Mansfield (MA) F&G Protective Assn

Thank you

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Fred, as I had mentioned the holster swap is the brain-child of "C-pher" the "ghost member" (who always promises to show up but never makes it!). [rolleyes]

So, C-pher if you read this get in touch with Fred and setup the holster swap at MF&G (assuming BOD buy-in). In discussions with Fred, I thought of $5/person donation to the club (range project) which would also cover burgers/dogs BBQ'd at the club. It's your idea and here's your opportunity to make it happen!
Sean, I'll be happy to sponsor you for MF&G. Didn't I give you an app when we met there a few months ago?
Fred, as I had mentioned the holster swap is the brain-child of "C-pher" the "ghost member" (who always promises to show up but never makes it!). [rolleyes]

So, C-pher if you read this get in touch with Fred and setup the holster swap at MF&G (assuming BOD buy-in). In discussions with Fred, I thought of $5/person donation to the club (range project) which would also cover burgers/dogs BBQ'd at the club. It's your idea and here's your opportunity to make it happen!

I was the brain Child of the Holster Swap? I don't even konw what this is...LOL! I don't mind heading it up...I just don't remember talking about it, or what it would be...

And Congrats Fred on making Pres...

I would love to see more shoots and activities. Like I said before, I would have loved to head up a Breakfast on Sundays...but with the new baby, and new house...I don't have time to think anymore.

Hell, I didn't even remember that last night was the meeting. And yes Len, I know what a PDA is...but I'm still using a cell phone that Nextel doesn't even support any longer, I doubt that I'll keep a PDA around...or even updated.
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I was just made aware of the Holster Party Thread. Len, that was Chris, not me.

But if you would like, I can get in touch with Chris and have him work with Fred. I would be happy to assist on this, but it was his Idea, not mine. And I'm not one for stepping on toes. So if he wants to do this at MF&G, I'm all for being the member to help push it forward. But he's the one that's got to want to do it at Mansfield...

I was under the impression that Ross was going to use his Talk to Chris, if he wants me to talk to the BOD at Mansfield, then I'll do it.. But from what I remembered, there were other places that were offered up first. So I would want to let them see before I take someone elses Idea and run with it.
Whoops, sorry C-pher, perhaps I had the wrong "Chris"? is where the discussion started. When you offered up "mantown", somehow I associated your name with the whole idea. Apologies to "Chris". was trying to schedule it and that was indeed Chris.

Well, Fred has put the offer on the table for location, so if "Chris" wants to use Mansfield, both of us can present the idea to the MF&G BOD. If Chris wants to do it somewhere else, that's fine too.
End of CAS in Mansfield?

Since the new administration has blown in. The member putting on the Cowboy Action shooting has resigned from doing it any longer in apparent disagreement with the new administratioins decisions. In addition several board members have quit the board. The meeting last night was a un-organized mess.
Mansfield's CAS was one of the best programs in New England. So without even looking for a replacement to run the CAS. The administration has cancelled the November match.
This speaks volumes on where the new administration wants to take the club. Apparently CAS besides being without a doubt the most popular and most profitable events there, will be "in the way" of the new regieme.
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Since the new administration has blown in. The member putting on the Cowboy Action shooting has resigned from doing it any longer in apparent disagreement with the new administratioins decisions. In addition several board members have quit the board. The meeting last night was a un-organized mess.
Mansfield's CAS was one of the best programs in New England. So without even looking for a replacement to run the CAS. The administration has cancelled the November match.
This speaks volumes on where the new administration wants to take the club. Apparently CAS besides being without a doubt the most popular and most profitable events there, will be "in the way" of the new regieme.

I don't know who you are, but you are grossly overstating things IMNSHO (and I'll admit to not knowing it all):

- Yes said person resigned from the BOD and CAS Chairman. I have been told by a few people who should know that some of his reasoning had to do with the lack of club helpers in setting up and tearing down for the CAS events. [I was told that the last shoot, that was poorly attended, said chairman had to recruit his 13 yo Daughter to help him setup and rip down . . . they (I am told) had NO OTHER HELP from anyone at the club.] Perhaps he is also busy (he did resign from the VP slot back at the beginning of the year for this publicly stated reason . . . long before any "new regime" came to be).

