Service List

I know I'm always thinking it but I definitely don't vocalize it enough: Thank you to anyone who was, is, or ever will serve. You do your nation proud, I am forever in your debt.
MOS:12B combat engineer
Time in service:have 3 almost 4 years in the guard now
Combat tour:9 months in Abu Ghraib and 4 months in Camp Cropper BCCF 181 101
Div.:42nd I.D. 26th I.D
To be honest, it's embarassing to be thanked for my service. I'm inactive reserve right now and will be a Navy dentist when I go on active once I get DMD'ed. Hardly a frontline combat duty sorta thing.
Thank you for your service. I understand where you guys are coming from,but those of us that served after Viet Nam and grew up with it, remember how our Vets were treated so we want to make sure you guys know that you are appreciated for what you do.[wink]
I should also add, hubby and I went in early 80's it was not cool to be in the military what so ever. Things changed right after the Beirut bombings. So yeah, I know you guys feel awkward about it, but we do not want to see any service member treated the way our Viet Nam vets were treated. It is why so many of us go out of our way to let you guys know that most americans do appreciate what you are doing for our country. So from one vet to another just appreciate it.[wink]
Yeah I know your answer Alan, you were just doing your job, which is what most of us would also say.[wink]
CmbtEngineer, I went in in 1972, and am still in (VT Army Guard). Yes, it gets hard getting used to people thanking you and smiling. You'll manage.

You can always just say your were just doing your job, and you do it for freedom and liberty.
'88 – '92
63b (mechanic)
Airborne / 82nd AVN BDE
Includes 10 months in the sand in '90 - '91

'92 – '95 Reserves
Bounced between reserve units sending out trucks to other bases while Ft Devens closed
USAF 1975-79 Andrews for 2 and Elmendorf for 2 more. At times I wish I had stayed up there, some of the best hunting and fishing in the world. VSO Town of Millville, Ma.
Marine Corps 1973-1980
5945 Air Search Radar Technician

This is me after arriving in Pohang, South Korea by ship (USS Racine) after the North Koreans killed some Army officers at the DMZ in 1976.

Thank you nh. [grin] And welcome to the forum.

Thanks Lynne, but I got a lot more from the Marine Corps than they got from me! [wink] All they got was a pretty good radar technician for 7 years.

I came away with a sense of accomplishment and pride, an unlimited appreciation for integrity and discipline, and a real understanding of what leadership in its finest form looks like.

I still correspond with friends that I served with over 30 years ago, and I have a guaranteed "in" with all former Marines, no matter where I find them.
Everyone thank you for your service.

My service: USN Seabees NMCB 62
73-77 Homeport-Gulfport, MS.
Deployments: Scotland, Phillipines & Diego Garcia
Thanks Lynne, but I got a lot more from the Marine Corps than they got from me! [wink] All they got was a pretty good radar technician for 7 years.

I came away with a sense of accomplishment and pride, an unlimited appreciation for integrity and discipline, and a real understanding of what leadership in its finest form looks like.

I still correspond with friends that I served with over 30 years ago, and I have a guaranteed "in" with all former Marines, no matter where I find them.

+1 Semper Fi
MAARNG 13R (Firefinder Radar Operator)
OSUT Ft. Sill: 7/94 - 11/94
Fort Livingroom: 94-97
Frmr. Republic of Yugoslavia: 97-98 (SFOR, Operation Joint Guard)
Fort Livingroom: 98-00
IRR 00-02 (declined the offer of an all expenses paid vacation to afghanistan, fiancee said she'd cut my foot off if i volunteered to go)

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USMC 1987-2007

0311, 0369, 0306

Marine Detachment Unitas
Marine Barracks Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport, California
2nd Special Operations Training Group
3/6 (again)

Somalia 1993 (jasonj84 and I were in the same squad)
Afghanistan 2001 (FOB Rhino / Kandahar)
Iraq 2005 (Al Qaim)

Retired: 31 July 2007
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