Oh Great! NOW I want a X95 Tavor.........

Suuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeee..... Two days before the ban and NOW I want to get a Tavor. I didn't even like it when I tried one last year, but something about not being able to get one has me wanting one. Stupid wants and needs. Oh well. I guess I'll have to live without one. I'm not going to visit any gun stores now with the way things are looking as well as the panic buying price increases.
You are an "accuracy oriented" rifle shooter, right?

You will hate it. Trust me. I've owned two. One original and one X95. They ran like a top. But I couldn't get them to shoot beyond 200 yards. I'm talking 4 moa with PMC match. Not awesome, not terrible.

But, you say. If I ever have to clear my house. It's the right gun. That's what I thought. Then I was practicing going around corners and switched shoulders. When I fired, the case bounced off my chin and landed back in the ejection port, stopping the gun. Ha.

You can make the gun LH or RH by changing the bolt and moving the ejection port cover. But it's not ambidextrous because if it's set up right handed, you really can't shoot it from your left shoulder. Unless you like having brass ejected into your face.
Don't listen to grumpy old men: they don't know any better. X95 is a sweet rifle. Those that complain about it are the nuts that think M-4/M16 is the world's greatest rifle. They kind of remind me of the 1911 crowd, just a a decade or two younger. The design is 67 years old and nothing beats it yada yada yada. X95 is a very interesting and very effective rifle.
All these problems go away if you leave the state. Move out of state, cancel your FFL and live you life like a normal person.
I just can't believe the crap you guys in MA have to live with. The hoops, then the barbed hoops, then the flaming hoops, then the WALL that looks like a hoop. After that it will be the bear trap that looks like another hoop (Cali
SKS registry scam).


Dude, the OP just moved deeper into MA, he is never leaving.
I had one for a year. I never even shot it. I HAD to have it. The ergonomics of it all was just so foreign I traded it away. For an ACR. That I never shot. Then sold, I think. I was just in the safe last night. I do'nt recall any FDE long guns in there. I think.
If you really want a bullpup, you can turn an AR receiver into one. Unlike previous AR-bullpup attempts, A3 Tactical’s actually seems usable.
This project is an attempt that makes little practical sense. A major complaint of AR folks about bullpups: having to load magazines into the armpit. This is not just a silly complaint: majority of prominent AR instructors are very much in "don't fix what's not broken" camp. I kind of agree with them.
... the above abomination is called "Triad" because it is preggo with triplets? That is one ugly gun... sorry... lol
I might be the minority but I really enjoy shooting my x95. I have the thin curved butt plate, whole trigger pack/trigger upgrade and Eotech Green dot and most important upgrade is the upgraded ejection port cover that actually seals the left side port so you don’t get gas in the face. My 16.5" ver. is so short and compact and also, extremely reliable firearm. Lastly, you can count this as a positive or a negative, they do get attention at the ranges. Mostly cause a lot of people do not know what they are or have not seen one. At least that is my experience!

Legit downsides are:
- heavy (most of the weight is at the rear so it balances good on shoulder),
-Not a lot of aftermarket support.
-PITA to fully disassemble. Fairly easy to clean and pull bolt out but full disassembly is a PITA and requires specialty tools.
-5.56 NATO 1:7 twist. Really designed for the heavier 75-77gr
-reloading is awkward unless you practice with it, which will make reloading easier but still awkward. I hate using 30rnd mags with it. I have short arms and it always interferes with my movement. Much prefer the 10 or 20rnd mags.

If SHTF it would not be the firearm I grab. I have plenty of "other styles" that I also own. But I also like unique/different things, in general. Good rifle to add to a "collection". If you are ever in my area and what to test it out, let me know.

This project is an attempt that makes little practical sense. A major complaint of AR folks about bullpups: having to load magazines into the armpit. This is not just a silly complaint: majority of prominent AR instructors are very much in "don't fix what's not broken" camp. I kind of agree with them.
I ran an X95 in a rifle class. Instinctually attempted to load a magazine into the front of the trigger (i.e. “AR location”) multiple times before getting used to it; and one time got my shirt sleeve stuck in the magwell.

