need some advice on a new LTC in Hudson Ma.

Feb 22, 2010
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I just moved to Hudson Ma. and live just up the street from the police station. I am a Fraud investigator for a local retail chain and have put countless scumbaggs in jail for various crimes. I worry about my familys saftey because of my job and what I do for a living. I just moved from Newton and because of there tough gun laws never bothered trying to get my LTC even though I am very close to many of the officers who suggested I wait until I moved to Hudson. Now that I am in Hudson I am very eager to not only get my LTC for all lawfull purposes but also join a local gun club and take additional courses. Any suggestions on applying for my LTC in and also any local clubs in the area. I have taken the basic NRA pistol course and am looking for some advanced training classes to enhance my ability to not only protect myself but protect my new family.
Hudson is a red town, meaning getting "Restrictions: None" is either extremely difficult or impossible. I am sure someone with better intel on Hudson can chime in, but if I recall correctly, they border on impossible [sad]
thanks for the info. That is exactly what I was afraid of. Always thought Newton was the toughest but if Hudson is just as hard I may be in for a long long battle.
You said the officers suggested you wait until you moved. Perhaps they knew something we don't? I would hope that they will see the character you exhibit for putting these guys away. I can see why you would be worried. I am sure some of them hold grudges for being thrown in jail. So are you the front guy as in you meet and talk with the perps before they go to jail or is your work mostly behind the scenes?
A consult with Jesse Cohen to determine the best way to present your case for LTC unrestricted would be a wise expenditure of short funds.

You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count!!

Good luck.
A consult with Jesse Cohen to determine the best way to present your case for LTC unrestricted would be a wise expenditure of short funds.

You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count!!

Good luck.


What everyone else said, especially about the lawyer. And a restricted LTC is better than no LTC at all, if you're worried about your safety.
is a fraud investigator like a store detective? aka securrrrity? or do you have some type of credentials or license to "practice" what you do in MA....

anywho, i don't see how a "fraud" investigator being a white collar crime (usually non-violent) would be worried about his safety.... your story sounds more like whining IMO. it would almost be like a bouncer at a strip saying "he's put countless perverts, drug dealers, and low life's" in jail so he's worried about his safety. -does it really matter.

how about "just because"... [laugh]

you can add that bit about your job in the employment section.

i am NOT a lawyer... this is the internet. [wink]
. It would not make sense to restrict to "employment"

Especially since it is almost certain that the retail chain does not exclude their fraud investigator from a "no guns at work, discipline up to an including termination if caught" policy - as the alternative is setting up their own training and certification program in the use of firearms and lethal force so they can demonstrate proper care in the event the employee, acting with the store's permission to be armed, uses his firearm.

Any employer who lets employees carry when "everyone in the HR business knows the industry standard is no weapons at work" is setting themselves up for a serious suit if the gun is used - and it's even worse if they are negligent by not making sure their armed employees are properly trained.
I live in Hudson & have an LTC with Hunting & Target restrictions. Licensing officer is a good guy & the interview process was painless, they just dont give out ALP's to first timers. I was told the restrictions could be removed upon renewal.
I live in Hudson & have an LTC with Hunting & Target restrictions. Licensing officer is a good guy & the interview process was painless, they just dont give out ALP's to first timers. I was told the restrictions could be removed upon renewal.

That's what I was hoping. I'm moving to Hudson in a few months and was worried that I was going to be downgraded from No restrictions to Target and Hunting upon renewal time.
Licensing officer is a good guy & the interview process was painless, they just dont give out ALP's to first timers. I was told the restrictions could be removed upon renewal.
A number of towns say this. I suspect, however, that such upgraded LTCs are about as about as common as unicorns, and that these LO's just use this statement as a way to avoid confrontation.
As a UPS guy, I've spent more time in Hudson and know it better than the streets in my home town.

And I have no clue why Hudson would be so crappy for LTC's. There are a couple of lower-income areas, but not as sketchy as Marlboro or even Maynard.

Hudson is mostly upper-middleclass carved out of the woods, I just don't see what the big deal is. Retardiculous.
1) Speak to an attorney first
2) You have what would seem to be the perfect scenario for any COP to issue an unrestricted license.
3) Speak to an attorney first
4) Don't let the naysayers deter you from going after it.
5) Speak to an attorney first
As a UPS guy, I've spent more time in Hudson and know it better than the streets in my home town.

