Unless I am reading the bill wrong, they just legalized some shit they may not have intended to.
Take hand guns.... It used to be that the feature check included the ability to accept a detachable magazine as one of the two features. Now according to the law, it is the ability to accept a detachable magazine PLUS 2 features.
See page 9 of the actual bill:
Bill Text (2024-07-25) Modernizing firearm laws [Signed by the Governor, Chapter 135 of the Acts of 2024]
a semiautomatic pistol with the capacity to accept a detachable feeding device
and includes at least 2 of the following features:
the capacity to accept a feeding device that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip
a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand
a threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip or silencer
a shroud that encircles either all or part of the barrel designed to shield the bearer’s hand from heat, excluding a slide that encloses the barrel.
A pistol with a detachable magazine and a threaded barrel does not meet the above definition as it only has a detachable mag
and ONE feature.
Previously, the mag was one on the features in the feature check. Now it's explicitly called out separately, plus 2 features. Which means it is now legal, or soon will be, to own a pistol with a detachable mag AND a threaded barrel, for example. Previously, that was not legal. So now, I could go out and get a threaded barrel and a flash hider for my VP9 - for example, and be perfectly legal.... Thanks Marsha!!!
Am I reading this wrong - or did they f*** up? Because I doubt that was the intent... Looks like daddy is in the market for new toys.