That’s just to address your dismissal of complaints as “silly”. I experienced multiple issues with safely picking up the cutlass style grip from the ground, and brass ejecting into my face when firing from my left shoulder.

It’s a fine rifle. Very dependable, and more accurate than people give it credit for. You can get used to it, but it’s inferior to an AR in almost every way.
I might be the minority but I really enjoy shooting my x95. I have the thin curved butt plate, whole trigger pack/trigger upgrade and Eotech Green dot and most important upgrade is the upgraded ejection port cover that actually seals the left side port so you don’t get gas in the face. My 16.5" ver. is so short and compact and also, extremely reliable firearm. Lastly, you can count this as a positive or a negative, they do get attention at the ranges. Mostly cause a lot of people do not know what they are or have not seen one. At least that is my experience!

Legit downsides are:
- heavy (most of the weight is at the rear so it balances good on shoulder),
-Not a lot of aftermarket support.
-PITA to fully disassemble. Fairly easy to clean and pull bolt out but full disassembly is a PITA and requires specialty tools.
-5.56 NATO 1:7 twist. Really designed for the heavier 75-77gr
-reloading is awkward unless you practice with it, which will make reloading easier but still awkward. I hate using 30rnd mags with it. I have short arms and it always interferes with my movement. Much prefer the 10 or 20rnd mags.

If SHTF it would not be the firearm I grab. I have plenty of "other styles" that I also own. But I also like unique/different things, in general. Good rifle to add to a "collection". If you are ever in my area and what to test it out, let me know.

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I've never had the issue with gas. I really need to take mine apart and install that trigger now I've had forever.
This project is an attempt that makes little practical sense. A major complaint of AR folks about bullpups: having to load magazines into the armpit. This is not just a silly complaint: majority of prominent AR instructors are very much in "don't fix what's not broken" camp. I kind of agree with them.
I’d never run it for a general purpose carbine or if I only had one. But bullpups have specific use cases.

I’ve thought about one of these for a super short rifle because I already have SBRed AR lowers. No need to SBR a separate bullpup.

The thing keeping me back is the quality of bufferless uppers is questionable, thr BRN180 option is the best, but the charging handle isn’t optimal for bullpup use.
Those AR controls on the back seem way more awkward than the X95 controls.

I don’t know if I’d say way more, but yes, more. It’s a trade space on whether you want or can get a Tavor or other bullpup like a Deserttech.
You are an "accuracy oriented" rifle shooter, right?

You will hate it. Trust me. I've owned two. One original and one X95. They ran like a top. But I couldn't get them to shoot beyond 200 yards. I'm talking 4 moa with PMC match. Not awesome, not terrible.

If you tear up the Tavor and observe how everything is put together (not execution- more like design decisions) you will know that the Tavor was made for CQB and up to about 200 yard engagements. Accuracy and repeatability were not primary engineering objectives. It is a firearm for the urban middle east warfare scenarios and it shows.

But they look cool.. In a pug- way cool. Cant quite pinpoint why - like most bullpups.
If you really have the bullpup itch, the A3 flat top is a better choice.

The AUG is a named AW- cannot be had in MA with the exception of the preban A1 which is... lets just say it has its own accuracy problems at longer reaches. I have seen two A1s in the wild and they were very cool to look at, but were not exactly tack nailers.
The AUG is a named AW- cannot be had in MA with the exception of the preban A1 which is... lets just say it has its own accuracy problems at longer reaches. I have seen two A1s in the wild and they were very cool to look at, but were not exactly tack nailers.
I forgot about the named AW thing. Thought the fact that the A3 is made by someone other than Steyr it's ok? There's always the MSAR bootleg. We're in the golden age of ARs it does seem. Armies all over - France, China, Israel, etc. are going back to traditional AR platform rifles and on the civilian market, even piston ARs fell off the market and people are buying up the old school DI guns again. Funny how things work lol
Suuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeee..... Two days before the ban and NOW I want to get a Tavor. I didn't even like it when I tried one last year, but something about not being able to get one has me wanting one. Stupid wants and needs. Oh well. I guess I'll have to live without one. I'm not going to visit any gun stores now with the way things are looking as well as the panic buying price increases.
Unable to obtain an exit visa from your statist hell hole?
I forgot about the named AW thing. Thought the fact that the A3 is made by someone other than Steyr it's ok? There's always the MSAR bootleg. We're in the golden age of ARs it does seem. Armies all over - France, China, Israel, etc. are going back to traditional AR platform rifles and on the civilian market, even piston ARs fell off the market and people are buying up the old school DI guns again. Funny how things work lol
Remember- armies are equipped by the lowest bidders... and the AUG is not exactly cheap. Same applies to the SCARs - awesome guns, but the law of diminishing returns generally finds the $1500 price mark to be the sweet spot for equipment that our sons and daughters rely on to stay alive on the battle field :(
If you tear up the Tavor and observe how everything is put together (not execution- more like design decisions) you will know that the Tavor was made for CQB and up to about 200 yard engagements. Accuracy and repeatability were not primary engineering objectives. It is a firearm for the urban middle east warfare scenarios and it shows.

