Now Beto O’Rourke Says He Will Buy Back Texans’ AR-15s

Have friends and family in Texas. They laugh and swear it'll never happen. But Austin and Houston are lost to the Libs. San Antonio just primary'd a Squad backed libtard over a moderate dem incumbent. Texas is flooded with illegals. If the major cities fall then the state will fall. I worry that it's only a matter of time.
I do think Texans underestimate the voting power (and fake voting power) of cities.

In the same way, I dont think Liberals understand what will happen if they push gun control on rural Texans.
Have friends and family in Texas. They laugh and swear it'll never happen. But Austin and Houston are lost to the Libs. San Antonio just primary'd a Squad backed libtard over a moderate dem incumbent. Texas is flooded with illegals. If the major cities fall then the state will fall. I worry that it's only a matter of time.
That’s the way the entire country is trending, which is why the dems want to do away with the electoral college and go to a straight popular vote. They would just need the major cities to win every national election and sh*t on everyone who lives outside of the cities. it makes it easier to focus their attention on ballot harvesting in densely populated urban areas. NH is basically there now. The larger cities in southern NH are trending that state blue, and you start to see liberal seepage into the north, especially the lakes region, as the tolerant liberals move away from areas that are becoming more densely populated with people they tolerate in theory, but not enough to live next to them as more and more HUD affordable housing projects get rammed down the throats of every municipality in the country. They love “equity” but that doesn’t extend to housing. Equitable housing to a lib is putting an affordable housing project in their town, away from their neighborhood, not building affordable single family homes in THEIR neighborhoods.
i know texas is a far cry from what it used to be just over the last couple years but i never thought they'd even allow a mention of gun control. To me Texas was always synonymous with gun rights

There's long been this tall tale of Texas as a gun-slinging freedom loving paradise. That is not and never has been the case. You guys up in MA and NE have had CCW years and years before Texas.

Add in the steady infiltration of people from failed states who only bring their failed policies with them, and the general dumbing down of people, ANNNNND the rapid expansion of BDC's (Bid Dump Cities) and its not looking good. The writing is on the wall. We've seen it for years.
Any democrat who plans on running for office should tread vewy, vewy qwietly. After their performance at the fed level in the last year and a half or so, chances are no independent will vote blue again in a long time. There’s not even a need to piss them off any further with anti gun garbage, in Tejas of all places.
This twat’s in the wrong state to be pulling this crap. How can he not see that this is an absolute waste of time for him and his administration? Absolute waste of tax dollars.
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Like mothybee said, his wife is the daughter of a billionaire. (If he hadn't married her, he'd have been homeless and starved to death.) So he can put his wife's money where is mouth is. I recommend he buy from the criminals first - they use guns to get money, so you know they have a price at which they would sell.
He can buy mine just as long as he offers twice what they are worth. I will then go buy two more for every one he bought.

Much as I appreciate your intent, I would not want to give the Sierra Oscar Alpha Bravo an inch!
He must be talking about a mandatory buy back program. Otherwise, he's assuming Texans will want to sell them back. Can't really see that.

The fact that someone proposing such nonsense and is considered a serious candidate in TX tells us just how far the country has fallen.

There's long been this tall tale of Texas as a gun-slinging freedom loving paradise. That is not and never has been the case. You guys up in MA and NE have had CCW years and years before Texas.
And a MA unrestricted LTC holder has fewer "no go" carry zones than a Texan.
Let's just watch what happens. It should be funny. Not enough liberal idiots in Texas yet. Soon, but not yet
How do you buy back something you never sold?

In their minds, they literally think they own us as well as all the stuff we have. If you appear to have something in your possession, the elite think they are just allowing you to temporarily hold onto something that is theirs and they are just being generous. Since they own everything, they of course don't see a problem with demanding it back whenever they want.
In their minds, they literally think they own us as well as all the stuff we have. If you appear to have something in your possession, the elite think they are just allowing you to temporarily hold onto something that is theirs and they are just being generous. Since they own everything, they of course don't see a problem with demanding it back whenever they want.
“They” are going to have a big problem.
You can't buy back what you never owned. You can only offer to compensate the person from whom you are confiscating the item. No doubt at way below market rates, too.
The fact that someone proposing such nonsense and is considered a serious candidate in TX tells us just how far the country has fallen.

And a MA unrestricted LTC holder has fewer "no go" carry zones than a Texan.
MA also requires an FID just to keep a simple maually-operated rifle or shotgun and any type of ammunition in your own home. Also has to be locked up. In Texas, a loaded, unlocked, 12 gauge sitting on the coffee table is perfect legal. Texas has far more 2A freedoms than MA. There is no comparison whatsoever.
Pro 2A MA. [rofl]Texas has Constitutional Carry, you can carry in schools. Texas has Open Carry. You can carry in the Texas State House. Like MA, you can't carry in a Texas Court House. You can't carry in a police station, sheriff's office. You can't carry in a place that derives 51% of it's income from sales of alcohol to be consumed on the premises.

There is binding signage for private property in Texas. Yeah Rob, it's horrible that property owner is allowed to control who does what on his private property. BTW, there are specific language and sign formatting laws in Texas. If the sign doesn't meet the requirements, it's not enforceable.

And a MA unrestricted LTC holder has fewer "no go" carry zones than a Texan.
There's long been this tall tale of Texas as a gun-slinging freedom loving paradise. That is not and never has been the case. You guys up in MA and NE have had CCW years and years before Texas.

Add in the steady infiltration of people from failed states who only bring their failed policies with them, and the general dumbing down of people, ANNNNND the rapid expansion of BDC's (Bid Dump Cities) and its not looking good. The writing is on the wall. We've seen it for years.
I'm extremely surprised and sorry to hear that :mad:

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