keltec 9mm pistol for $250. But there are cheaper deals out there too with face to face sales from places like NES. Hell, someone could have a family friend sell a pistol to them for $50 because they know things are tight.

But there’s no reducing the $200 of government mandated fees and potentially time away from work to exercise a constitutionally protected civil right. That’s the heart of the matter here. Not that you think people should be able to afford $600 guns because MA has a higher median income.

Also regardless of means and income things like chilling effect are a thing. The more obstacles that are added even people with means will avoid getting licensed and buying guns if it seems particularly annoying enough. The downstream effects of this are pretty obvious.
I have seen this. I am not talking about one number in the SN (which is probably very common), but everything except the make. Wrong caliber, wrong barrel, wrong color, wrong SN.

I've seen complete f*** ups especially on old guns like for example a lot of old shitty milsurps will have more than one number that somebody might consider a serial number on.
I always start with. Why felons being arrested with full auto glocks and that is rhe first charge that is dropped. Existing laws on the books would have dealt with 99% of the gun issues in this state if enforced and prosecuted and convicted
Because prosecutors are lazy and also most of these deals are deals where they want a palm the guy off on the feds and then the feds are lazy unless they're going to rack up a score on somebody. I don't really think that is a great argument to wage anyways. "Enforcing shitty gun control laws moar often" isn't going to do much, as has been proven over and over again.
Because they ruled on Bruen and it didn’t work.

So what makes you think it would work if this bill got struck down? If they can ignore the Supreme Court they’ll just make another law, or just keep using the law as is. If states keep ignoring the Supreme Court, citizens will ignore state laws. It’s going to get interesting.
At the end of the day, access to Glocks is the LEAST of our worries. Who gives a sh!t about Glocks when everything is on the line?
There are plenty of other handguns 100% as good available in MA. Stop focusing on one brand, people. (not a Glock hater, but obviously not a fanboy either - more of a couldn't give a rat's bunghole about them).


Frame of reference violation
I ask a question and to my suprise a third party jumps in answers the question with a question. Its no wonder that this country is such a mess there sweet pea.
love the deflection and failure to answer the questions at hand. Go dig a ditch or turn a wrench or whatever the f*** it is you do.
MGL section 140 chapters 121-131Y are where the laws reside the effect lawful licensed gun owners/dealers
MGL section 269 chapters 10-10K are where the laws reside the effect unlawful parties that are not licensed to own/sell guns

The senate bill is 35 pages

24 pages are dedicated to changes in section 140 chapters 121-131Y
2 pages are dedicated to changes in section 269 chapters 10-10K

The remaining 5 pages are other random crap including DEI, commissions, etc

So of the truly material portions of the senate bill, 92% of the changes are focused DIRECTLY at licensed gun owners and dealers and a mere 8% are about criminals.

So anyone who says this is about safety, gun violence and illegal activity is either stupid, lying or both.
Only quoting this to get more exposure. Love to hear them dispute this. " won't impact gun owners" BS!
So what makes you think it would work if this bill got struck down? If they can ignore the Supreme Court they’ll just make another law, or just keep using the law as is. If states keep ignoring the Supreme Court, citizens will ignore state laws. It’s going to get interesting.
I've already decided to ignore it
We can ignore the “your legally purchase firearms are now illegal” part, but if no FFL can get anything that’s hard to ignore.

I may start ignoring laws I used to obey.


It's one of those situations where terms like "pin" or "weld" (just as an example... maybe...) stop being so important. Or, y'know, maybe if the roll pin that holds your telescoping stock in place were to maybe, say, fall out? Might be time to stop being so conscientious about putting it back in?

No that's not my understanding, its an amendment to the existing laws already on the books, nothing to do with the house bill.
The first line of the senate bill describes it as an amendment to the house bill, replacing every word of it with the new text.

What is amendment 20 all about?

