Northeast Preppers?

they actually have a button on the website for gun history. I thought it would be the history of the company but it happens to be the history for whatever firearm you own of theirs.
BTW, when are we gonna get together and kill some paper?
soo flippin busy havn't even had the time to shoot myself and or check in here. between work and the flu. The wife got the flu shot i got the pneumonia shot and we've both been sick for the 3 weeks since, never again.
still collectin my preps, and worring about the times
soo flippin busy havn't even had the time to shoot myself and or check in here. between work and the flu. The wife got the flu shot i got the pneumonia shot and we've both been sick for the 3 weeks since, never again.
still collectin my preps, and worring about the times

I hear bud hope you and the wife feel better, same here bewteen a couple of deaths in my family and working my ass off i have been M.I.A here too. I hope every one has been well. Im looking into getting a generator since that last cluster "F" back in October, still prepping and hopfully will get my hands on a new firearm soon looking into a Mossberg Combo...Have any of you guys gotten together yet? If not hopefully soon..
Smurf man I hope you and the wife feel better. Rattlesnake I haven't gotten together with anybody yet I am looking forward to at least going to the range with you guys sometime soon, just let me know..

Those sights are interesting I'll have to spend some time reading..
For sure Rancho I will let you know.. I am gonna be busy the rest of november and in December!! Gotta try and work as much as possible overtime to make sure Santa brings what my little girls ask for[smile]. So if you want maybe we could try and figure out a time, day and place for sometime after the Holidays? Enjoy the sites and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. and thanks for the good health wishes. the wife and I are doing better, but I swear to god never again will either of us get the flu or pneumonia shots, that was the worst 2 weeks in a long time.
I'm thinking it'll be spring time before we can co-ordinate some range time and or a meet and greet. between the holidays, work, and up coming plowing season I don't see enough free time for anything.
i'll definatly keep checking in here though hope to here from you guys too
Glad you guys are feeling better.
yer in worcester county? what town, I am in lancaster.
There's gotta be a time when we can hit the range just once between now and spring time..
my club is southboro rod and gun.
I'll try to get in touch with you if something opens up, but I haven't even had time to shoot myself,(pun intended) let alone schedule something in advance. I usually go, when I get a last minute cancellation and suddenly find myself with nothing to do. but between the remodel I'm working on and regular work its hard to find a few spare hours. are you available durring the week?
no worries man, just drop me a pm even if it's last minute.
I actually just joined harvard sportsmans club.
quite a facility over there and many NES'rs too
i'm a huge fan of the survival pod cast. i dont spend a lot of time on the forums but i never miss a pod cast. jack rules. he has a personal aperance comming up in feb. in NH. taking the wife up for a meet and greet
i'm a huge fan of the survival pod cast. i dont spend a lot of time on the forums but i never miss a pod cast. jack rules. he has a personal aperance comming up in feb. in NH. taking the wife up for a meet and greet

hoping to get free entry for volunteering. :)
In the beginning of this thread, folks were wondering how to convince the women that prepping was a good idea.

Well, it's hurricane season. We haven't had a bad one in a while and I would say we are due.

Remember Hurricane Bob? I remember we had no power for a few days. Preppers lived just fine - others maybe did not. And that was only a few days.

Eric, all it took was 6 days out of power here to bring home the importance of preparing for a long haul outage of technology. Nothing like an actual event to stir the pot. Not one word from Mama when I upgraded to a 7000 watt generator after that event.

Just saw this in the news:
Subculture of Americans prepares for civilization's collapse

I don't consider myself in the same boat as you folks, but I will buy some extra cans of soup or tomato sauce or boxes of pasta when on sale. I find it more cost efficient to buy a case of TP, PT's, and tissues at a time. We don't buy water, but have a camping jug we can fill if there is going to be a storm.
You people spend far more time and effort on this stuff than I do. That is all I meant by that.
ok just wanted to know if I had to defend my tinfoil hat or not.
besides not all of us are prepping for "the end of the world" I prep for just a really bad day. if I get hit by a bus tomorrow I want to know my wife has some of her needs taken care of. or if the power goes out (again) for longer than a day or so my mother in-law has power for her o2 machine. and in taking care of the necessities now its a bonus should something major actually happen. because it would be extremely Nineveh to think nothing could ever happen to me. bad days happen all the time.
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ok just wanted to know if I had to defend my tinfoil hat or not.
besides not all of us are prepping for "the end of the world" I prep for just a really bad day. if I get hit by a bus tomorrow I want to know my wife has some of her needs taken care of. or if the power goes out (again) for longer than a day or so my mother in-law has power for her o2 machine. and in taking care of the necessities now its a bonus should something major actually happen. because it would be extremely Nineveh to think nothing could ever happen to me. bad days happen all the time.

Shouldn't have to. Hubby and I prep for alot of the same things.We have extended power outages,etc. The Oct snow storm we were comfortable. We had a way to cook, our house was warm, and we ran the generator so we could get water,etc.We didn't lose any food either, but if we had not had all of these preps we would have lost all of our food,etc.
just wanted to give the thread a "bumb"
nat. geo. is advertising a new prepper SERIES starting next month. should be interesting if done right and not made out to make the folks look like loons.
otherwise how we all doin? keeping up the fight i hope. should be an interesting year for many different reasons
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Heading to the gun and knife show in marlboro today . All else is well and I am definitely expecting a shit show this coming election season..

How you doing Smurf?
Following up to the OP 200 posts ago - Watched "Contagion" on a flight home recently with the wife. Real nice door opener to discuss starting to prepare for the those what if moments. Yea, I know it's hollywood, but this movie is not so far fetched that you could dismiss it. Easy sell as she is a scientist....
i'm a huge fan of the survival pod cast. i dont spend a lot of time on the forums but i never miss a pod cast. jack rules. he has a personal aperance comming up in feb. in NH. taking the wife up for a meet and greet

Just started to listen to this podcast this week and I really like it. The only complaint I have is that his "radio" voice is over the top. It can be a bit annoying when he over prounounces words and changes tones in his voice. Just talk normal man!!! It's a minor thing and irrelevant to what he promotes, but I'm a listener now.
Just started to listen to this podcast this week and I really like it. The only complaint I have is that his "radio" voice is over the top. It can be a bit annoying when he over prounounces words and changes tones in his voice. Just talk normal man!!! It's a minor thing and irrelevant to what he promotes, but I'm a listener now.

he's actually explained that "voice" issue a couple of times. He has lived all over the counrty, from new england, to the deep south, and even a few years in new york, so his voice/accent is all over the place. when he goes on a rant you really hear the new york come out. but i do know what you mean, when he opens the show the "radio voice" is a bit over the top. however i've been listening now for almost 2 years so you do get used to it. if you get a chance you should go to the archives and listen to the early shows he recorded in the car.
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