Mass resident buying rifle in RI with RI LTC. What's this 8 days stuff?

Feb 19, 2008
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I found a rifle that I want to buy. M1A scout. Found one at a RI gun shop.

I have a RI LTC, but am a Mass resident.

Called to see if I can just walk in, but the guy stated that I have to come in, pay, fill out the paperwork, then return 8 days later to pick it up.

When I asked if there was a waiting period, he stated that there was for out of state residents.

Is this true? Is it a dealer thing, or a RI law?
I haven't heard about that specifically, but I know for residents without an LTC there is a waiting period (7 days I thought). It's waived with an LTC
I must say it seems strange to be treated differently because it's non resident (as I write out a $100 check for non resident MA LTC). Not sure what the rationale is there. Resident or Non Resident, you went through the hassle of getting the LTC. Seems strange
Maybe the easiest thing is to see if a Mass dealer will meet the price.
Looks at item (c) here. It lists an exemption for those that hold an LTC

(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to full-time members of the state police, full-time members of city or town police departments, persons licensed under §§ 11-47-9 and 11-47-11, or to sales of air rifles or “BB guns” or to sales of antique firearms as defined in § 11-47-2.

I think this may be a gun shop doing their own thing
they did the same thing to me. 8 days for rifles and no pistol transfers unless they send to MA ffl.
If you have a license from a town I have been told there is no waiting period. If your license is from the AGs office you have a waiting period.
Some new laws in RI just recently .. I am a RI resident my local dealer just got strict on what they are willing to do
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I am a RI resident with a LTC town permit & if go to another town other than my own to buy a gun I am also hit with a waiting period.

That's absolutely false. I have no gun shops in my town, so I'm buying out of town all the time, including yesterday. And no waiting period at all with my Concealed Carry Permit. With yesterday's purchase, I was in and out of the shop with my new gun in less than 15 minutes.

The waiting period is 7 days. Some A-hole dealers are so scared they make you wait 7 days plus 1 because they say it's 7 full days even if you filled out the paperwork in the morning and try to pick it up in the afternoon. 10am to 10am is 7 complete days, but some are douches.

As for having a Carry Permit if you have the AG permit you must still wait the 7 days. If you have a local Chief of Police permit it foregoes the 7 days. If a dealer says it doesn't matter I'd walk out the door and find another one.
they did the same thing to me. 8 days for rifles and no pistol transfers unless they send to MA ffl.
Gun Laws 101 : No pistol sales to out of state residents is a federal law. It must be transferred to an FFL of the state you reside in.
If you are a Mass Resident who owns a home in RI and has a town permit you can buy a pistol. No waiting period. No shipping to Mass FFL. The FFL will ask you to show current tax bill, utility bill, etc.
foreigners should not buy guns directly in RI. theres a ratting thing there to your local PD you don’t want. inbound it to an ma or nh ffl and be done
foreigners should not buy guns directly in RI. theres a ratting thing there to your local PD you don’t want. inbound it to an ma or nh ffl and be done
Oh? Do tell? I’m curious

Never bought anything in RI. But I have in NH

Was temped to RI
Oh? Do tell? I’m curious

Never bought anything in RI. But I have in NH

Was temped to RI

There was a guy on here years ago who claimed he bought an AR15 there from a shop and there’s some weird requirement under the law where the shop has to report the purchase to the persons local PD. He explained that he was getting a call from the local (MA) PD where they wanted to confiscate the gun because they “thought it may be illegal in Massachusetts. “ I think he let them take the gun, despite the fact that it was clearly AWB compliant. Long before mauras bullshit obviously, made it sound like he was up the creek without a paddle he’s like “what am I gonna do get a lawyer to try to argue that the gun is legal and then spend more than the gun as worth?”. I can dig up the thread but the person who posted it may have requested to be deleted or something who knows I forget the outcome. I just remember the poster disappearing after that….. obviously in the case of an Rhode Island purchaser, nothing would happen because I’m sure the pds were used to getting such a call/notifications…

course with my luck I’ll end up digging this up and it’ll end up having been f***ing Connecticut or some thing. Both states have pretty f***ed up laws not mass f***ed up but they’re f***ed up in their own special ways…..🤣

regardless, there’s no amount of money you could pay me to buy stuff directly in a commie state. I would always outbound it to a dealer in a state that I’m more familiar with the laws….. and if there’s a wait period obviously it avoids that, too, other than shipping.

Here's the thread. It did sound like the guy who posted it did a lot of his own dick self punching.... but who knows...

The original owner of Universal was a nice guy. Good shop really knowledgeable. He got older and sold it to a dickhead. He lasted two years now it’s a barber shop.


Here's the thread. It did sound like the guy who posted it did a lot of his own dick self punching.... but who knows...


Here's the thread. It did sound like the guy who posted it did a lot of his own dick self punching.... but who knows...

Interesting thread. Also interesting to read posters names.

Here's the thread. It did sound like the guy who posted it did a lot of his own dick self punching.... but who knows...

Thanks Mike!!

Agree ⬇️

I'm surprised the thread that old actually exists a lot of the ancient stuff has seemingly disappeared... 🤣
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