Amendment ID: S2572-20
Amendment 20
Codifying the 2016 Enforcement Notice's Copies and Duplicates Exemptions
Messrs. Moore, Timilty and Brady move that the proposed new text be amended by adding, at the end of section 3, the following words:-
“Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following weapons are not copies or duplicates of enumerated weapons under this definition: any .17 or .22 caliber rimfire rifle; any Ruger Mini 14 or substantially similar model weapon; Beretta Cx4 Storm; FN PS90 or substantially similar model weapon; IWI Tavor or substantially similar model weapon; Kel-Tec Sub-2000; Kel-Tec RFB; and Springfield Armory M1A or substantially similar model weapon.”
That would codify the AG's exemptions in the FAQ. So nothing in 22lr, or smaller, could ever be an AW. Same of her listed exemptions at the end.
The first line of the senate bill describes it as an amendment to the house bill, replacing every word of it with the new text.

That would codify the AG's exemptions in the FAQ. So nothing in 22lr, or smaller, could ever be an AW. Same of her listed exemptions at the end.
I must have missed something, I thought I read Crackpot say earlier in this thread that it amended Chapter 140, Guess it doesn't really matter as its all a steaming pile of shit.
Seriously? he said that? I guess we have Blue lever pullers to thank for that human excrement
He didn't say it but that's verbatim from his rep on the phone.
Was told to put in a detailed letter to be placed into the record.
When I stated that with a vote scheduled a week after release how are we supposed to actually compose a detailed opposition letter on a 30+ page bill without any public notice or hearing.
Complete BS, they are very likely going to push this through along with some of the more egregious amendments on voice votes so there is little or no record
The first line of the senate bill describes it as an amendment to the house bill, replacing every word of it with the new text.

That would codify the AG's exemptions in the FAQ. So nothing in 22lr, or smaller, could ever be an AW. Same of her listed exemptions at the end.
Unfortunately, if you read this closely, it only exempts these from the "copies and duplicates test" not from being an Assault Weapon. If they kept the current law otherwise intact this would be the case, but they've added other tests for assault weapons to this bill that this doesn't interact well with.

These could still fail the new "Semi-automatic version of an automatic weapon test" or the "once and assault weapon always an assault weapon if it was originally manufactured as an assault weapon (i.e. no compliance work allowed)." Even amendment #69 is a grandfather that carves out only the "copies and duplicates test". It does not grandfather in all weapons before 2016 if they fail another new test.
love the deflection and failure to answer the questions at hand. Go dig a ditch or turn a wrench or whatever the f*** it is you do.
View attachment 845515
You chose to jump in in place of the person my response was intended for. You chose to deflect my question and instead answer my question with a question. You dip stick, are the one thats clearly deflecting my question. Why would I let that go and answer yours while leaving mine unanswered. Nice try though. You seem to best at calling people that you don't know degrading things but only from the safety of the cheap seats in your moms basement.

I've seen complete f*** ups especially on old guns like for example a lot of old shitty milsurps will have more than one number that somebody might consider a serial number on.
I have a few with early and duplicate SN’s. AR15. Weird… 😜
I get that. I ran into similar circumstances many times in my 21 years in the Army.
But what I am talking about has nothing to do with being liked, I am talking about putting their livelihoods, and therefore their family's financial security at risk.

Look, we all choose what to prioritize in life. For some it is country, for others God, and for some it is the Constitution or 2A, some version of what they think is "right".
I fall on the side of my family. They are more important to me than the Constitution, or God, or country, or my community, or any sense of "right". What is right for me may be different from what is right for you, or anyone else. And it is not my place (or yours, or anyone else's) to criticize a person for what they place the most value on in life. THAT is the very core of individual freedom, which is, after all, what this country is all about.

I bid you all good day. This conversation has reinforced why I never bothered to get involved in "discussions" over the last 7 years on this forum. It is clear that if you think for yourself and don't toe the "party/NES" line, you will be ridiculed and insulted.
I have too thick a skin to be bothered by it, but I have far better things to do with my time.

(doffing my chapeau and taking my leave)
Amazing Post! You represent what is great in this country. TY for your 21-years, for your thoughtful perspective and for your focus on your family! Perfect!
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