Need a little help picking out a future heirloom.


NES Member
Dec 23, 2015
New Vermont
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I’ve been waiting to have this conversation for a while now. Thankfully the day has come!

Just found out we’re expecting our first! We are beyond elated as we’ve been trying for quite some time. I have always had a plan to pick something up that would eventually turn into a heirloom once we got the good news. I’m dead set on a 22. Don’t want a Rascal as they will grow out of it. I’m thinking a Henry Golden Boy Lever or Pump Action Octagon.

Any other suggestions?
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I’ve been waiting to have this conversation for a while now. Thankfully the day has come!

Just found out we’re expecting our first! We are beyond elated as we’ve been trying for quite some time. I have always had a plan to pick something up that would eventually turn into a heirloom once we got the good news. I’m dead set on a 22. Don’t want a Rascal as they will grow out of it. I’m thinking a Henry Golden Boy Lever or Pump Action Octagon.

Any other suggestions?
I got my son a Henry lever. I thought he’d love it but he only shot it once.

He loves his CZ bolt actions. I got him a 455 Scout that he still has but he really shoots the 457 the most. If I could go back in time I’d skip the Henry and the Scout and get him the 457 and put it in the XLR element that I did. The LOP can go really short and it has grown with him since he was small and he’ll never outgrow it. He's been shooting this rifle/setup for years and it still goes with us to the range just about every time.

Also, I wish I would have secured a new Colt 1911 from his birth year when he was born. I did get him one and I plan to give it to him when he turns 21. But it cost me more than it would have been if I bought it new from an FFL
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Congrats! I have a new grandson appearing any day now. He's overdue but I think he's just messing with his mom.

Ruger Bearcat. Stainless with Altamont pearl grips. Nothing cooler.
Golden Boy with custom Engraving. Timeless. But what makes it an heirloom isn't the value or the cost, but the memories associated with it. Congrats on your first, and for timing it so the kid can have a summer birthday. Mine's mid winter so birthdays were kinda shit.
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Major congrats on expecting your first!!! I love the Henry GB idea. A classic. You could also start with a Daisy Red Ryder to learn basic safe handling in the yard, and then later the Henry.

With mine, I went Daisy then Ruger 10/22.
Get something you want.

Kids outgrow .22’s pretty quickly.

AR’s are the way to go.

Anything in a .556 or .308 should do nicely.

Then when they grow up and realize other kid’s parents won’t let their kids be friends with them because you have guns they lose interest in guns so they can try to make friends.

So you will end up with them anyway. Get something you like or want.

If they take up an interest later then go shop with them for what they want.
Golden Boy with custom Engraving. Timeless. But what makes it an heirloom isn't the value or the cost, but the memories associated with it. Congrats on your first, and for timing it so the kid can have a summer birthday. Mine's mid winter so birthdays were kinda shit.
I can't argue with this as an heirloom, and likely what I'll do should I ever get a grandson.

If you want something that will be a full size rifle in a .22 for practice a ruger american .22 in wood or cz american are full size .22's that feel like a big boy rifle.
Get something you want.

Kids outgrow .22’s pretty quickly.

AR’s are the way to go.

Anything in a .556 or .308 should do nicely.

Then when they grow up and realize other kid’s parents won’t let their kids be friends with them because you have guns they lose interest in guns so they can try to make friends.

So you will end up with them anyway. Get something you like or want.

If they take up an interest later then go shop with them for what they want.

First rule of gun club - Don't talk about guns with lefty moonbats.
I went with a Henry Golden Boy, you can special order the serial number which
is 12 characters, alpha numeric

Fortunately my Grandson's 1st name was 6 characters and then I added is birthdate mmddyy
I’ve been waiting to have this conversation for a while now. Thankfully the day has come!

Just found out we’re expecting our first! We are beyond elated as we’ve been trying for quite some time. I have always had a plan to pick something up that would eventually turn into a heirloom once we got the good news. I’m dead set on a 22. Don’t want a Rascal as they will grow out of it. I’m thinking a Henry Golden Boy Lever or Pump Action Octagon.

Any other suggestions?

I bought my grandchildren a 1 ounce gold American Eagle when they were born.

Got another grandchild coming in March and he will get the same.
I’ve been waiting to have this conversation for a while now. Thankfully the day has come!

Just found out we’re expecting our first! We are beyond elated as we’ve been trying for quite some time. I have always had a plan to pick something up that would eventually turn into a heirloom once we got the good news. I’m dead set on a 22. Don’t want a Rascal as they will grow out of it. I’m thinking a Henry Golden Boy Lever or Pump Action Octagon.

Any other suggestions?

You've gotten several great suggestions. Here's one silly one that will be amazing if you do it.

Find or create something in the woods that looks like a crashed alien spaceship. Stage a photo of you lifting the baby from inside. Let him "find" it accidentally when he's old enough to (and still gullible enough) to believe he's a rescued alien. (or she!) Maybe some old farm equipment. A fallen silo maybe?
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