Northeast Preppers?

Hey folks. I had a couple prep related questions, and rather than start a new thread I figure here's a good a place as any.

1st, is there any place locally (RI, SE MA) where I can buy gamma seal lids and oxygen remover?

2nd, I have a bunch of old Ball ideal jars, the ones with glass lids and wire bails, and I want to give canning a try. Would it be wise to get some new seals for these and use them for what they're made for? They all seem to be in good shape. Alternately I figure I could sell them and buy new equipment with the proceeds.

Sell the old jars and get new ones. The old ones can be used but they arent worth the potential for contamination. I just traded the last of mine to a florist here in town. They just arent worth messing with. Also go get the Ball Blue Book. It is a great intro to canning. As for gamma seals check either Petco or Petsmart. I think I picked a couple up at one of those stores.
Hey folks. I had a couple prep related questions, and rather than start a new thread I figure here's a good a place as any.

1st, is there any place locally (RI, SE MA) where I can buy gamma seal lids and oxygen remover?

2nd, I have a bunch of old Ball ideal jars, the ones with glass lids and wire bails, and I want to give canning a try. Would it be wise to get some new seals for these and use them for what they're made for? They all seem to be in good shape. Alternately I figure I could sell them and buy new equipment with the proceeds.

Buy new equipment with the proceeds. Buy the new jars and lids. Get a water bath canner and a pressure canner that you can afford. Make sure it is a canner and not a pressure cooker, there is a difference. I second the Ball Blue Book.
you guys/ladies are awesome!! between this and mr twiggs canning thread I am motivated.. I think next season wifey and I are going to indulge in the canning adventure.
Canning is easier than you think. Follow the instructions in the Ball Blue book and you will be good to go. The longest time is the prep of everything. I can and freeze our vegies.
after thinking about it for a while I realized I'm kind of a jack of all trades. I can fix a lot of things. I can make just about anything out of wood but I'm not a "carpenter" , also using metals to fabricate needed items. I can also think outside the box when there is need to react ... I'm a simple guy using simple means to solve complicated problems..

Same here pretty handy but know my limits good at wiring, telecoms , and low voltage electric ect.. I would love to learn more about gardening and auto repair.
Same here pretty handy but know my limits good at wiring, telecoms , and low voltage electric ect.. I would love to learn more about gardening and auto repair.

Yup, same here too (I'm a regular jerk of all trades, disaster at some :-)
I think most 'preppers' tend to be generalists.
If you want to learn about car repair... decide to fix-up some old 'classic' car - you'll learn everything you need to know, and more (welding, painting, upholstery, advanced swearing, first aid, fire control, emergency stopping of a car with failed brakes, even how to bail out the bilge and steer for a sandbar at the same time - if your choice of 'classic' includes the Amphicar, etc, etc...)
haaa I was gonna say "jerk of all trades" too!
the only thing I don't mess with too much is electricity. I've done some basic wiring stuff but nothing major that's why I am studying up on how to hook up solar power for backup.
Same here pretty handy but know my limits good at wiring, telecoms , and low voltage electric ect.. I would love to learn more about gardening and auto repair.
you know the best to learn about gardening is to start your own garden and see how it goes. That's basically how I learned about doing hydroponics.
Yup, same here too (I'm a regular jerk of all trades, disaster at some :-)
I think most 'preppers' tend to be generalists.
If you want to learn about car repair... decide to fix-up some old 'classic' car - you'll learn everything you need to know, and more (welding, painting, upholstery, advanced swearing, first aid, fire control, emergency stopping of a car with failed brakes, even how to bail out the bilge and steer for a sandbar at the same time - if your choice of 'classic' includes the Amphicar, etc, etc...)

Not a bad idea maybe i will start out small as for my gardening skills.. i will put it this way i had trouble growing a Topsy Turvy tomato plant...[rofl], But practice makes perfect.
Not a bad idea maybe i will start out small as for my gardening skills.. i will put it this way i had trouble growing a Topsy Turvy tomato plant...[rofl], But practice makes perfect.

Hubby does our gardening. I have a brown thumb and can kill just about anything. I do the canning and freezing though. So it works out. He'll help me with that part too. It is a good trade off.
Yeah teamwork I love it! Wifey and I do the garden together, I do most of the heavy work for prepping it in the spring she picks what we will grow and we both plant tend and harvest the garden. we're expanding next year to add a whole bunch of root veggies..
baaahahaha "hippy lettuce" I haven't run the hydro in a couple of years actually. but with the way the economy is going I may have to grow hippy lettuce to make ends meet lol

cool, how do you have it set up?
odd you should say mention that. I was just talking about the greenhouse idea yesterday with the wife.
I've seen those greenhouses and they seem like they are easy to deal with. I was looking at the smaller 6 x 8 just mainly because of price.
One thing that seems like a good resource is sprouting seeds. If there were difficulty getting fresh vegetables from supermarket, you can sprout lots of good seeds (lentils, peas, radish, etc) easily using just wet paper towel or liter plastic bottles with tops cut off. That would be a good way to get fresh greens to supplement dried rice and beans and other long term storage staples, and they can be grown indoors any time of year.
I have a fish waterpump that circulates the nutrients through the lava rocks and my veggies are in these little grow thingies(I forget the name but there made of fiber)Light source is a 400 watt metal halide on a 12 hour cycle. Since my 4yr old decided to take pictures while in the tub I need to get a new camera so I can post pics.
so you used Hydroton (lava rocks) ? you used the rockwool or peat starter plugs. the rockwool works well. the only thing some people forget to do is to neutralize the ph in the rockwool before you begin to seed. I'd love to see how the veggies are doing and how long they've been growing..
Is this your first try?
you could try Kittery Trading Post, I know it's far but they have a great shotgun room and the guy my friend dealt with was really knowledgeable.
They had some killer brownings too he pulled one out and asked us how old we thought it was .. I guessed a year old . The thing was 25 years old and looked like it just came out of the case.
I know, it is a long ways. But, if you are spending that kind of money on a shotgun it would be well worth the money to go to their HQ and have them setup the gun to you. Ljutic is awesome to work directly with.
yea well the problem is'nt quite that simple. due to a death in the family i inherited a number of gun from a long time trap shooter. i have picked through and added the ones i want to keep, to my collection. but there are a couple of guns that are just "too good for me" i'll never due these justice. and the money would go tward supporting the widow. there are 2 ljutic(s) one is so beautiful i'm sequestering it in a vault, the other has seen some usage but is still in mint condition. i'm now going to contact ljutic and see if i can get the history for the one gun. it looks like it has been modified and repolished so i don't know what the origional finish is. it currently looks like stainless steel but it is'nt. i don't want to get taken when i sell it nor do i want to misrepresent it to a seller.
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