Mansfield (MA) F&G Protective Assn

Can someone give me a little more info about MF&G? I am thinking about making a transition...The politics at my current club has almost gotten unbearable... and they close the outdoor range from October to April except for Sundays...and our indoor is not done yet. So I am basically screwed if I want to shoot at all over the winter.

Questions I have...

What kind of property do they have? Is it small, like just big enough for the ranges ans thats it or is there enough that developments won't be able to encrouch on the property?

Can I hear a little more on what the indoor range will be like? Are you talking Low Tech or Top Notch? Or maybe somewhere in the middle?

Hows the politics? I know every club has them but is it tolerable? We have serveral "Clubs" within our club and they tend to overcrowd a membership meeting when there is a subject to vote on that meets their needs...

Any public events coming up that I could attend to check the place out?

Thanks in Advance!!!

I'll give it a shot, just keep in mind that I've only been a member for 6 months and my only "involvement" to date has been attending meetings and volunteering to create a "finance committee" to figure out how to get an additional $50K quickly to start serious construction on the indoor range (we currently have $40K allocated to it in the bank).

- Politics: Exist EVERYWHERE! To this layman, it seems that there probably are some on the BOD, but not as readily visible to the membership. Since there is only SASS shoots in my short time, no skeet/trap or indoor range I don't see "us" vs. "them" issues that I've seen elsewhere.

- Property: They don't own any! Club is on TOWN owned land (part of DPW property) due to some land-swap years ago. Contract says that as long as the club is viable (has members) it will exist there, they pay NO taxes and they seem to exist peaceably with the town gov't. There is a pond there and two outdoor ranges (50yd and 100yd). Sounds like they are carving some area out for archery as well. A large quonset hut type building that will be converted into indoor range plus existing clubroom.

- Indoor range: Sounds like "doing the dog" with HEPA filtration is in the plans. But we'll see when the money makes this reality. HEPA systems are horrendously expensive and the only club I'm aware of in Eastern MA with one is Braintree R&P (where I am also a member).

- Public events: Cowboy and Blackpowder shoots. Check for dates/details. I believe there is a blackpowder shoot this weekend.

- More info: Ted Oven at Northeast Trading is a long-time member, officer and a good source of additional info on the club. Reading the minutes of meetings in the Outdoor Message and checking the Range Rules on the website are other good ways to get info.
And actually, we're on a river or stream, not a lake.

I've been a member for about 5 years. And I haven't seen the politics, but there is some "thing" between some of the members and BOD. And some between BOD...but like Len said, what else do you expect.

They do have a 100 and 50, and there's talk about setting up a 25 yard and a 7 yard defensive range as well.

There already is archery set up, and there are people that meet there on Sunday mornings to practice before the range starts up.

I'm going to start serving Sunday morning Breakfast for about an hour or so...

If you want, we can set up a meeting with some of the BOD. That way you get talk and check the place out.

Also, you can shoot year round outside.

We're really a group of Milsurp shooters, Cowboy shooters, and Black Powder Shooters. There is some Pin and Plate guys, but I don't know what's going on with them as there hasn't been a shoot in a long time.

The Indoor range is "In the works" and they are shooting for half the range open in about a year. They say that they have enough money to put up half the range. So they want to open that while they finish on the rest.
OK........... I am a constable. Whom ever you are working for regarding the three ring stuff is new to me. I have been doing this for 20+ years. Both criminal and civil and my service is not that time sensitive.
But ya learn something new all the time.

OK, I request a translation here!

I don't understand what any of this has to do with this thread at all??

"three ring stuff"??

Please educate this Constable who's only been doing this stuff for 7 years and is a member at MF&G? [Serious request.]

I assume he was referring to this.

Ah, yes thank you.

