New Acquisitions for January 2007

Just got an all matching Albanian SKS today. Its in excelent condition and was well worth the price $295. Normally I'd wait and take pics outside but having rounded out my SKS collection with one from every country I couldn't wait.[smile]




Now I need to find an old worn out Chinese type SKS sling to put on it.
Very, very nice and congratulations on rounding out your SKS collection. Good work!

Just got an all matching Albanian SKS today. Its in excelent condition and was well worth the price $295. Normally I'd wait and take pics outside but having rounded out my SKS collection with one from every country I couldn't wait.[smile]
Just got an all matching Albanian SKS today. Its in excelent condition and was well worth the price $295. Normally I'd wait and take pics outside but having rounded out my SKS collection with one from every country I couldn't wait.[smile]




Now I need to find an old worn out Chinese type SKS sling to put on it.
Now that is one beautiful peice of harware you got there.
My wife is going to kill me...


I had to... it just looked soooo purdy [wink]

I'm just amazed at how small and light this puppy is...

Although I am fully looking to upgrade to a red dot and some other kewl toys for her [wink]

Plus... I may get my wife to the range with it.

I already took it out and put 200 rounds through it (100 mini-mag and 100 thunderbolts) Other then one fail to fire and FTE with the thunderbolts, it was perfect. Minde you I have had those smae issues with an MKII and the cheap thunderbolts. But man... this is one fun plinker

Now I just need to work on the sighting.
Is that carbon fiber? Hows the recoil? Must feel like you're shooting a C02 pellet pistol.[grin]

Yes and yes.

almost no recoil and this thing is freaking light. I actually had to check the case twice because it felt empty.

I was going to wait a while to get one, but as soon as I saw that carbon fiber... I couldn't wait any longer.

Thanks to Jim at Zero hour for snagging one up for me [wink]
I picked up my first wheel gun today from Alstead gun shop. Its a 4" stainless GP100 with Hogue grips. I looked at three different gp's but this one had a much better trigger. The serial # dates to 1989 but it must have been a safe queen because I can't find a scratch on it.
It was a blast to shoot even though my fingers were going numb from the cold. Can't wait to take it out again tomorow!

This pic is the same as mine accept for the grips.
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1911 Fever is contagious !

Well as with most stories days there is good news and bad news; First the good news...
Apoliges for the blurry photo, we have a crappy camera.


Now the bad news; This isn't mine ! [shocked] [crying] This fine sidearm belongs to MrsTwigg ! No, I didn't so much as nudge her towards it ! (As much as I want one for myself !) Mrs Twigg has been shooting my Glock 22 regularly as well as some of the other pistols I own. Over the past few weeks Patty shot several pistols & revolvers and handled quite a few more trying to find one with "The Goldilocks Factor" (juuuust right). She selected this after firing a similar one at the S&W facility out in Springfield. She loved it and just HAD to bring it home with her.

On the bright side, she did say she might let me shoot it from time to time.
...If I am a nice boy. [thinking] [wink] [smile]
Kudos to the lady!

I find that I shoot my S&W 1911 better than any other CF gun that I own!
This was actually a December buy but I just finished putting it together. Had to wait for a rear band spring to come in. Now all I need is a correct cleaning rod and sling.
Its a 1908 Brazilian Mauser in 7mm I got from Strickland's. Its all matching with a mint bore.




Sweet !
Reminding me of the fact, that a Gew.98 is missing in my collection.

Oh BTW, just scored this P.38 tonight.
She's advertised as not being re-blued; the only pitting she has per
the seller is shown in the 3rd pic (hammer, rear side of slide & grip),
said to be from hoster storage.

Ooops. sorry to hijack your post.
Can a mod please move my post into the "New acquisitions for January" thread ?
Thanks a million !




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Not quite guns but they do go on the end of them. I got these and about 4000 rounds of ammo (.303, 8x50, 8mm, 7.62x54, 7.62x45 and some wooden tipped 8mm) for $200 He only wanted $150 for it all but I told him that it was to cheap and would give him $200 for it (he was going through a divorce and needed some money that day) I still feel bad for not being able to give him some more for it, but that's all I had.

the guns the bayonets fit left to right
Swedish M96
Italian Carcano
some Mauser
Steyr M95
some Mauser
Finnish M91

Not quite guns but they do go on the end of them. I got these and about 4000 rounds of ammo (.303, 8x50, 8mm, 7.62x54, 7.62x45 and some wooden tipped 8mm) for $200 He only wanted $150 for it all but I told him that it was to cheap and would give him $200 for it (he was going through a divorce and needed some money that day) I still feel bad for not being able to give him some more for it, but that's all I had.

the guns the bayonets fit left to right
Swedish M96
Italian Carcano
some Mauser
Steyr M95
some Mauser
Finnish M91


Nice. If you're interested in selling the Finn M91 and Steyr bayonets, PM me.
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