Service List

Jan 03-Mar 03 Basic Training Delta Battery 1/19 FA Ft. Sill, OK

Mar 03-May 03 AIT: Unit Supply Specialist(92Y) Ft. Lee, VA

May 03-May 06 HHD, 325th MI BN East Windsor, CT

May 06- Present HHD, 382nd MP BN Ft. Devens, MA
(Deployed in support of OIF IIII Sep 06- Sep 07)

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US Navy
Boatswains Mate 3rd class
USS Yorktown CG-48
Counter Drug Operations - Southern Command

And might I add as to how proud I am of my shipmates rescuing the captive Captain of the merchant ship Alabama. GO NAVY!

Basic Training - Orlando, FL
Machinist Mate School - Great Lakes, IL
USS L. Y. Spear - AS-36 - Norfolk, VA
USS King - DDG-41 - Norfolk, VA
Gas Turbine School - Great Lakes, IL
USS Connolly - DD-979 - Norfolk, VA
USS Spruance - DD-963 - Norfolk, VA
Retired Military

Hello to all.

I served in the following services/times:

USMC 1977-1981 (0811/0812, Field Artillery)

MT USARNG 1983-1985 (Armorer/Supply, Armored Cavalry Squadron)

USCG 1985-2006 (Gunner's Mate)

Lots of adventures. Lots of memories and friends.
U.S. Navy 1978-1982 Active Duty
U.S. Naval Reserve 1982-1993
Radioman First Class E-6

I was stationed on the USS Manley DD-940. Our home port was Mayport, FL. Spent 13 months in East Boston at the shipyards (Bethlehem Steel) on Marginal Street. From Boston we changed home port to Newport, RI. We did 2 Med cruises, a North Atlantic, 2 Central American cruises.
I was an MP in the Army Reserve from 92 to 2007. I went to Iraq with the 3rd ACR and the 82nd from Apr 03 to Aug 04. I attended MP Investigations, Physical Security and Total Army Instructor. I now am an E6 with ChetD in the MA Army National Guard
US Army 1969-71 Active Duty

0692 Transportation Staff Officer
Basic at Ft Eustis, Virginia

HQ EA MTMTS with TDY to 1st Cav

Short tour in Nam (RIF, Thank you Mr President)

71-75 Army Reserve
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All active

91-94 - 1/3 H&S Motor T, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii - 2 UDP's to Okinawa on Camp Hansen
94-95 - MCSF Souda Bay, Crete, Greece - Corporal & Sergeant of the Guard
95-97 - MCSFBN Dam Neck Rifle Range, Virginia Beach, Virginia - Instructor for DM School, PMI School, and a member of the BN Rifle and Pistol Shooting Team
97-99 - MCSFBN Training Company, Chesapeake, Virginia - Close Quarters Battle Instructor

Semper Fi Marines
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