- I don't know how many events you have planned and run personally (I've BTDT) but when the chairperson (and one-man show, I am told) resigns in October and the event is to take place in 6 weeks, it is quite reasonable to cancel the event while the club looks for someone to step up as chairman of CAS. If you feel so strongly about this being an "injustice", why don't you contact Fred and volunteer to chair it in November? Don't think that any of the "current regime" would object to that at all.

- Personally, when I first heard about this and even now, my concern is that I don't want this to be the cause of CAS or BP dying out at MF&G. My position and Fred's is that current activities should continue and we should bring NEW ACTIVITIES to the club to involve even more people (and raise more money so we do get that indoor range built).

- Your statement
In addition several board members have quit the board.
is PATENTLY FALSE AND INFLAMMATORY! Said CAS chairman was the ONLY person who resigned from the BOD since the elections (at least as of last night's meeting)!

In one short month, there have been some positive changes at the club. Some of those things were authorized MANY months ago and never got done until now. Hopefully there will be many more to come!
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Blues508 is blowing smoke. His statements about the reasons people left are way off base.

As to the meeting last night, I would expect a new "administration" might need a few meetings to catch on to all the "Parliamentary procedures". Most of us don't have a copy of "Robert's Rules of Order."

Remember, for over 10 years now, the club has had the same two or three people as President. We've had the same Purser for 13 years in a row. Walt, Jack and Greg have worked hard for all of us, as well as many other members over the years who took on the work needed to keep the club growing.

Greg did a good job as president, but we have bylaws that say you can only repeat as president so many consecutive terms.

In the past we voted to override the by-laws to allow Greg or Jack to hold the position longer than bylaws allow, because no one wanted to step up and take on the job. It's a lot of work and we're lucky to have good people willing to do the job.

Fred is a good man. His intentions are clear, to have fun shooting, and make it fun for everyone else. I don't think we can dump on him the things that have been done before he was elected. It will also take some time to get the kinks out.

Cooperation is needed right now, not criticism and rumors.

I've known Fred for almost 35 years, and he's a good guy who will do a good job. Let's give him and the new officers and board members a chance. I've been a continuous member for over 25 years, member #3, and Fred sponsored me into the club. There's some history that everyone, especially more recent members aren't aware of. Again I say let's give it some time.

Things are already changing for the better. We'll be having a catered lunch at the club Saturday for the NES event. That's a first. There are other changes in the works and I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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Since the new administration has blown in. The member putting on the Cowboy Action shooting has resigned from doing it any longer in apparent disagreement with the new administratioins decisions. In addition several board members have quit the board. The meeting last night was a un-organized mess.
Mansfield's CAS was one of the best programs in New England. So without even looking for a replacement to run the CAS. The administration has cancelled the November match.
This speaks volumes on where the new administration wants to take the club. Apparently CAS besides being without a doubt the most popular and most profitable events there, will be "in the way" of the new regieme.---Blues508
It is my understanding that Alan Pillsbury, the member running the Cowboy Action shoots, has resigned in that capacity. I also understand he also quit the club’s Board of Directors a position he was elected to only a month ago.

Last election year Alan resigned as the club’s VP, all of these resignations were done with out warning and left the club hanging to one extent or another. I don’t know of any other resignations since the elections of a month ago but I think there were two or three during last year’s administration.

It’s unfortunate that Alan left the Cowboy Actions shooters hanging like he did, but if you’re so upset about it, WHY DON’T YOU STANDUP and take over the program instead of whining about what Alan did to you!

CAS is without a doubt the most profitable and popular event at MFG, but still they always seem to have a very, very difficult time getting their people to set up and take down the stages. I don’t know why there are only a few of the CAS people that help but I do know that lost range time ( over 20 hours of total range time) makes Cowboy Action Shooting about the least popular events among the 95% (or more) of the club who do not shoot it.

As for the meeting being an un-organized mess, if it indeed was, remember it’s a new administration. Be kind enough to give them a little time.

I responded after reading blues508 post but before reading LenS and Depicts posts.

