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Block the mags down to 10 rounds and then sell them?
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Thought a had a "loophole" there for selling my older, pre-everything semi-auto pistols with their original factory magazines included... but I guess not.
But when I think further about it, why would Maura and Andrea care? Maura would tell me to go sell them out of state if I wanted to recoup their full market value.
Plus Andrea made a point during her campaign about attacking evil "gun hoarders"... previously known as "gun collectors." I'll bet she thinks this is a good start.![]()
There's no obligation for someone to satisfy this. There's no way to know if someone had owned that gun before, etc. Or simply had always had those magazines. The burden is on the state. "He haz magazines for a gun he doesn't have" is not evidence.The only potential danger with that is the buyer might have to explain someday how he ended up with full cap magazines for a gun he didn't own until after the law change.
There's no obligation for someone to satisfy this. There's no way to know if someone had owned that gun before, etc. Or simply had always had those magazines. The burden is on the state. "He haz magazines for a gun he doesn't have" is not evidence.![]()
You miss my point.
Say you sell a gun and its pre-ban mags to someone sometime in 2026 after the laws are all in play.
Then say that someone gets busted for ... doesn't matter. Something. They charge him with possession of pre-ban mags. He says, "but DGrant sold them to me, he said it was OK because they're pre-ban!"
Now there's a witness saying you violated §131M(a).
They might ignore you, or they might decide that this "DGrant" character probably has a lot of guns and getting him "off the street" is a good idea.
By itself that still is meaningless. He could make that same claim even if he bought them elsewhere and not from me.
Also not selling guns to retards in an FTF is usually a good start/great way to avoid this problem. Not having ads with "pweeban mags" in them helps, too.
The risks you bring up here are functionally no different than the risks that already exist right now.
The only functional difference is the scope of violations is a little bit bigger.
Who says the serial number has to be in the Latin based alphabet. This block of metal, or I mean unfinished receiver, came from China. The serial number should be in Mandarin. But I don't seem to have those characters on my keyboard.Put a serial number on it and FA10 it. use "model: none", and "barrel length: none" and "caliber: none" and "manufacturer: other"
I would suggest the serial number: NOSERIALNUMBER or maybe N053R1AL or even M1551NG
Do serial numbers have to have numbers? Can you use Roman Numerals for serial numbers? What about just letters? Using just letters gets you a lot more address space in the same number of characters. How long can a serial number be? How about the MD5sum of the date/time when you inscribed it? Right now would be fa1a575bacde8ea0045165be89a958bb
Could we start the barter system back up or start raising dogs to sell while including a pig to get around our communist overlords rules. You buy the dog and get the pig for free then once you get home you let the dog off the leash, he is trained to return home to be “sold” again with another “free pig”.
Right. But you don't always know who's going to turn out to be a retard when faced with jail time.
What risks? Right now it's 100% legal to transfer any magazine assuming you have the right license for possession.
Sure. But the big difference is that something that was legal will no longer be.
All I'm saying is that it's a better to have a compelling, undisprovable explanation rather than saying "prove it". It might save you a bunch of hassle.
This is also an egregious violation of my constitutional rights and represents a taking of property without compensation. If you're forbidding me from being able to sell something, you are denying me market value for my asset. Consequently the Constitution demands I be compensated for that.A person authorized under this subsection to possess a large capacity feeding device may only transfer the device to an heir or devisee, a person residing outside the commonwealth, or a licensed dealer.
So the word is transfer which covers any shenanigans you might think up
Who says the serial number has to be in the Latin based alphabet. This block of metal, or I mean unfinished receiver, came from China. The serial number should be in Mandarin. But I don't seem to have those characters on my keyboard.
As the law does not seem to make clear at what point an unfinished receiver becomes a receiver, I'm curious if every machine shop in the state with bar stock on their shelves is going to have to register their unfinished receivers as well?
Did the large capacity feeding device transfer ban start 8/1?
So, one would not be able to legally buy new springs/followers for their pre-ban AR mags that they owned prior to 8/1?Magazine parts are included in the language.
A lot of questions are actually in the bill in plain language:
Look at the PDF here for the text in a readable format:
The Conference Committee has sent official language out - h.4885
Why? Is "Secretary of Public Safety and security" a different position than "The secretary of the executive office of public safety"? I'm all about calling them on their bullshit, but this doesn't seem like it could ever change the meaning or intent. Because if they called out a
I am now your devisee.A person authorized under this subsection to possess a large capacity feeding device may only transfer the device to an heir or devisee, a person residing outside the commonwealth, or a licensed dealer.
So the word is transfer which covers any shenanigans you might think up
I could go find the regulation, but federal law certainly limits the serial to the latin alphabet, numbers and very few other symbols. Guns that are imported into the US that are otherwise serialized have to be remarked by the importer to follow US Federal law.I'm pretty sure serial numbers that contain non Latin characters (Chinese, Cyrillic, etc.) would be problematic. I've got guns that had Cyrillic SNs but got Latin ones when they were imported
So under this bill a firearm that already has a serial number now needs another for the state?I could go find the regulation, but federal law certainly limits the serial to the latin alphabet, numbers and very few other symbols. Guns that are imported into the US that are otherwise serialized have to be remarked by the importer to follow US Federal law.
No sale of preban mags allowed. Period.
Sooooo, sell the gun at asking price and then give the mags for free. I know very weak but I didn’t read anything regarding giving stuff away being illegal.
Sooooo, sell the gun at asking price and then give the mags for free. I know very weak but I didn’t read anything regarding giving stuff away being illegal.
The whole thing is just plain weird and frustrating. Imagine walking into 4 Seasons or wherever and looking into the gun cases and seeing lots of fine used & collectible handguns... but none with magazines.The word they use is "transfer", basically a catch-all, I was thinking of loaning them but that would be transferring them as well.
So under this bill a firearm that already has a serial number now needs another for the state?
That seems crazy? Am I wrong in this?
So my “mags” are now going to be referred to as “clips”.
Take that mura!
I know. Was trying to be funny with a not so funny situation."mags" are not banned. The language is "feeding device"
I know. Was trying to be funny with a not so funny situation.
My wife calls me that when I eat too much."mags" are not banned. The language is "feeding device"
Concur - nothinNope… mags can’t be transferred within MA.
And if you transfer the mags outside of Mass then you as the seller have ZERO liability since the buyer subsequently imported them back into Mass.You miss my point.
Say you sell a gun and its pre-ban mags to someone sometime in 2026 after the laws are all in play.
Then say that someone gets busted for ... doesn't matter. Something. They charge him with possession of pre-ban mags. He says, "but DGrant sold them to me, he said it was OK because they're pre-ban!"
Now there's a witness saying you violated §131M(a).
They might ignore you, or they might decide that this "DGrant" character probably has a lot of guns and getting him "off the street" is a good idea.
Drive over state lineThe word they use is "transfer", basically a catch-all, I was thinking of loaning them but that would be transferring them as well.