September 24-25 Marlboro Gun & Knife Show

Lynne may be a YOUNG lady, but she's not THAT young. She's not that dumb to get caught in that situation at her age (over 35) anyways. Raising kids is a young person's game, like start before 30.
Nickle said:
Lynne may be a YOUNG lady, but she's not THAT young. She's not that dumb to get caught in that situation at her age (over 35) anyways. Raising kids is a young person's game, like start before 30.

She is NOT! (over 35, that is). She's 29!

How many years have you been 29 again, Lynne? [twisted]
Nickle said:
Lynne may be a YOUNG lady, but she's not THAT young. She's not that dumb to get caught in that situation at her age (over 35) anyways. Raising kids is a young person's game, like start before 30.

Bless you dear. I haven't seen 35 in quite a while. :D And as far as raising kids at my age? I'd rather vote for Kerry.
dwarven1 said:
Falstaff66 said:
Based on what I've read on this forum, the Gun Room in Shrewsbury will be avoided.

Oh, you can go there if you want. They do have a good selection of guns - lots of used stuff, and some odd-balls you don't see everywhere. I'd just be REAL careful if you decide to buy something there... like check out the price somewhere else, and have someone who knows guns look it over VERY CAREFULLY.

and if you're allergic to smoke, don't go there. Apparently, they assume that all their customers like cigarette and cigar smoke. :p

BTW, welcome to the madness!


I'll agree that he loves his cigars in there...and maybe it's me...and maybe because I'm a cowboy shooter, and so is he. But that guy was REALLY helpfull, and knew a lot. And maybe because I went in with a guy that was good friends with him.

But I would listen to everyone else...they haven't had good luck in there. So I'm guessing that it's just the who you know factor.
C-pher said:
And maybe because I went in with a guy that was good friends with him.

But I would listen to everyone else...they haven't had good luck in there. So I'm guessing that it's just the who you know factor.

Hell, C-pher, I've bought stuff there before... but I just can't stomach their manners any more. And I won't forget the shot-out Colt I bought there. Caveat emptor... and one thing I'll be wary of is shopping there again.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not discounting what you all say. Infact I'm of the belief that more people have a bad taste, then it must not taste good.

I'm just saying, that I think that the reason that I didn't have a bad experience is because I went with someone that really knew the guy. But then, again I was only looking at Cowboy Guns in that back room that he has...

Anyway, back OT. Are we just going to look for shirts? Or do you guys want to pick a place to meet? I think that about 5 of us from my club are going to carpool to save money on gas...
Can anybody let me know what the hours are for the show on saturday and sunday... I have tried to find out online but have had no luck.
Nickle said:
C-pher said:
Really? I'm always there when the doors open. Anyway, I have to go up to Maine after the show, so I have to be there early anyway.

Early is good. If there's any really good deals, they usually go early Saturday.

Then there is the bottom-feeder set that haggles and hassles dealers in the closing hour or two on Sunday.
Cross-X said:
Then there is the bottom-feeder set that haggles and hassles dealers in the closing hour or two on Sunday.

Oh, Darius... you shouldn't leave straight lines like that lying around! [twisted] You do know the difference between a catfish and a lawyer, right?
dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
Then there is the bottom-feeder set that haggles and hassles dealers in the closing hour or two on Sunday.

Oh, Darius... you shouldn't leave straight lines like that lying around! [twisted] You do know the difference between a catfish and a lawyer, right?

Umm, let me give this a stab! [wink]

The former tastes good and the latter has no taste?

Ross, am I close?
dwarven1 said:
Cross-X said:
Then there is the bottom-feeder set that haggles and hassles dealers in the closing hour or two on Sunday.

Oh, Darius... you shouldn't leave straight lines like that lying around! [twisted] You do know the difference between a catfish and a lawyer, right?

One is a scum sucking bottom feeder, the other is a fish.

Yeah, I hate that kind myself. When they get to us, tough, we don't haggle price. The common stuff is dirt cheap, the rare, hard to find stuff isn't cheap. Had a clown this year that wouldn't pay the price for odd ammo. Guess he doesn't plan on shooting the gun, nobody else does that caliber.
Nickle said:
One is a scum sucking bottom feeder, the other is a fish.
On the nosie!

Nickle said:
Had a clown this year that wouldn't pay the price for odd ammo. Guess he doesn't plan on shooting the gun, nobody else does that caliber.

What was it; 7.63 Mannlicher? [lol]

Cross-X said:
What is this Man-licker stuff used for, anyway?

Licking men?

Why, a Mannlicher Modell 1901, of course. A friend of mine (who's probably lurking as I type) has one that he got from his father. Nice looking gun. He's wavering on whether or not to have Nickle's dad run him up some ammo for it.

Fires a 7.63x21 rimless round with a 5.5 gram bullet at 305 meters per second, according to Handguns of the World.

'course, with a wimpy round like that, it'd be pretty tough to lick someone in a fight... [twisted]

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