One of our own here will soon be deploying to the sandbox

hey everyone. been here in Baghdad for a while now, id like to say were getting into a rythm but everytime i feel like its a breeze, that breezy sound turns to a screech and followed by a boom.
Not that bad, but certainly makes you think twice about slamming doors and trunks when you get home.
Living and eating conditions couldnt be better, so there isnt much to complain about, though we find stuff. still trying to find a way to ship ammo home. Do I need a ffl to ship 40mm?
Anyway, I sure cant wait to see you guys, except, of course, Greg. And go boozing.
Hope this finds you all well.

not that i can think of. we fell in on quite a bit of sundries. food just gets eaten. just keep us in your thoughts. One of my gunners lives over by the 7-11 near you, couple more from Marlboro in the unit, but ive only got one.
Nice hearing from you. Glad to hear you guys are doing well. You'll never get used to that sound. They mortaring you in the night and morning? Alan said they would get it at about 5am and then around 5pm. Had one of their porta potties blown up and their shower.
Let us know if you guys need anything, and good luck bringing the ammo back.[laugh]
Stay safe and watch your six.
Hey, Centermass, let me know if you need something.

I'll do what I can.

PM inbound, with my AKO address, it goes into my work address, I'm a Technician up here in Vermont.
If your food needs some seasoning, just get hold of these guys:

The Caroline Sauce Company:
Operation Sauce Drop

The mission of Operation Sauce Drop is to deliver great-tasting sauces to US military personnel stationed abroad, free of charge. Why are we doing this? Because we would like to thank our brave troops for their sacrifices with a small token of our appreciation, and perhaps a taste of home. We have assembled four different themed gift boxes of sauces, from mild and zesty to hot and fiery, from which any serviceman or servicewoman stationed at an APO or FPO address may choose, and we will ship their choice of gift box to their APO or FPO address at absolutely no cost to them whatsoever.

You can contribute to Operation Sauce Drop directly through PayPal by clicking here:
You can also contribute to Operation Sauce Drop through our online store using MasterCard, Visa, Discover Card or PayPal, by clicking on the "Contribute Here" link below and selecting a contribution amount. If you prefer to contribute by phone, simply call us at 919-765-0143 and we can accept payment using Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card. To contribute to Operation Sauce Drop by mail, please send a check or money order payable to "Carolina Sauce Company", include the notation "Operation Sauce Drop", and mail the check to our address shown on the Info page.

If you are a member of the armed forces and have an APO or FPO address, or if you would like a member of the armed forces with an APO/FPO address to receive a gift box, just click on the "Military Sign-Up" link below to select a gift box and enter the shipping address. Gift boxes will be shipped once a week on a "first come, first serve" basis, as sufficient contributions are received to cover the cost of the gift box and shipping via USPS Priority Mail. Please select only 1 gift box per recipient, so that as many military personnel as possible have a chance to receive a free gift box.

Please be aware that contributions to Operation Sauce Drop are not tax-deductable (there is too much red tape involved in trying to obtain tax-exempt status), BUT 100% of all contributions shall be used solely to pay for the gift boxes and ship them to our troops. We are not doing this to make money, but rather merely to thank our troops and make it easier for them to add a little zestiness to their meals.
Geez Ross, couldn't tell me bout them when Alan was over there.[wink][laugh]
He was lucky his uncle kept him in hot sauces and bbq sauce the whole time he was there.
Hey, Sue, I just found out about them this weekend. I plan on telling Mrs Magnum's sister about them before she goes over; she's a cook... [smile]
took some pics last night at BIAP, we stop there on our merry way around the AO on missions. heres one of some sexy guy...


heres on of my Guntruck....


and heres one of me and one of my TLs before we flew to Kuwait....

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Nice pics. If you can figure out how to blacken the names you should.[wink] Just thinking about your safety.[grin] So do you also go through Cropper? Pretty soon you'll be having winter there, has it started to cool down any?
there we go.
I drive by Cropper if I have to go to that side of the base, but the stuff I pick up is in the middle. I think theres some guys from Mass at Cropper, because they threaten us with going to cropper to be security guards. For stuff like, you know, rolling our hats, or not blousing correctly....sheesh
there we go.
I drive by Cropper if I have to go to that side of the base, but the stuff I pick up is in the middle. I think theres some guys from Mass at Cropper, because they threaten us with going to cropper to be security guards. For stuff like, you know, rolling our hats, or not blousing correctly....sheesh

Alan's unit left there last year. Can't remember who replaced them. Alan hated that crap at BIAP. As he said they still forget they are in a war zone. Have they made you salute yet too? Like he said sniper check. Stay safe and watch your six. Don't let the little stuff get to ya.
there we go.
I drive by Cropper if I have to go to that side of the base, but the stuff I pick up is in the middle. I think theres some guys from Mass at Cropper, because they threaten us with going to cropper to be security guards. For stuff like, you know, rolling our hats, or not blousing correctly....sheesh

You wouldn't like Cropper trust me on that one.[thinking]
make us? I live in the Green Zone, granted I work in the Red Zone exclusivley, but around here, you cant swing a dead cat without hitting 3 fullbirds and 2 fat majors. Saluting is like drinking water, theres quite a bit of brass around here. Lets just say that the other guys in the company (my squad hass a totally different mission) havent been working as much when those two guys went to testify to congress.
And as far as forgetting your in war at BIAP, I can definatley see that. The place is bigger than Boston. Although they did get swatted with a 240mm rocket they other day.
Anyway. Im happy with my mission. I dont have to coordinate with too many people, and I work nights, which keeps me out of the hot sun. Plus I think you can see more out on the roads with NODs. and Thermals........
make us? I live in the Green Zone, granted I work in the Red Zone exclusivley, but around here, you cant swing a dead cat without hitting 3 fullbirds and 2 fat majors. Saluting is like drinking water, theres quite a bit of brass around here. Lets just say that the other guys in the company (my squad hass a totally different mission) havent been working as much when those two guys went to testify to congress.
And as far as forgetting your in war at BIAP, I can definatley see that. The place is bigger than Boston. Although they did get swatted with a 240mm rocket they other day.
Anyway. Im happy with my mission. I dont have to coordinate with too many people, and I work nights, which keeps me out of the hot sun. Plus I think you can see more out on the roads with NODs. and Thermals........

Too funny. Glad you like your mission. Stay safe, and if you need anything let us know.
They mortaring on a daily basis? Alan had that for awhile.
Stay safe and hope this deployment goes quickly for you.
heres some pics we took after the ball game, and around that time frame, from an undisclosed location in Iraq.


me, the psg, Suicide7, and my medic)


me and our very own Suicide7 from NES


me and the PSG, he doesnt get out much, so we let him up on the roof. I say let, but its like 10 flights of Iraqi stairs with 80+ pounds of kit.


me peeking down at the humvees


....and a gratiouitous picture of myself

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