Reminder: Carry at home

FACT: Cats are harder to rape than dogs...
How do you know this?
He has probably had occasion to restrain a cat that was not interested in being restrained (I will assume for non-rape purposes). Having grown up around both cats and dogs, I will concur with enbloc’s assessment.

Given the gun-to-my-head choice of the two options, I would absolutely choose to have a dog bite my dick off over having it exposed to an angry cat. 100%.
Yep. Always pick a Software Engineer...

They know how to tie a knot... [rofl2]
One thing I have come around to during this holocaugh, is a comfy shoulder holster. I have been working from home and some days I just stay in basketball shorts and a sweatshirt, so a leather shoulder holster for the lazy days is worth having.
Looks like the wife opened the door when they knocked?
Landscapers at the house across the street, making a ton of cover noise too. Criminals might have made out well if Dad was out...

During the Daytime: Stay on your toes when your neighborhood gets noisy with typically accepted sounds...
(like the way no one responds to a car alarm...)
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This is why even the screen/storm door is locked. It may not stop them but it makes their intentions loud and clear.

We have a Larson Security Storm door for the back porch (most likely point of entry). When my contractor put it in he said "WTF?! this is the heaviest storm door I have ever seen!"

Im sure they were very supportive of their daughter dating a thug, cause Political Correctiveness is more important than life.
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