Practical Implications of H4885 for Purchasing and Possessing

This is also what freaks people out. There is no registration, but the portal calls it registration.
If you dig into that portal and compare its laguage to the actual law, it makes a lot of claims about what you're supposed to do under the law but without any citation/matching. EOPS put that site together based on "fleelz" not law. The link should really be "Report acquisition" or something else like that. EOPS has literal decades of "wishful thinking" behind some of its actions. (Like for example, when they wishfully thought that Mauras 2016 press conference edict had anything to do with NFA SBR registration; and eventually when the truth came out, the ATF politely told MA to get f***ed and started issuing stamps again.
The distinction I see is that before a club could get an ammo sales license, which did not encumber them with any of the inspection crap or the prohibition on "human shaped" targets. I think a fair number of clubs have an ammo license so they can sell ammo for trap or whatever. MRA, for instance, sells you a box of steel shot ammo when you buy a trap ticket, because they don't want any lead on the trap range and that's the easiest way to accomplish that.

In the new law, it appears that both club ammo licenses and club gun licenses have the same onerous restrictions with targets and inspections and stuff.

It's 122B(c) that indicates, or could indicate, that any club license of any sort has restrictions.
Braintree R&P has an FFL and one of the club officers holds it for the club. They sell guns, ammo, accessories. I wonder how this will work out for them. [I didn't renew my membership after I bought my NH house, so I've been gone from the club for the past 4 years.]
Braintree R&P has an FFL and one of the club officers holds it for the club. They sell guns, ammo, accessories. I wonder how this will work out for them. [I didn't renew my membership after I bought my NH house, so I've been gone from the club for the past 4 years.]
I agree with @Len-2A Training here a lot of clubs could get an 01 or 07 with corresponding S122 licenses on prem and dodge a lot of the club BS. Also would give the club a vehicle to transfer guns won in charity auctions that kind of thing if they don't have a gun shop help them with it.
The 2016 speculative AWB case thing side thread is here:

reason I moved it, its too drifty for the intent of this thread.

plus also dragon chops / arm bread

ETA: I've chopped even more 7/20/16 glue fume/guida sniffing stuff out of this thread. If you guys want a 7/20 glue sniffer theard, you can use the one I shoveled the
stuff into. IMHO witthin the context of what @CrackPot created here, this 16-healyban stuff just adds confusion and noise. You can pick what club you want to be in, glue sniffers or
not. There are shitloads of people and non-box dealers that are already ignoring the guida fumes here. Anyone who has trouble understanding this concept needs to read post #608

bonus content

eta2: the chopping will continue tomorrah
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And still pushing preban mags need to be “in the commonwealth”.
Speaking of which, what will happen regarding sales of older pre-roster semi-auto handguns with pre-ban magazines > 10 rounds? 🤔

Can the pre-ban magazines still be included with the sale of the gun within MA? Or does the gun need to be sold without its magazines (or with replacement 10 round magazines) under Maura's new law?
Prize of the year goes to the company that gets a semi auto shotgun that also works by a switch as a pump shotgun on the roster.

Almost forgot, the Franchi SPAS-12!

Pump and Auto... We need to get these back into production (and made in the US due to import laws)

Speaking of which, what will happen regarding sales of older pre-roster semi-auto handguns with pre-ban magazines > 10 rounds? 🤔

Can the pre-ban magazines still be included with the sale of the gun within MA? Or does the gun need to be sold without its magazines (or with replacement 10 round magazines) under Maura's new law?

Yeah, I have some older pre 1994 pistols that only had pre ban +10's...

Guessing I have to block them if I want to carry it.

And good question on the sale of such guns with the +10 mags.
Speaking of which, what will happen regarding sales of older pre-roster semi-auto handguns with pre-ban magazines > 10 rounds? 🤔

Can the pre-ban magazines still be included with the sale of the gun within MA? Or does the gun need to be sold without its magazines (or with replacement 10 round magazines) under Maura's new law?
Nope… mags can’t be transferred within MA.
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Speaking of which, what will happen regarding sales of older pre-roster semi-auto handguns with pre-ban magazines > 10 rounds? 🤔

Can the pre-ban magazines still be included with the sale of the gun within MA? Or does the gun need to be sold without its magazines (or with replacement 10 round magazines) under Maura's new law?

No, the magazines have to be sold out of state and new 10 round magazines need to be purchased.

