NES Amateur Radio (HAM) Club

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House? I know guys who's cars look like that!

Some Hams tend to go a bit overboard.
Someone sent me this pic of a house in Brookline, I don't know who lives there, but I'm guessing it's got to be either a Ham or an NSA Agent.

PC Power Supply EMI Fix

For anyone who experiences EMI problems on HF from their PC, here's a possible solution if you're cheap like me.

I recently upgraded my PC's supply to 650 watts to accommodate a new video cars. But, being a cheap bastard, I bought the supply based on price as the big consideration right after the 12 volt rail current rating. Well, that money saving has to come from somewhere, and in the case of these PC supplies it's usuallu in doing away with any parts beyond what's absolutely necessary.

In the case of this supply, they did that by eliminating all the EMI suppression. It's not a big deal to most people, but I found that with the computer on 80 and 160 meters were completely destroyed by switching noise that was a constant 20 over S9. The solution was easy and took about 45 minutes from powering down the PC to powering it back up again. I just replaced the stock AC receptacle with one with an EMI filter built in. You can get these online from sources like Digikey. But we use them at work, so I took one out of a scrap unit. It only took a little filing to get it into the case. I can't detect any switching noise on 80 0r 160 now. Here's the work from start to finish:




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If you head up, let me know. I may go pick up a few things myself. I'm thinking of masting a tribander.

I'm going to head up in a little while. It's 12:30 now. I'll probably leave at 1 or so. I can wait if you want me to.
I had a Comcast tech come by today to swap out HD boxes. Nice guy -- after talking geek for a while, comparing the specs of the old box to the new one -- HD channels per QAM that can fit compressed onto the newly freed up analog space, etc -- he left. But a few minutes later I noticed him still standing in the driveway, staring up at my "antenna farm". He comes back and knocks on the door, and asks me if I'm an amateur radio operator, and asks my call when I say yes. Turns out he's Ray Lajoie, kb1lrl, president of the Montachusett ARC. I got a kick out of that.
Damn, that sounds really dirty.

Oh, by the way: I passed my Tech test today, along with a few other NESers.[smile] Time for another expensive hobby that I can't afford. Huge thanks to Matt for pushing me in this direction. Thanks, buddy!

Congrats! I've got my dual band rig which I bought today setup at the house now. I was listening to 449.075 about an hour or two ago and heard them talking about carrying guns and such. I was going to try my first transmission but I wimped out.
Congrats! I've got my dual band rig which I bought today setup at the house now. I was listening to 449.075 about an hour or two ago and heard them talking about carrying guns and such. I was going to try my first transmission but I wimped out.

What repeaters are you sitting on?
I was listening to Boston 444.700 late last night. I made a list of about a dozen repeaters that I should probably program into my radio.
Today I'm hoping to hang my G5RV if it warms up a little.
I was listening to Boston 444.700 late last night. I made a list of about a dozen repeaters that I should probably program into my radio.
Today I'm hoping to hang my G5RV if it warms up a little.

How do you plan to hang it? Not trying to insult your intelligence in any way, but I bring this up to help you avoid the headaches I dealt with. Do some research on the best way to hang these before you do it. Granted, it will work if you just throw it out there, but if you do it the best way possible the first time, it will save you from moving it later.
How do you plan to hang it? Not trying to insult your intelligence in any way, but I bring this up to help you avoid the headaches I dealt with. Do some research on the best way to hang these before you do it. Granted, it will work if you just throw it out there, but if you do it the best way possible the first time, it will save you from moving it later.

Plan?? I'm supposed to have one of those?
I'm planning on hanging it in an inverted V. The biggest obstacle is going to be getting it up as high as I would like to in the center.
Honestly, I'm looking at this as a temporary install. I know that I'll be looking to change it down the road.
BTW I'm not insulted. I really appreciate the help.
Plan?? I'm supposed to have one of those?
I'm planning on hanging it in an inverted V. The biggest obstacle is going to be getting it up as high as I would like to in the center.
Honestly, I'm looking at this as a temporary install. I know that I'll be looking to change it down the road.
BTW I'm not insulted. I really appreciate the help.

G5RV's like to be FLAT, not inverted V shape.
G5RV's like to be FLAT, not inverted V shape.

Making it flat shouldn't be a problem. Making it high and flat could be. I'm thinking of a failry flat V. Probably a drop in only about 20' from the center height and this is with a full size 200' plus antenna. Do you think I'll be ok for while until I get the right gear to get it up high and flat?
Making it flat shouldn't be a problem. Making it high and flat could be. I'm thinking of a failry flat V. Probably a drop in only about 20' from the center height and this is with a full size 200' plus antenna. Do you think I'll be ok for while until I get the right gear to get it up high and flat?

You'll notice no difference.
Thanks guys. This is just an interim solution until I figure out what I really want to be doing. As long as I can work with this for now I'll be happy. If this antenna works out well I can find a way to get it higher and flatter.
I'm up on a hill so that might help get my signal out a little too.
Congrats! I've got my dual band rig which I bought today setup at the house now.

Which one did you buy? The Yaesu 8800?

I was listening to 449.075 about an hour or two ago and heard them talking about carrying guns and such. I was going to try my first transmission but I wimped out.

You should have jumped in. Guns are a popular subject on .075, I think more than half the regulars on there are gun owners.
3910's the big one on 75 -- been like that since I got my license and I'm sure for long before that. I used to hang out there in the early 90's before the 16 year hiatus (and on 14.313 [shocked]), which is gone now. I'm trying to be a good boy this time around.
Congrats! I've got my dual band rig which I bought today setup at the house now. I was listening to 449.075 about an hour or two ago and heard them talking about carrying guns and such. I was going to try my first transmission but I wimped out.

Yea, what did you get?? And how far can you get on 2m. I'm new if you want to talk on one of the Boston area 2m repeaters...let me know.

Best line I've heard in a long time on the bands -- sitting in a pileup on 20 today, trying to work Franco, TG9NX in Guatemala. He's got a a very unruly;y and undisciplined bunch of ops trying to work him, despite his best efforts at controlling the pileup. He then gets several people with obviously different calls coming back to him despite clearly asking for a specific suffix. His response -- "You've all got to help me -- I've been licensed for 44 years, and I still am unable to hold a conversation with two people simultaneously!"

I finally got through and gave him a laugh when I told him I've been licensed for 33 years and he was the first Guatemalan station I've ever contacted! Which is a bit of a fluke for an East Coast station because Guatemala is usually a fairly mundane contact, but I never got around to working one until today.
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