Service List

New guy checking in.

USAF 1977-1981. SAC FB-111A crew chief
MA Air Guard 1981 - present. F-106A/B, F-15 A/B/C/D crew chief 'til the BRAC hammer falls.....

God Bless all our troops currently in harms way.
I can only speak for myself, but I always get a little embarrassed when people say "thanks for your service". It's not that I don't appreciate it, but jeez, it's not something that millions of others haven't done too. It was a choice I made to join, a choice I made to stay, and it's something I believe in.

So thanks for the "thanks", but it still makes me squirm a little.....

Enjoy the weekend!

I can only speak for myself, but I always get a little embarrassed when people say "thanks for your service". It's not that I don't appreciate it, but jeez, it's not something that millions of others haven't done too. It was a choice I made to join, a choice I made to stay, and it's something I believe in.

So thanks for the "thanks", but it still makes me squirm a little.....

Enjoy the weekend!


I understand, I feel the same since I served during the cold war. Son has a hard time with it also and he went to Iraq. He's young,but like most of us will tell you he was just doing his job.[wink]
2LT Chong
U.S.Army National Guard
Executive Officer
Devens, MA

You have no idea what phenominal people I serve with. God bless them and allow us to lay waste to our enemies.
Hello all!

24 Oct 89 to right now - 104th FW, MA ANG

Avionics tech, QA inspector, Avionics shop super.

13 years of that full time.

Now, I'm just not looking forward to replacing our A-10's with @#$^&@! F-15's. Not that they asked me........


Believe me, I wish we were keeping them. Thanks to BRAC we'll all be soon ex-technicians.
Believe me, I wish we were keeping them. Thanks to BRAC we'll all be soon ex-technicians.

Not the safe, predictable career it used to be. I switched to DCMA for a full time gig, and now I'm in MOC instead of avionics as a traditional. I didn't have a lot of interest in learning a new airframe.

Any chance you would come out to the 104th? We could use a lot of F-15 experience.....
I would if some one would buy my house here. And if there was save pay or you guys got our pay rate. I would love to stay working on the F-15, but I can't afford to move out to Western Ma. It doesn't leave much options for us.
My crystal ball is predicting a sudden drop in real estate prices in the immediate area of Barnes ANGB about 6 months after the F-15s start flying. Maybe that will help? [laugh]

I hope you can figure a way to follow your jets - we can certainly use F-15 guys!
Now, we have two F-15's parked inour hanger with 104th markings on them. A real morale booster. The fact is, we as crew chiefs at Otis have had the feeling that we are not wanted and that the guys at Barnes can handle it. (a quote from our asst. AG). So there isn't alot of incentive to even look at jobs out there. Unless you have worked F-15's, youre in for a world of hurt. It is the most complicated aircraft that I have ever worked. Good luck to the guys who have to do a JFS start manifold out in the weather because there isn't enough hanger space.
Welcome Sarge and thanks for your service.

Ouch!! Hope you are all cured now.

Hope you enjoy it here.
I don't think I ever posted in this thread-if I did, pardon the redundancy.

US Army and Reserve, 1982-1990-

Fort Benning 1982 A-3-1 Basic (split option, this was the summer between Junior and Senior years of high school)
Fort Benning 1983 D-7-1 AIT
A/3/417th 4th Bde (Inf OSUT) 76th Div (Tng) Infantry- Drill Sergeant, Division Rifle Team for a while
B/2/327th Inf 1st Bde 101st Abn Div (AASLT)- M-60 machingunner
A/2/503rd Inf 2nd Bde 2nd Infantry Div, Korea- M-60 gunner, in the DMZ I was a DM and walked point on patrol
Recon/3/187th Inf, 3rd Bde 101st Abn Div (AASLT)- Infantry Scout Squad Leader

I attended a lot of schools, the coolest were- Korea- I attended and completed the 9th ROK Infantry Divisions Ranger School and in Recon 3/187th I completed the Scout Platoon course at JOTC in Panama .
United States Air Force
22 Dec 76 - 19 May 89

Aircraft Maintenance Technician [grin]

Laughlin AFB, TX
MacDill AFB, FL
Ramstein AB, Germany
Zaragoza AB, Spain
Decimomanu AB, Sardinia
Jan 89 Basic Fort Dix
3/89 9/89 Ft Euistis AIT
Class 44-89 Jump School Fort Benning
Class 01-90 R.I.P Ranger School
90 - 1/82 AVN Fort Brag
90 Operation Just Cause
91 Desert Shield / Desert Storm
92 6/6 Air Cav Fort Hood Texas
93 Somalia 1st Ranger BN
MOS's held
94 Fort Home till June 2006
2006 National Guard
I have seen my share, Back to Iraq Jan 09
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