To mosinm39: My regular clients will leave voicemail and know that I'll get back to them shortly. Folks that call me because they saw my name in NAPPS or MCA, just continue calling down the list until they reach a human. That translates to lost revenue.
We're really a group of Milsurp shooters, Cowboy shooters, and Black Powder Shooters. There is some Pin and Plate guys, but I don't know what's going on with them as there hasn't been a shoot in a long time.

Having been very active when Mansfield still held action pistol events, perhaps I can shed some light on that issue.

Those events were started by Ted Oven and were very popular. One, if not two, events per month drawing up to 20 shooters, many of whom shot two or three times per event. This was quite a revenue stream for the club.

Ted had to stop running these events to run his store and they were continued with equal success by another person. When the club failed to provide these events with the support they deserved and even proposed putting a storage shed on a corner of the range, that person left the club.

The club, not wanting events run on its property by a non-member, no longer allowed that person to run them. No-one else stepped up and, despite the claims that were on the website for a while, there are no such events planned. As for the indoor range, that's been "in progress" for about half a decade.

The good news is that Paul Remick is running action pistol events at Independent each month. While not as large an area as Mansfield offered and only once a month, they are extremely popular, drawing over two dozen shooters each week. Yes, you can shoot more than once and even different guns.

These events follow UPSPA rules very closely in terms of course of fire, scoring and equipment divisions. Many of those attending shoot real UPSPA matches as well.

Cost is $10 and set-up is at 8:00 a.m.; we begin shooting at 9:00 and generally tear down about 1:00. "Come on doowwwwwwwwwnnn!"
The good news is that Paul Remick is running action pistol events at Independent each month. While not as large an area as Mansfield offered and only once a month, they are extremely popular, drawing over two dozen shooters each week. Yes, you can shoot more than once and even different guns.

They had four good stages and 41 entries at Independent last week. I don't think they were even promoted beyond the e-mail list. They run extremely smooth. Look for them to grow next year.

The Mansfield matches were fun and the range is prefectly suited for pin and plate matches. If anyone is going to set up more there, post it here.
Keith, are you still a member of Mansfield? I never got to shoot one of these, and always wanted to try. I'm sure that you really don't have the time to run these shoots. As I can only believe that it takes a lot of time to run these shoots over a long stretch. At least I can figure from the time that we spend to put up SASS matches... Making of stages, prep, setting up, tearing down, setting schedules, etc...

But if you are a memeber, and you have the would be nice if someone that knows the "rules of the game" would bring it back. I can't say that I would shoot them all, but it would be fun to at least give it a go once.

I agree that we're losing out on more money towards the club. The SASS matches get about 50 or so people. I'm not sure about the BP, but I think that it's around 20-30... But having another shoot that has 20 people that shoot more than once has to be nice. I'm guessing that you're paying per round(stage) vs. per match as the SASS and BP are ran.
I agree that we're losing out on more money towards the club. The SASS matches get about 50 or so people. I'm not sure about the BP, but I think that it's around 20-30... But having another shoot that has 20 people that shoot more than once has to be nice. I'm guessing that you're paying per round(stage) vs. per match as the SASS and BP are ran.

Note GTO Shooter's post - 41 paid shooters at $10 each (it could be 25 shooters, 16 of whom shot twice, but it's $10/gun; not per stage). That's the sort of money Mansfield threw away by not supporting a very active and successful action pistol program.

Too bad - it had a lot of room for stages. With that additional income, it might even have finished the indoor range this decade.
Scrivener, I've been hearing about the indoor range since I joined the club in
1981, before the old clubhouse was torn down, and all the gravel dug out and sold to buy the quanset hut. I hope I get to touch off one round with my Model 17 in that indoor range before I die!!!

