Service List

yes i did serve with alan loud I was his team leader! small world

Yes it is. I give you my condolences though since I know Alan gave you a run for your money.[wink][laugh] If you deploy again let me know. I can keep you and your guys in phone cards. Also make sure you get care packages.[laugh] I have elves who help me out.
Well, as of this past Saturday, I can officially add "Feb, 2010-Present...25U, MAARNG" to my NES "service record". Just got MOSQed as a commo guy.
US Army 1996-2008 Signals Intelligence Analyst
1996-98 Training
1998-2001 Schofield Barracks HI
2002-2003 Fort Hood TX (and Bagram AF)
2003-2005 Fort Huachuca AZ
2005-2008 Schofield Barracks HI
Ended as a SSG

Now I work for the Army as fat, happy civilian. :D
Retired Chief Petty Officer United States Navy. 21 years

3 Med/RedSea/Arabian Gulf Deployments

1 WESTPAC Deployment

2 North Atlantic Deployments (in the frikin' winter...)

Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) Team Leader
.45/12G/M16/M79/.50cal qualified

Funny part was I was a Sonarman...not many submarines in the Gulf...that ACTUALLY get underway... :)
FNG Checking In

To all the current and former members of the services, I add my thanks to those expressed here and everywhere else.

USN 1982 - 1992, DS1 at end of service
Boot Camp, RTC, Great Lakes, IL
BE&E, NTC, Great Lakes, IL
ET 'A', NTC, Great Lakes, IL
NNPS, NTC Orlando, FL
D1G Prototype, Ballston Spa, NY
ET 'A', NTC, Great Lakes, IL
KWR-37, Mare Island, CA
KW-7, Fort Gordon, GA
USS Jack Williams (FFG-24), Mayport, FL (Gulf Of Sidra, '86)
FACSFAC, NAS Jacksonville, FL
DS 'A', Mare Island, CA (SCORE)
DS 'C', Dam Neck, VA
USS America (CV-66), Norfolk, VA (Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm '90/'91)

"I can imagine a no more rewarding career. And any man who may be asked in
this century what he did to make his life worth while, I think can respond with a
good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.'"
President John F. Kennedy 8/1/63
Hey there 8451.I just discovered this location.I joined the in 1968.Just in tine for Nam post TET.They cut boot camp at PI from 16 weeks to 12 weeks on during the train ride dawn from Boston and after we arrived they cut it again from 12 to 8 weeks.Sounds good on the surface but we were informed that they cut boot camp time to fill the Marine Corps. Voids in Nam due to the TET Offensive.Not Good but I digress.Because of your MOS I thought that I'd mention that Gunny Hathcock was a freind of mine.In fact he and his wife Joe(Josephine) styed up here for a few days to attend the Marine Corps. birthday celebration hosted by the Marine Corp. Old Guard in 1991.Never knew that he so famous.He was really quite a regular guy.
Semper Fi.
Hello devilbones,
I was at Camp Hanson in 1970 after they pulled the Third Marine Division out of Nam.They sent the entire division there by boat.The Navy converted a aircraft carrier to a troop carrier.Is Kin Village still there?
Semper Fi .
This looks like the perfect spot for my first post. USMC, Vietnam, WIA 10/04/68, First MAR DIV, 3RD Battalion 7th Marines, India Company. Our CO was Col. Charles Robb and he is LBJ's Son-in-law.


1996 - 2004 = Active Duty Air Force (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)

2004 - Present = Air Force Reserve (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)
1975-1981 USN

Stationed at NAS Miramar in San Diego

VAW-116 (E2-B Squadron) as an Avionics Tech and Flight Crew

Sea duty aboard USS Forrestal and USS Nimitz, both Med cruises
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