But they look cool.. In a pug- way cool. Cant quite pinpoint why - like most bullpups.
I agree 100%.

I detail stripped mine once just to check it out. It's a long stroke gas piston. Which is the best design for reliability because of its huge reciprocating mass, which helps to manage dirty conditions and marginal ammo.
It's also the worst design for precision because the piston flexes the barrel and also that same huge reciprocating mass moves the gun around more between shots.

Also, this I'm not 100% sure of, but seem to remember thinking this. A lot of stuff is hung off the barrel. So control inputs translate into bending forces on the barrel.

I agree. It's really a 0-200 yard rifle.

Oh another thing. Because it balanced so far back, it was very easy to use one handed. you could pull the butt into your shoulder and if you had to use your support hand to open a door or pick something up, the gun cold be run easily one handed with just the butt into your shoulder and your hand on the pistol grip.
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Don't listen to grumpy old men: they don't know any better. X95 is a sweet rifle. Those that complain about it are the nuts that think M-4/M16 is the world's greatest rifle. They kind of remind me of the 1911 crowd, just a a decade or two younger. The design is 67 years old and nothing beats it yada yada yada. X95 is a very interesting and very effective rifle.

Lol. Lmao even.
The Israeli army is dumping their Tavors for an Israeli made M4.
Not true. One article based one "unnamed source in the IDF" does not make it true.

Hey, an IDF procurement officer has told me Pentagon is buying up every X95 and forcing Israel to give up their X95 because US Army decided to switch to X95. See what I did there?
I’d never run it for a general purpose carbine or if I only had one. But bullpups have specific use cases.

I’ve thought about one of these for a super short rifle because I already have SBRed AR lowers. No need to SBR a separate bullpup.

The thing keeping me back is the quality of bufferless uppers is questionable, thr BRN180 option is the best, but the charging handle isn’t optimal for bullpup use.
I agree on everything you've written here with one caveat: of all bullpups, including other Tavors, the X95 is uniquely special. It has been able to achieve a level of reliability(looking at you, Desert Tech) and ergonomics(looking at you AUG) that makes it a top notch rifle. I am not a fan of bullpups in general, just X95.

Colin Noir said it best when talking about a bullpup:" I love it but it's not my go to rifle. Why? Because I am a lazy AR boomer!"
I agree on everything you've written here with one caveat: of all bullpups, including other Tavors, the X95 is uniquely special. It has been able to achieve a level of reliability(looking at you, Desert Tech) and ergonomics(looking at you AUG) that makes it a top notch rifle. I am not a fan of bullpups in general, just X95.

Colin Noir said it best when talking about a bullpup:" I love it but it's not my go to rifle. Why? Because I am a lazy AR boomer!"

You know how i know the X95 sucks?

Because you just compared it to desert tech and steyr augs inferring that it being better than them made it somehow good.
I feel this post, I thought I was done a couple days ago, then the sudden need to have a CZ Bren 2 MS carbine bit me and I've spent the last couple days seeing if anyone had one (spoiler: no I was not able to find one lol). I got AR lowers out the wazoo but wanted something different, the scar-lite appealed to me. Guess it'll soon be time to see what the deal is with ftf transfers soon. *sigh*

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