NES Member
I'm not a betting man but my spidey sense says this is a done deal and it's going down as anticipated. Why? Well, Cabela's is a large operation and they must, of course, be absolutely aware of the TV report from Billings yet no one has come forward from either BPS or Cabela's with a retort. Saying nothing is sometimes louder than saying something.
Then I looked at a map of where all the Cabela's are and then where the BPS are. Looks to me that there is a satisfactory number of areas that BP has no presence, INCLUDING Billings, Montana. They are a HUGE fishing area as anyone who's been there will know. Hunting, too. The pheasants there are wild and there's a plethora of 'em. Been there and done that.
The maps clearly showed where there would be a bunch of overlap. I'm confident that the lines have already been drawn by the buyers team of planners and they already know which stores will stay and leave. We can only speculate. But I'm laying odds that I'm right and because neither BPS or Cabela's has come forward, this is a done deal and stock holders and credit card holders with points to use are getting nervous. I would.
This, especially when Elliott - known for strong-arming "strategic" corporate moves like sales - bought 11%.