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It is my understanding that Alan Pillsbury, the member running the Cowboy Action shoots, has resigned in that capacity. I also understand he also quit the club’s Board of Directors a position he was elected to only a month ago.

Last election year Alan resigned as the club’s VP, all of these resignations were done with out warning and left the club hanging to one extent or another. I don’t know of any other resignations since the elections of a month ago but I think there were two or three during last year’s administration.

It’s unfortunate that Alan left the Cowboy Actions shooters hanging like he did, but if you’re so upset about it, WHY DON’T YOU STANDUP and take over the program instead of whining about what Alan did to you!

CAS is without a doubt the most profitable and popular event at MFG, but still they always seem to have a very, very difficult time getting their people to set up and take down the stages. I don’t know why there are only a few of the CAS people that help but I do know that lost range time ( over 20 hours of total range time) makes Cowboy Action Shooting about the least popular events among the 95% (or more) of the club who do not shoot it.

As for the meeting being an un-organized mess, if it indeed was, remember it’s a new administration. Be kind enough to give them a little time.

I'm not going to continue this back and forth so here is my final response:

If Alan could not get support from you what makes you think anyone else will?
Why would anyone want to take this over with the current negative feeling in the club at large (95% according to your statement). You'll take the money the CAS generates but not work to keep it running and complain that it ties up the ranges for twenty hours.

"Twenty Hours"? Where does that come from? Certainly not twenty hours of available shooting time.

Alan didn't leave the CAS hanging. The entire Mansfield club did!

Before anyone will take this there needs to be support from the club and the administration or they'll be in the same spot as Alan found himself.
Do you really have to be a CAS shooter to help setup and take down equipment? Or can you do it because it promotes and raises revenue for the club that can be used for other non-CAS programs.
I would have supposed that the administration would have tried to reach out earlier to get help for Alan with the membership or contacted the regional CAS officials for assistance.

Check the books and see how many thousands of dollars CAS generates in a year to the club. Can you grow the club and finish the indoor without that?

But I would like to thank everyone involved for their hard work to get the OLN into the clubhouse!
FYI - Meeting Date changes for the remainder of the year:

The Board of Director's of the Mansfield Fish and Game Protective Association, Inc. usually meets on the last Wednesday of the Month and the General Membership usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month.

Due to the upcoming holiday season, some of the dates have been changed.

The October BOD meeting previously scheduled for Halloween night (Oct 31) has been moved to Tuesday Oct 30th at 7 PM.

The Decemmber BOD meeting previously scheduled for the day after Christmas (Dec 26th) has been moved to Wednesday Dec 12th at 7 PM.

The January General Membership meeting (Jan 2) has been cancelled.

The remaining schedule has not been changed.

Richard Cole Jr
Vice President
Mansfield Fish and Game Protective Assn, Inc
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If Alan could not get support from you what makes you think anyone else will?---Blues508
Although I don’t shoot Cowboy Action Shooting I did help set up several times. I stopped helping because I was used very inefficiently and spent most of my time, like everyone else, standing around and I don’t have the time to waste.

I travel over fifty miles (one way) to the Harvard club to assist it’s IDPA crew in setting up the night before a match and travel the same distance to shoot and SO (if needed) the next day.

That’s over two hundred miles and I pay the full shooters fee to boot, I know a shooter that travels from New Bedford to do the same (300 miles total?). Why you can’t get local CAS shooters to travel a few miles is beyond me.

Why would anyone want to take this over with the current negative feeling in the club at large (95% according to your statement).---Blues508
Who, out side of CAS shooters, cares?

I would think that if you wanted to improve how non-CAS shooters view MFG CAS then get your people out there to work, take up less range time, don’t blame people not involved in your sport for your problems and don’t tell non-CAS shooters how special you are because you make money, I don’t think we care.

You'll take the money the CAS generates but not work to keep it running and complain that it ties up the ranges for twenty hours.—Blues508
I don’t take any money from the CAS shoots, as I said I did help set up several times but stopped. I think my only voiced complaint regarding CAS shoots was about safety and not the amount of range time it takes.

