NH non resident permit?

Finally got a registered letter this past Friday from NH....DENIED. I'm going to call on Monday (tomorrow) and see what's going on.[sad]

Usually they include the reason, most often it is forgotten paperwork, etc...or MA decided to not acknowledge that you have a permit.
Usually they include the reason, most often it is forgotten paperwork, etc...or MA decided to not acknowledge that you have a permit.

It says "In view of your past criminal record, it has been determined that you are not a suitable person to be so licensed.....Please be advised that, upon annulment of your criminal record, you may reapply, and your application will be reconsidered."

I honestly don't know what it is for, unles it was something from when I lived in Arizona that didn't get put to bed on the courts side. I'll call tomorrow and see if I can get anywhere. I may call my sister tonight and have her run my record to see if anything showed up. I can't imagine it's anything huge, I got my MA LTC- no restrictions late last year. If anything would have shown up then I think they would have said something.
Just got off the phone with NH. It seems I was convicted of theft (shoplifting) when I was 16 years old. I know, I know, stupid teenager! That was 22 years ago and I learned my lesson. Anyone have any advice on what course to follow to have this annulled or if it's even possible?
Just got off the phone with NH. It seems I was convicted of theft (shoplifting) when I was 16 years old. I know, I know, stupid teenager! That was 22 years ago and I learned my lesson. Anyone have any advice on what course to follow to have this annulled or if it's even possible?

First and foremost, get a Lawyer... Not sure of who to talk to about NH permit issues, but I would bet Cross-X, Scrivener, and others here could probably refer you to someone up there. (The name Penny Dean rings a bell for
some reason, though.... )

It's also important to find out whether you are being statutorily disqualified or whether the denial is based on someone's opinion. It doesn't make sense to me that MA would give you a license but NH did not... It's also possible that NH doesn't know/understand what you were charged with and may consider it disqualifying when in fact it might not be. This is where the lawyer becomes useful...

i sent my non-res ccw application to nh back in mid april...the check got cashed may 18...and now i'm still waiting! i'm a member at mfl, and all i want to be able to do is walk into that place with my piece on me instead of having it in a box....can i go to the governor, and tell him to tell nh to hurry up?[smile]
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i sent my non-res ccw application to nh back in mid april...the check got cashed may 18...and now i'm still waiting! i'm a member at mfl, and all i want to be able to do is walk into that place with my piece on me instead of having it in a box....can i go to the president, and tell him to tell nh to hurry up?[smile]

The president....of what? [hmmm]
Sent in renewal the end of April. Check cashed a month later. Now, 2 months in and my license expires next week and no response yet. Called a left a message today querying status, hopefully that will prod them to get it out the door. Given how prompt and good they were historically, I have to believe this is just a matter of good people grossly overworked OR some sort of verification with MA that they are stalled on.
non res permit 3 months counting.....we say mass is bad!!!!!

can you honestly tell me that that many people filed for a ltc in nH ????just about 3 months ....
Sent in renewal the end of April. Check cashed a month later. Now, 2 months in and my license expires next week and no response yet. Called a left a message today querying status, hopefully that will prod them to get it out the door. Given how prompt and good they were historically, I have to believe this is just a matter of good people grossly overworked OR some sort of verification with MA that they are stalled on.

Now I'm getting annoyed. My license expired last Thursday. I called a week before that and left a message querying WTF; got a call back after a week on the day my license expired and was told my license was approved and waiting to be printed and I should receive it in a few weeks. Was told no way to make it go faster and reminded that there was no grace period on my expired license. I'd really like to hear the complete story of what the hell happened in this group from the previous great service and good people to this disaster. So 2.5 months, an expired license and counting. No explanation as to why it takes weeks (or longer, no idea when my renewal was approved) to be printed and mailed when they used to do the whole process in a couple of days.
If you have been following the threads, NH has had a hiring freeze for the better part of the last year. Personnel have been transfered and departments will be working shorthanded for the foreseeable future. Get used to these long processing times.
license finally received 7/10. Given the batch of people posting that they received their license in the last few days, there must have been some sort of holdup in the process that suddenly released a bunch of licenses.
6/18/2008 - Applied for NH Non Resident LTC (by Mail)

7/14/2008 - Called State Police Licensing Unit for an update

7/16/2008 - Check Cashed

7/18/2008 - Received a call from the NH State Police Licensing - License still being processed

8/2/2008 - Received NH Non Resident LTC
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First and foremost, get a Lawyer... Not sure of who to talk to about NH permit issues, but I would bet Cross-X, Scrivener, and others here could probably refer you to someone up there. (The name Penny Dean rings a bell for
some reason, though.... )

It's also important to find out whether you are being statutorily disqualified or whether the denial is based on someone's opinion. It doesn't make sense to me that MA would give you a license but NH did not... It's also possible that NH doesn't know/understand what you were charged with and may consider it disqualifying when in fact it might not be. This is where the lawyer becomes useful...



It may be as simple as the fact the MA administratively decides not to heavily weigh the records of minors and that NH views that differently.

A lawyer will definitely earn his pay on this issue.

You may decide that in the end, a NH permit is no longer worth the effort, but at this point, purging the DISQUALIFICATION from the files probably IS!

Just curious what other people put on this line: For what reason(s) do you make application to carry a pistol in New Hampshire? (see reverse side) ...Seems that what you put there could have some bearing on your success.
I live in a border town, and work in NH, wondering if that's enough.
Just curious what other people put on this line: For what reason(s) do you make application to carry a pistol in New Hampshire? (see reverse side) ...Seems that what you put there could have some bearing on your success.
I live in a border town, and work in NH, wondering if that's enough.

The application tells you what to put. NH is a shall issue state, so as long as you're clean and have a valid license in your home state there should be no problem.

Here is the quote from the non-res application.

A license to carry a loaded handgun may be issued for PROTECTION or ALL PROPER PURPOSES. One or more of these
reasons must be noted on the application, in the space provided for reason(s) you make application to carry a pistol in New
It looks like NH ignores their laws as well - the last time I checked the statutes required issuance within 15 days unless they found a disqualifier.
It looks like NH ignores their laws as well - the last time I checked the statutes required issuance within 15 days unless they found a disqualifier.

You can't honestly be bitching about NH law?? As was said earlier in this thread NH is short handed in handling non-res permits. Would you rather pay $100 annually to pay someones salary to process the non-res requests? It took me almost 10 weeks to get my MA non-res permit and the cost of $100 yearly is way out of whack. Are you sure the statutes apply to non-residents? As a resident I received mine the same day I dropped off the application.
6/18/2008 - Applied for NH Non Resident LTC (by Mail)

7/14/2008 - Called State Police Licensing Unit for an update

7/16/2008 - Check Cashed

7/18/2008 - Received a call from the NH State Police Licensing - License still being processed

8/2/2008 - Received NH Non Resident LTC

Got mine Saturday!!

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