I shot beside you there one day Keith. You had an FBI cap on, and you were offering to sell me a SS Springfield 1911. Pretty sure it was you. I sould have bought the gun.
Mansfield Fish and Game

Just joined as a member last week and have gone twice. I have met several members while using the range, and when asking for advice, everyone has been very helpful. I like the calming feeling while there. It feels relaxing shooting outdoors on their 50 yd. range. The members that I have seen there have all shown a strong display of respect reguarding saftey of others as well as the handling of their firearms. Saftey and respect of the handling of firearms are the most important things, and I have found that here. I am just learning about all the club has to offer as far as programs but one that I can't wait for is the 24hr. indoor range. Also plinking is ok in the appropriate area. I would recommend this club to others, as they have shown me in just this past week a taste of what a good club is like.


Welcome to the club. LenS, C-pher and I are all members there too. There are others on this board that are member too I just don't remember their names right now.

We'll have to shoot some time.


Welcome to the club. Now, Stoney and I are going to have to get you shooting Cowboy. More guns, cool clothes, and a group of people that are second to none for fun and respect.

I'm with Pete, we'll have to go and shoot sometime.

I did get to meet Anthony at the meeting, but have been too busy to get over there to do any shooting in a while.
I would like to go with all you guys. The next time I will be going is the weekend after this one. I will know better which day soon, but most likely it will be on a Sunday around 1pm. Last time I was there I spent 5 1/2 hrs. Time really slips away while there.
Upcoming Meeting/Election

The election of new officers for MF&G is coming up on September 5th.

I hope to see lots of NES/MF&G members there. There is actually competition for some key positions in the club, so it is critical that you attend and vote if you are a member.

I am asking that all of us support Fred White (50 BMG on NES) for President of MF&G. Fred has some fresh ideas to make the club more "family friendly" with BBQs, more training for women and everyone else, etc. [I am NOT speaking for Fred when I say the following: I hope that we'll be able to have a few NES events at the club if Fred is elected.]

I find that after talking with Fred about his ideas, that both of us are "on the same page".

Currently the only event at MF&G is Cowboy Action Shooting. That is great, but we need other things for folks with other interests!

I am also asking your support as I am running for the BOD of MF&G! There are 6 of us running for 2 positions, so competition is going to be tough. However, win or lose I will be championing some ideas for funding the indoor range project and other activities that will bring families, training, etc. to the club.
Currently the only event at MF&G is Cowboy Action Shooting. That is great, but we need other things for folks with other interests!
Don't forget the Bullseye Team that just started this year. Thursday evenings. 6:30pm till sunset.

Date is duly noted in my Palm Pilot. Isn't this the dues meeting too?
Yes, it is the dues due meeting as well. Hopefully you folks won't pay and run! [wink]

Ted Marks says he has 6-10 bullseye shooters showing up. Good, but not a huge draw so far.

We need more "inclusive things" happening.

To give you some ideas (past experience, not predictions):

- I joined my first club due to the fact it was family-oriented.
- They had 2-3 evenings/year where we had a catered dinner and entertainment or a pot-luck supper with entertainment, families and friends invited.
- One of these was the annual "holiday party". Great fun with ~75 attendees in my early days as a member from ~350 total members. As membership died off (they were real low key, no attempts to recruit members) the parties died out too. Last one I attended was probably 1997 or 1998 and may have had 25 people.
- They had a BBQ a few times/year at the skeet/trap house on a Sunday. A few of these were game meals, cooked up after hunting season.

Bottom line is MF&G is an excellent club but we can do more to bring members and families to the clubhouse for group events other than shooting or CASS.

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Last Minute Reminder!

Important election and Annual Meeting is TONIGHT!

Hope to see lots of you there tonight.
Son of a.... I completely forgot that this was the first Wednesday of the month. I really wanted to be there for the voting.

Crap....we had people come over with thier kids and cooked dinner. I didn't even think about it.. I was at Sox games on Monday and Tuesday...and then with the people over I just lost track of the date.

I feel like a dink.
Well, the election is over and now the work begins!

Fred won as President, so we can expect some positive and new ideas coming in the near future.

I didn't get elected to the BOD, but will still be there championing some ideas for getting the indoor range funded so that it can be built and not just talked about.
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