"Twenty Hours"? Where does that come from? Certainly not twenty hours of available shooting time. ---blues508
CAS starts set up a about 3pm on Friday night that’s about 3 three hours. On the last shoot that I noticed CAS used the range on a Saturday from 8:00am and hadn’t picked up by 4:30pm. That’s 8 ½ hours for a two day total of 11 ½ hours and they did that on two ranges. That’s 23 hours for the shoot and they still were not finished breaking down, so yes that’s over twenty hours or available shooting time. I think they still haven’t picked the last shoot.

Alan didn't leave the CAS hanging. The entire Mansfield club did!---Blues508
No, Alan left the CAS shooters hanging when he walked out on CAS shooting with out finding a replacement (if he has a personal problem that’s understandable he’s human, if not it’s not). If the CAS shooters in the club didn’t help him enough then that’s their problem not the clubs.

It’s the nature of CAS, by not having shooters help set up or take down, that is the root of your lack of help. It’s not the responsibility of the 95% (or so) of the club, that have no interest in CAS, to do the work of the CAS shooters and CAS club members. Get your people out there and get them to work!

I think one of the major problems with CAS, in our club at least, is that because CAS makes money that some how non-CAS shooters should care. I can’t speak for any one else but I think that many don’t. You’re given the use of two ranges over twenty hours of range time and yet you complain about it. I’d suggest that you just get it done and quit whining. Every other shooting sport I’m involved it does.

My thought is if there is not enough interest in the club to support CAS the way CAS shooters see fit, then perhaps you should find a home for it that will support it properly.

Do you really have to be a CAS shooter to help setup and take down equipment?---blues508
Absolutely not, but it shouldn’t be expected either.

I would have supposed that the administration would have tried to reach out earlier to get help for Alan with the membership or contacted the regional CAS officials for assistance.---blues508
Absolutely, if Alan requested help then he should look with jaundiced eye at the last administration which, incidentally, Alan was Vice President of.

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Can I suggest a ceasefire on the topic of Alan's resignation?

Anyone who would like to step up to Chair and/or participate in the Cowboy Action Committee, please attend the October BOD meeting on Oct 30th and let their intentions and ideas known.

if CAS isn't your specialty, we would also entertain any other activity that any member would like to propose.

Previous activities have included two sessions of "The Act of Concealed Carry" course offered by GOAL, the "Significant Other Training Course for NES", and more recently the "Defensive Shooting Clinic", which was held yesterday.

Richard Cole Jr
Vice President
Mansfield Fish and Game Protective Assn, Inc
Unfortunately by using Alan’s resignation in his attack on Fred “blues508” exposed, that which he purportedly wished to defend, to public airing. He should have thought of that.


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Just a few financial facts:

- Saturday we had 29 people signed up for the Defensive Handgun Clinic. 21 showed up (3 of 10 MF&G members didn't show). At $26/person to the club, the club took in $546.00. From what I heard, I estimate that the club (after expenses for lunch and water) netted ~$500.00 for the day. If the 8 "no shows" had attended we would have netted another ~$200.00. Only 1 range was shut-down from 9AM to 4:30PM and we left it cleaner than we found it. NO real setup involved, no additional time where the range wasn't accessible to members, etc.

- NES holds shoots at various clubs for fun (restricted to NES PAID MEMBERS and host club's members). We usually get ~35-70 shooters showing up and charge ~$15/person which goes to the host club. No setup required, no inconvenience to club members (we invite NON-NES Members who belong to the host club to join us), and can generate significant cash for said clubs.

- If MF&G chooses to allow it, we can contribute THOUSANDS of dollars/year to the club's indoor range fund for very little effort/expense incurred by MF&G. This is NOT a substitute for CAS, but in addition to CAS and BP shoots.
I noticed that after the defensive shooting class yesterday plenty of people helped police the range, break down targets and stands and some members took the trash home even though it was a carry in/carry out event.

Plenty of people helped out, and 50BMG went out of his way to make us all feel welcome and to make sure everything on the Mansfield F&G part went smoothly.

I have absolutely NO interest in cowboy shooting. As a member I've lived with the closed ranges for a while, and never complained or stood in the way. It's just not for me.

