Army Veteran
Jan 89 Basic Fort Dix
3/89 9/89 Ft Euistis AIT
Class 44-89 Jump School Fort Benning
Class 01-90 R.I.P Ranger School
90 - 1/82 AVN Fort Brag
90 Operation Just Cause
91 Desert Shield / Desert Storm
92 6/6 Air Cav Fort Hood Texas
93 Somalia 1st Ranger BN
MOS's held
94 Fort Home till June 2006
2006 National Guard
I have seen my share, Back to Iraq Jan 09
Welcome! Boy do I feel old, I've been out for a while, and am curious as to when they changed the SQI for Ranger Parachutist from a "V" to "PR"
I thought it was 3rd Ranger Battalion that deployed to Somalia (under LTC McKnight)
Have they also changed the spelling of Airborne to Airborn?