And I have no clue why Hudson would be so crappy for LTC's. There are a couple of lower-income areas, but not as sketchy as Marlboro or even Maynard.

Hudson is mostly upper-middleclass carved out of the woods, I just don't see what the big deal is. Retardiculous.

There are lots of high brow/decent towns in MA that have the red stripe thing going on- the anti gun syndrome is not just confined to the big dump cities. They probably just have an anti police chief, or the people that put him in power are antis.

I don't know why I linked "nice town" to being "more reasonable", but I still can't shake why they would be the way they are. Hudson has alot of hunter/camper/outdoorsy types, as well as it's fair share of Obama/Biden stickered Priuses and Subaru's.

I just view Hudson as being more "common sense" than what I've heard
I don't know why I linked "nice town" to being "more reasonable", but I still can't shake why they would be the way they are. Hudson has alot of hunter/camper/outdoorsy types, as well as it's fair share of Obama/Biden stickered Priuses and Subaru's.

I just view Hudson as being more "common sense" than what I've heard
You just can't correlate the type of town with the licensing policy. Weston is bright green. Wayland is mostly green. Sudbury, which is demographically, economically, and visually very much like Wayland, is red.
is a fraud investigator like a store detective? aka securrrrity? or do you have some type of credentials or license to "practice" what you do in MA....

anywho, i don't see how a "fraud" investigator being a white collar crime (usually non-violent) would be worried about his safety.... your story sounds more like whining IMO. it would almost be like a bouncer at a strip saying "he's put countless perverts, drug dealers, and low life's" in jail so he's worried about his safety. -does it really matter.

how about "just because"... [laugh]

you can add that bit about your job in the employment section.

i am NOT a lawyer... this is the internet. [wink]

sure it matters, some people don;t like being ratted out and getting hung up on charges and will seek payback
You just can't correlate the type of town with the licensing policy. Weston is bright green. Wayland is mostly green. Sudbury, which is demographically, economically, and visually very much like Wayland, is red.

it is funny I have never pictured Weston as bright green, but for the reasons you mentioned.
That MAY get you somewhere. Don't take my advice as I know nothing specific about Hudson but do know quite a few LO's who want it documented that they have reason to fear injury to their person and or property. Seems like you could easily document that, who knows where they will go with it from there but its better than "I work from home on a computer all day selling my handmade candles" or something like that.

This is my thought as well. If you show up with an application and a "F*** you, pay me" attitude about these rights you have (which aren't yet recognized in MA), your odds of success will be much different than if you can show a stack of reasons why you are in danger or may be in danger, in big ways or little ways. Showing some kind of actual need may help sway the LTC kapo. But the only way to tell for sure if it'll help is to roll the dice...the next best way IMO is a lawyer.

anywho, i don't see how a "fraud" investigator being a white collar crime (usually non-violent) would be worried about his safety....

The penalties can be huge, especially when you consider that a lot of theft rings cross state lines to repeat their theft formula on several stores in a chain. Even if the investigation and testimony of the investigator isn't violent, the defendant's love life in prison may be...

Especially since it is almost certain that the retail chain does not exclude their fraud investigator from a "no guns at work, discipline up to an including termination if caught" policy

I can't speak first hand as I have no experience in that field, but I have a relative who's high up with an international retail chain who tells me that's how their corporate policy is written.

A number of towns say this. I suspect, however, that such upgraded LTCs are about as about as common as unicorns, and that these LO's just use this statement as a way to avoid confrontation.

Hey, they didn't specify which renewal it could be upgraded on, right? [laugh]

Hudson has alot of hunter/camper/outdoorsy types, as well as it's fair share of Obama/Biden stickered Priuses and Subaru's.

Which just makes a Target/Hunting LTC sound all the more reasonable to some. [wink]
The way I see it, unless your job asks you to SPECIFICALLY live in a certain town (LEO, perhaps? I dunno) then it should be fairly easy to avoid the red towns. It seems that even around a see of red towns there is always a green one or two nearby. I almost bought a house in Walpole because it was the PERFECT house for me, but then balked instead of putting in an offer because I knew I could find something in a surrounding town, given some time.
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