There are plenty of things that need help at the club, and I don't feel ANY need to help the cowboy shooters. If it was as popular as you say, there would be people helping Allan to do the work.

I would be interested in some of the old practical pistol shoots, the bullseye shooting, turkey shoots, helping Boy Scouts and even letting the police use our range as a service to the town of Mansfield and the PD. How about somebody teaching how to shoot shotguns and clay targets or sporting clays? Then there's rimfire shoots.

I think the idea of an "EGG SHOOT" could bring in as much as cowboy shooting with hardly ANY set up required, other than getting some eggs and cutting the tops off 2 liter coke bottles to hold the eggs.

I guess we could ask Flotter WHO Blues508 is and address this directly with him, but if he feels this strongly about it, and he's a club member like he says, he should bring up the subject at a Members meeting or BOD and not take pot shots on line.

I've been shot down on my ideas at the club many times, but it doesn't keep me from speaking up when I have something to say, especially if I want to criticize the "Administration" or the rules.
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I floated the idea of NES shoots at MF&G as a "range fund" money maker a few times over the past 18 months that I've been a member. It wasn't "warmly received".

We've now held a GOAL run "Art of Concealed Carry" class (no money went to the club), NES Women''s BFS Course for LTC (money did go to the club), and Saturday's Defensive Handgun Clinic (again money did go to the club). Nice thing about it is that these are "easy events", no long prep time (except Judy's shopping and cooking/serving food), no real capital expenses, etc. I'm all for reaching for the "low hanging fruit" to raise money.

The current club management would like to see more such events bringing in more club members to have fun and outsiders to see us and maybe join our fine club, while raising funds to help build the indoor range at the same time.

I'll be floating an "interest balloon" shortly in the NES Members only forum to see what interest we'd have for a "mil surp shoot" at MF&G. If the interest looks like it's there, then we can propose it to the BOD and see if we can set it up (assuming we get approval).
I'll be floating an "interest balloon" shortly in the NES Members only forum to see what interest we'd have for a "mil surp shoot" at MF&G. If the interest looks like it's there, then we can propose it to the BOD and see if we can set it up (assuming we get approval).
We really need a drool icon. I'm headed to the member forum and look for that balloon.[smile]

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I can't believe that I've missed this thread for all this...

I have to say, I'm one of the people that haven't been there to help out for the CAS shoots. But, that was this year only.. I was always there after work on Fridays, and stayed after the shoot on Saturdays.

I will also admit, I'm going to miss the CAS Shoots when things calm down at home. With a new baby, and a new house, working two jobs...time away is pretty scarce. But, as was posted, Mansfield had one of the best CAS Shoots in Mass. We almost always had 50 or more shooters. And the last one was poorly attended because of the weather...not because members didn't want to help. It was raining pretty good, and from talking to a lot of shooters, matches in NY and CT were poorly attended as well.

I'm not going to comment on why Alan left. He has his reasons, and I'll leave it at that. If he wants to let people know, he will.

I think shoots to raise money are good. I think that if we can find money to get thing's done, we need too. I've missed the last two months because I was working Sept, and I was freaking SICK this month. So I guess that I don't really have a lot to say about who's in office as I haven't been to a meeting in two months. Which I hate because I try to go to as many as I can.

I truly hope that Cowboy doesn't start to disappear like the Action Shoots and the Black Powder. Over time, those shoots were what was raising money for the club. And if we ever want to get this range built, then we need to raise money.

But we don't need to be throwing club business out on a public form. It doesn't look good for the club, and while people will always have problems with people, we have one of the best clubs in MA. And I don't like that I'm hearing people talk about in not so positive light.

I'm proud of this club. And I've put a lot of my time into this club. Between the shoots, work parties, and going on my own and cleaning up railroad ties... I have a lot of pride for Mansfield. And I don't want to see it go down the shitter because we're bashing each other on a public forum.

I agree, if people are pissed off, then hold a special meeting and work it out....but it doesn't need to be worked out here on the board.
…but it doesn't need to be worked out here on the board.---C-pher
Absolutely it should have never been brought public, but if someone is attacked publicly then the rebuttal(s) need to be public, and as I said before Blues508 should have thought of that.


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