Service List

Corporal; Infantry, CRRC Coxswain, Security Forces
United States Marine Corps 2004 - 2008
III MEF Special Operations Training Group, Amphibious Raids

If it's in Asia, I've probably been there. :D

I live in the Boston area now. Full time Premed student now.
PVT (twice) PFC (twice) LCPL (once) CPL (for a day) USMC 90-94 2nd mar div hq comm , PLRS systems, 2nd FSSG, 2531 battery powered grunt. cold weather training in norway & WI, DD92 turkey, cacs 29 palms, etc. Thanks to all others who served.
United Sates Marine Corps 1999-2003
Corporal; Infantry
1999-2002 1st FAST Co 2nd Plt
2002-2003 2/1 Wpns Co 81's
OIF 1 Disabled veteran
Current DoD Civ Employee
American Legion
Disabled Veterans of America

I was that which others cared not to be.
I went where others feared to go
and did what others failed to do.
I asked nothing from those who gave nothing.
I have hoped, pained, cried.
At the very least, in later days,
I will be able to say with great pride,
That I was indeed, a Marine.
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PVT (twice) PFC (twice) LCPL (once) CPL (for a day) USMC 90-94 2nd mar div hq comm , PLRS systems, 2nd FSSG, 2531 battery powered grunt. cold weather training in norway & WI, DD92 turkey, cacs 29 palms, etc. Thanks to all others who served.

That explains alot, John... [rofl]
Uncle Sam's Canoe Club

USN 1965-1977, Chief Firecontrol Technician-Missle (FTMC)
USS Towers DDG-9, USS Buchanan DDG-14, USS John S. McCain DDG-36
- Yankee Station, Sea Dragon, Operation Daring Endeavor, Freedom Train, Linebacker, etc.. Hopefully we provided some support to the guys ashore as well as picking a few downed flyers out of the drink. Peace time got ugly so I and many others departed when the chicken shit piled up too high. Glad I joined, glad I left. Even more glad to see our troops getting some respect nowadays. Just hope the nation doesn't forget all the wounded vets again once the media moves on to a more current story. Please support the DAV.
Hi all,
New here.

399th CSH out of Devens
2004-2006: 68G Patient Admin
2006-Present: Assistant S-1
Still (BOLCII) then Sam (BOLC III) next year, then who know where.
In a medical unit, so not as much trigger time as other units.
Navy 1989-2009
VA-122 (Lemoore, CA)
VQ-1 (twice, both Guam and Whidbey Is., WA)
VAQ-137 (Whidbey Is., WA)
Recruiting in Montana
SERE Brunswick (and returning as a civilian instructor)
VQ-3 (Tinker, OK)
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