This is a problem for guns like the HK VP70 that never had 10 round magazines
Speaking of which, what will happen regarding sales of older pre-roster semi-auto handguns with pre-ban magazines > 10 rounds? 🤔

Can the pre-ban magazines still be included with the sale of the gun within MA? Or does the gun need to be sold without its magazines (or with replacement 10 round magazines) under Maura's new law?
No sale of preban mags allowed. Period.
No sale of preban mags allowed. Period.
Could we start the barter system back up or start raising dogs to sell while including a pig to get around our communist overlords rules. You buy the dog and get the pig for free then once you get home you let the dog off the leash, he is trained to return home to be “sold” again with another “free pig”.
Could we start the barter system back up or start raising dogs to sell while including a pig to get around our communist overlords rules. You buy the dog and get the pig for free then once you get home you let the dog off the leash, he is trained to return home to be “sold” again with another “free pig”.
The Howie Carr selling a shirt and giving a free book scheme
What about parts of a pre-ban mag? ;)

Could we start the barter system back up or start raising dogs to sell while including a pig to get around our communist overlords rules. You buy the dog and get the pig for free then once you get home you let the dog off the leash, he is trained to return home to be “sold” again with another “free pig”.

Is gifting mags an option?
Can you even buy 10 round uzi mags? Even so, what's the point?

The law is no *TRANSFER* of pre-ban magazines. Sale, gift, barter, "leave it on the ground and maybe someone finds it", etc. The only legal transfer of a full cap magazine in Mass. is if it is pre '94 AND at least one of:

- out of state
- to a dealer
- to the police to be destroyed
- to your heir or devisee upon your death.
Or just give or sell it to them and shut up about it.

The only potential danger with that is the buyer might have to explain someday how he ended up with full cap magazines for a gun he didn't own until after the law change. You as the seller better have a good explanation if the buyer rats you out.
The only potential danger with that is the buyer might have to explain someday how he ended up with full cap magazines for a gun he didn't own until after the law change. You as the seller better have a good explanation if the buyer rats you out.

The amount of stuff I buy 'in case I get X', or for 'when I get x' (and not just gun related) is laughable (looks at some of my tools 'just in case' :) ). I had 'high capacity' ar-15 magazines, WAY before I had anything to put them in just because shortly after I got my license, we were out and my uncle said 'hey, that's a great deal in case you ever get into that platform' so I bought them.
But what is the definition of a magazine?

Magazine parts are included in the language.

C.140§121 from H.4885 said:
“Large capacity feeding device”,

(i) a fixed or detachable magazine, belt, drum, feed strip or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition or more than 5 shotgun shells; or

(ii) any part or combination of parts from which a device can be assembled if those parts are in the possession or control of the same person;

A lot of questions are actually in the bill in plain language:
Look at the PDF here for the text in a readable format:

The amount of stuff I buy 'in case I get X', or for 'when I get x' (and not just gun related) is laughable (looks at some of my tools 'just in case' :) ). I had 'high capacity' ar-15 magazines, WAY before I had anything to put them in just because shortly after I got my license, we were out and my uncle said 'hey, that's a great deal in case you ever get into that platform' so I bought them.

Me too. I've got magazines for guns I don't own (yet)

But not everyone is as forward thinking as you are. "Not everyone" in this case might include the person you sell a gun to.

This is a hint: The law is quite specific about what is legal and what is not. Read it carefully. Specifically the new §131M(c) and how it applies to §131M(a)
No sale of preban mags allowed. Period.
Thought a had a "loophole" there for selling my older, pre-everything semi-auto pistols with their original factory magazines included... but I guess not. :(

But when I think further about it, why would Maura and Andrea care? Maura would tell me to go sell them out of state if I wanted to recoup their full market value.

Plus Andrea made a point during her campaign about attacking evil "gun hoarders"... previously known as "gun collectors." I'll bet she thinks this is a good start. :mad:
Thought a had a "loophole" there for selling my older, pre-everything semi-auto pistols with their original factory magazines included... but I guess not. :(

But when I think further about it, why would Maura and Andrea care? Maura would tell me to go sell them out of state if I wanted to recoup their full market value.

Plus Andrea made a point during her campaign about attacking evil "gun hoarders"... previously known as "gun collectors." I'll bet she thinks this is a good start. :mad:
Post a WTS parts for NH residents only. Sell to the most trustworthy PM member.

“Sally has a new pair of shoes” is the go phrase.
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