Northeast Preppers?

As for my food storage as picked up over the past months my wife and I started a pantry in the basement using the wire racks as well. Rotation has no been an issue using this method, Lowes has these racks called monster racks which are very sturdy and good for the price I think it was around 77 bucks.
that's pretty much how I am going to go about it. some of the wire baker/kitchen racks.

Did you guys see the news last night? Down in Florida people are doing the usual last minute "oh shit I have to get supplies !! "
i picked up from a can rotation system. you put the new cans in the top and the older stuff comes out the bottom. cost an arm and a leg but well worth it. plus it keeps the wife from grabbing the first can she comes across when making dinner

Good idea, I will check into that. You nailed the problem.....wife grabbing the first can, or placing the newest stuff in front on the rare chance she helps out with the long term needs. Maybe I can fabricate a rig for less money. I'm sure it won't be pretty but as long as it works.
that's pretty much how I am going to go about it. some of the wire baker/kitchen racks.

Did you guys see the news last night? Down in Florida people are doing the usual last minute "oh shit I have to get supplies !! "

Yeah I did you would figure that if you lived in a part of the country that get hurricanes or a high potential for hurricanes you would be prepared and not wait till the last second
yup. always last minute. Christ I should know I am king procrastinator! it's good to be ready.

So uuh ,when are we all gonna go shootin'? I'll bring the grill meats...
if we can find maybe one of you guys that has a centrally located club that would be good.
Other wise we could do it my club (Nimrod League of Holden) and I could see if we can reserve the range. That way we'll have it all to ourselves and we could bring a grill down there. The range is a small place it has only 6 positions on the rifle side. I don't think there is a fee for reserving but I can check..
whoever is interested just PM me or post it here...
southboro or lancaster.. to me makes no difference both are at least an hour but i wouldn't mind the drive! But if there is a closer option im for it as well.
Yeah I did you would figure that if you lived in a part of the country that get hurricanes or a high potential for hurricanes you would be prepared and not wait till the last second

Most of Florida is swampland and they don't have basements.
Yeah, one of my main issues is that opsec and infosec say you shouldn't tell people much, and shouldn't say much on the internet either. The last thing any prep per of good moral conscience needs is a line of people outside his/her door expecting to be taken in indefinitely, or worse, see the 9 minute video.
That's a good idea but also, I think expanding the network to the whole state might help a lot in communicating what might be happening in different areas too.
so how did we all fare through Irene? we did ok here. lost power for only 18 hours, but realized a few points my preps were lacking even in that short time. (1) oil lamps and certain types of candles smoke a lot (2) smoke detectors on battery back up can be annoying (3) my mother in laws oxygen machine doesn't have a battery backup (4) generator makes a lot of noise running at night, keeping the pumps and before mentioned oxygen machine going. (5) going to look into a natural gas conversion for generator.... and the list goes on, very humbling.
One thing I am not happy about is that 3 of 5 points of egress in my neighborhood were blocked due to trees or wires down. Because of this, a lot of unwelcome traffic came through the area this week. One of the best things about my neighborhood is that it's off the beaten path, with lots of dead ends, and little through traffic. It's hard to find if you don't know it's there, there is little reason to find it if you aren't looking, and I like it that way.
here's one while we are thinking of a network. lets all think of skills we could all bring to the table. i for example am a mechanic by profession. any one out there with marketable skills? medic,farmer,carpenter etc. Part of prepping is setting a foundation to stand on later. helping each other out now would help the group later. for instance i've been looking to barter carpentry work for auto repair. had some success on craigs list but still have alot left to do.
after thinking about it for a while I realized I'm kind of a jack of all trades. I can fix a lot of things. I can make just about anything out of wood but I'm not a "carpenter" , also using metals to fabricate needed items. I can also think outside the box when there is need to react ... I'm a simple guy using simple means to solve complicated problems..
Hey folks. I had a couple prep related questions, and rather than start a new thread I figure here's a good a place as any.

1st, is there any place locally (RI, SE MA) where I can buy gamma seal lids and oxygen remover?

2nd, I have a bunch of old Ball ideal jars, the ones with glass lids and wire bails, and I want to give canning a try. Would it be wise to get some new seals for these and use them for what they're made for? They all seem to be in good shape. Alternately I figure I could sell them and buy new equipment with the proceeds.
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