Northeast Preppers?

Heading to the gun and knife show in marlboro today . All else is well and I am definitely expecting a shit show this coming election season..

How you doing Smurf?

I am doing well rancho, how are you? unfortunatly i'm gonna miss the gun & knife show this time, got way too much crap going on and i have to take the business while its comming. been working 6 days a week and my one day off i gotta do crap around the house.( sorry don't mean to whine to much) hope you are well
all is good man sorry it's been 25 days to reply...drop me a pm when you get the chance to go to the range, I'll drag you over to harvard with me if you haven't been there you'll love it...
he's actually explained that "voice" issue a couple of times. He has lived all over the counrty, from new england, to the deep south, and even a few years in new york, so his voice/accent is all over the place. when he goes on a rant you really hear the new york come out. but i do know what you mean, when he opens the show the "radio voice" is a bit over the top. however i've been listening now for almost 2 years so you do get used to it. if you get a chance you should go to the archives and listen to the early shows he recorded in the car.

I haven't checked this thread, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it. I'm a fan of him now so I actually listen all the time and have gotten used to it.
ok just wanted to know if I had to defend my tinfoil hat or not.
besides not all of us are prepping for "the end of the world" I prep for just a really bad day. if I get hit by a bus tomorrow I want to know my wife has some of her needs taken care of. or if the power goes out (again) for longer than a day or so my mother in-law has power for her o2 machine. and in taking care of the necessities now its a bonus should something major actually happen. because it would be extremely Nineveh to think nothing could ever happen to me. bad days happen all the time.
At work with have "What if so-and-so got hit by a bus" planning sessions.

Many people I know are good with water, food, and protection. It's medical knowledge and other resources they lack. Having enough guns for years, food for months, and water for days doesn't help much if you break your arm or have an infected wound.
I think this has been posted before somewhere, but everyone should have a copy of Hesperian's "Where there is no doctor" around. It's written for your average third world village resident and is amazingly thorough. Broken boons and infected wounds are covered, as well as pretty much everything else you're likely to encounter and tips for general health in third world conditions that you might find yourself in.

Buy a copy from them, or download the PDF version for free and print it out yourself or sync it to your iDevice.
Wilderness medicine first aid courses are a lot more useful than the standard courses. They assume you will have no outside resources and have to diagnose and at least stabilize the patient.
SOLO and Wilderness Medicine both have two or three day courses.

I was just thinking about the lack of military bases in the Northeast relative to the south and what that would mean.

To my mind, the only really likely scenario is a natural disaster, because Northeasters, ice storms, and hurricanes are relatively common in the area.
thank for the advise garandman.
i've been thinking about finding a place to take a course or two, but unfortunatly it keeps getting put on the back burner with alot of other things
Good Stuff..The wife loves these types of courses...

I did the SOLO course many moons ago for the wilderness first responder very comprehensive and worth the money and time..

I am looking for a good course for the wife. She is an RN, and I am not sure what level of training would be challenging enough to keep her interested, while not introducing so much new content outside the realm of her experience and education; Nursing and Emergency response being different enough to make it a concern.

Any advice?

Also, take a look at the Sig Sauer Bullets and Bandages course:

My wife took it and can't stop talking about how great the instructor and the curriculum was. We even invested in a nice emergency, field trauma kit designed by the person who developd the course.

It basically covers both shooting AND first aid, and the proper method of conceal and cover fire while providing first aid. They even shot pork shoulders with varying size caliber weapons, so the students could bone-debris, pack, and then treat the wounds. I have met a few students of the Sig Sauer school who go back for multiple training opportunities and ALL of them couldn't stop praising the course.
The Survival Doctor Link

You folks might find this site interesting.

Thanks, MrTwigg.

I noticed i was getting a lot of hits on my website from the forum so I joined. I'm a family doctor trying to give medical information I think might be helpful when shtf. I'm happy to answer any general questions. (I hope many questions will be answered by reading the posts on my site [grin] ).
Just found this thread and I am so glad I did. I am also starting to "Prep" and was looking for more info. You just gave me days of good info here. I would love to go shoot some time also I am in Rutland Ma. That is real close to you Rancho. Let me know I am always down to meet new people who share a common interest!
Just found this thread and I am so glad I did. I am also starting to "Prep" and was looking for more info. You just gave me days of good info here. I would love to go shoot some time also I am in Rutland Ma. That is real close to you Rancho. Let me know I am always down to meet new people who share a common interest!

sure man, as soon as we can get Smurf to go out to the range we'll all hit it..

It was just a joke. Trying to get a little laugh out of ya!

there were laughs... uncomfortable laughs but laughs just the same [laugh]
I am looking for a good course for the wife. She is an RN, and I am not sure what level of training would be challenging enough to keep her interested, while not introducing so much new content outside the realm of her experience and education; Nursing and Emergency response being different enough to make it a concern.

Any advice?

Also, take a look at the Sig Sauer Bullets and Bandages course:

My wife took it and can't stop talking about how great the instructor and the curriculum was. We even invested in a nice emergency, field trauma kit designed by the person who developd the course.

It basically covers both shooting AND first aid, and the proper method of conceal and cover fire while providing first aid. They even shot pork shoulders with varying size caliber weapons, so the students could bone-debris, pack, and then treat the wounds. I have met a few students of the Sig Sauer school who go back for multiple training opportunities and ALL of them couldn't stop praising the course.

check the SOLO site here it should give you some good ideas, you may want to enroll in a specialty course.. WFR is 7-10 days long so that might not be for you but that of course is up to your discretion..
finishing up a remodel should have some free time as soon as rental unit is done
I hear ya man, I had the upstairs half of my little house renovated and I am just finishing up the paint/staining so I can get the electrician and plumber to finish up and do the final inspection.. Then I'll have some more free time..
Thanks Doc!! I'll give it a read tonight when I get home..

BTW have you thought about writing a book on survival first aid?
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I have been prepping over the last year and I am finding it difficult as I am met with a lot of resistance (wife) because of ignorance or maybe it's just fear and denial.
I can't even talk about it . It took some convincing just to get a months worth of storable food seeing as though I would very much like to have at least a years worth.
Ammo, guns, and supplies like water purification and other sundry articles needed aren't difficult because I have them already from being an avid hiker and outdoorsy type.
My friends think I am insane (well I may be a little nutty), even though all the signs are right in front of them they seem like they'd rather bury their heads in the sand or just ride the train til it derails, than be honest and realize we are headed for some heavy stuff.
I guess I am just wondering who else out there is like minded and prepping that I can talk to and learn more I feel kind of alone in this.

You can go to this forum to learn more too.
Rather telling is the fact that this thread has 25,000 views while most others have about 1500. I wonder what is on everyone's minds these days, haha. Good to see.
Funny Pictures of the Day thread has a little more than double the posts but 5x the number of page views. That's where their minds are...

Personally, my prep kit consists of cash and a passport.
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